Hierarchical Descriptions Existing and Discussed in Homogeneous Biology - are the Qualitative, Semantic, Homogeneous One Scale, and Incapable for Physical and Mathematical Scaleable Modeling

It should be mentioned and analyzed in this section the field in the Theoretical Biology that is attempting to introduce the classification (structural method) in the world of scaled, complex live organisms as the Hierarchical world, manifold.

From time to time during the last few decades the viewpoints of biologists and physicists are being diverted to some (few) developments that can be characterized as the attempts to choose or set-up the structural features in a way that may be recognized as a hierarchical composition of elements in selected (given) science - mostly in biology.

Because all these constructs involve the mechanism, language and method only of verbal, semantic classification without any meaningful suggesting of mathematical theory, mathematical system, or/and mathematical equation (set of equations) I won't be so determined to analyze and bring up some detail of such "hierarchical" methods.

Simply because the said "hierarchical" methods have been the constructs that are purely qualitative - that means no good mathematics, which means in turn, at least, suggesting the proper derivation of governing modeling equations (GE). Nevertheless, there are workers in biology, theoretical biology that use the mathematical language which in reality is copying (mimicking) the unsuccessful algorithms from physics to "couple" some phenomena at different scales by the very simple logistic connection of the different scale physical and mathematical models as, for example, in - http://db.cwi.nl/projecten/thema.php4?themanr=35

Biologists need to figure out for themselves the problem they are dealing with - remember, in physics these pseudo-scaling methods never worked properly, but only techniques of the HSP-VAT which is the terra-incognita so far for biologists. Conventional tools as, for example, the MD is the adjusting line of attack, having more questions than answers itself.

Physicists know on these drawbacks and that is why, probably, as on a continuous base in physics the search and discussion is going on for decades (Ellis, 2005).

See more on this in the Nanotechnologies section of our website - Nanotechnologies

and in the - Announcements among others.

That means - no significant points to talk about. Still, the tendency obviously exists and we would like to mention some of that kind works in this section of the website as soon as these attempts when done without proper mathematical ground are just a loss of time and resources mainly. Almost nothing could be verified and used in the scientific and/or practical mode in this case - because each faction, group, author can claim and claims already (as Bejan (2005,2000), for example) the universality of method, modeling, etc., and they do not bother themselves with the consecutive proving arguments. Meanwhile, those arguments should be of the mathematical nature first of all, again - otherwise everybody just sings his/her own song (there are the qualitative, something as to like or dislike criteria to compare and select something worthwhile to consider as a scaling tool in biology) and spends the money as at will.

1) Biologists when talking on scaling and Hierarchy in biological systems -- they think even Only Qualitatively, Semantically.

They even don't think and don't believe that all their thoughts should and could be given a proper (if possible, while many things are unrealistic wishes, or just blurbs) mathematical depiction.

That is, the biological thinking is so distant from the real Mathematical Hierarchy and Scaling those can only find the presentations for the biological objects, systems that it is astonishing.

In biology as for that kind of arguments I would like to mention, for example, few works at the beginning starting with the one by West and Brown (2004), where they wrote in page 36:

"Most would regard it as unlikely that scientists will ever discover "Newton's laws of biology" that could lead to precise calculations of detailed biological phenomena. Indeed, one could convincingly argue that the extraordinary complexity of most biological systems precludes such a possibility."

Thus, probably this is one of the reasons why it is widely excepted in biology the mode to use the simple scaling allometric "law" to explain and "study" about almost everything as related to scales and the use of scale in observations.

We would note on that - the pretty simple allometric laws in biology, as like in Fluid Mechanics the Darcy law. There were more than 100 years of improvements over that law in Fluid Mechanics before finally discarding one from the scientific studies as of low quality, obsolete. This might help somebody in biology to see the perspective of well, more than future 100 years of the same almost useless discussions, studies in biology over this kind of "laws" if not change the paradigm itself.

Going further we can find that Jagers op Akkerhuis (2008) in his newest hierarchy in biology study in page 1 writes the aim for the work as: "A structured approach is discussed for analyzing hierarchy in the organization of biological and physical systems.

The need for a structured approach follows from the observation that many hierarchies in the literature apply conflicting hierarchy rules and include ill-defined systems."

We see - that an interest is on the structure only, concepts. The mathematics, modeling and simulation are among unrealistic dreams.

How it was done precisely in that work?

There is the program of 4 steps explained in the paper that would examine the hierarchical concepts for biology:

"The above four steps can be summarized as follows:

(1) The developmental stage of the universe is determined using the highest complexity system that is present.

(2) A system is selected based on interacting elements that determine the type and scale of the system.

(3) Mediating influences on the system are taken into account.

(4) It is investigated how the selected system is composed of elements."

Further author develops his own classification of scale events, scale bio-objects, and semantic scale interconnection between all of them.

We have noticed many gaps in between and over the scale related semantic schemes and table in the Fig. 1.

There are also no suggestions on how to know what is good and what is wrong? Without a model and model-experiment theories?

How is to create the working simulation continuous (or particular) model for any scale explained and scale connected biological objects, system? For example, how to jump (should be connected directly and explained mathematically for each scale) from the atomic scale suggested in the schematic to the cell's model straight and strict? How to commute Top-down and Bottom-up between the cell modeling and one or few of the Upper scales? Etc., etc.

We have much more to say not only regarding this work, but on the trends in Hierarchical biology, heterogeneous biology (our terms), etc.

Well, finally we see that after searching the biological literature one can find and at last realizes that what biologists develop and present in a written form are not the scaling and hierarchical methods in a mathematical sense. These schematics are of the preliminary logistics verified content. We are not talking here to discuss at that level. We are presenting and will be disclosing some of the strict mathematical theories to model and simulate the multiscale biological (and human) objects.

Also, that it is important as it is on the table and arguing on that is going on for many years - all those constructs are of the One Scale mathematically (no matter what authors of those works tell us) Homogeneous physics and chemistry base.

We've put in the substantial scrutiny for the one certain approach, named as a Coarse-Graining technique (that is not the true scaling method), along with a number of other techniques, coming to structural, cellular biology from conventional one-scale Statistical Mechanics, Physical Chemistry; which we explain in -

  • "How not to Scale-Down...or -Up.. .. Analysis of Current Studies on Scaled, Collective Phenomena in Biology Fields Presented as the One-Scale Concepts "

    That is why, the all those schemes and concepts regarding the Hierarchical (anyway homogeneous in modeling objects so far) portrayal of biological systems are to be revised with the intend to introduce, create specific and use more of existing mathematical tools of the HSP-VAT, and develop the explicit biological Hierarchical physics and mathematical concepts, methods, and truly hierarchical or/and scaling simulation numerical models for biological objects, media, systems.


    Bejan, A., Morega, A., West, G.B., and Brown, J.H., "Constructing a Theory for Scaling and More," Physics Today, Vol. 58, Iss. 7, pp. 20-21, (2005).

    Bejan, A., Shape and Structure: From Engineering to Nature, Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge, (2000), and references therein.

    Ellis, George F. R., "Physics and the Real World," Physics Today, Vol. 58, Iss. 7, pp. 49-54, (2005).

    Jagers op Akkerhuis, Gerard A. J. M., "Analyzing Hierarchy in the Organization of Biological and Physical Systems," Biol. Rev., Vol. 83, pp. 1-12, (2008).

    West, Geoffrey B. and Brown, James H., "Life's Universal Scaling Laws," Physics Today, Vol. 57, Issue 9, pp. 36-42, (2004).

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