The Annals of Exploratory Science
Vladi S. Travkin,
Natalya N. Bolotina
Hierarchical Scaled Physics and Technologies (HSPT), Rheinbach, Germany,
Denver, CO, USA
University of Applied Sciences, Rheinbach, Germany
up to Monday, 10-Mar-2025 17:07:31 GMT
It is well known fact that biology as a scientific discipline still can not be considered as a fully specialized and self-sustained discipline. Most of the problems concerned are of quantitative character - quantitative methods in biology are hardly to be called as a quantitative themselves due to the lack of really quantitative methods applicable to the extremely complex matters, media, phenomena known in biology.
We need to remind to readers that so far the whole discipline of biology, in terms of theory, theoretical physical (biochemistry is just the more convenient branch of biophysics with its own language) constructions is completely relies on the traditional organized physics and mathematics system of approval.
And this is a great restriction - that means that no one concept or physical, mathematical model can go through the filter system belonging to the conventional organized science permissive mechanism if something of this kind is not permitted in physics itself.
While this means that no real physical effect, phenomenon should be approved by Conventional Orthodox Homogeneous Physics (COHP) organism if the kind of threat they feel for their personal or corporate science is felt well. The reason for this statement came actually many many years ago, decades ago when scientists had found inconsistencies and faults in COH physics itself. That means, the COHP itself is in deep trouble in spite of this military, mafia style approval or disproval of any move, theory of phenomenon in biology. Many things and theories in COHP are INCORRRECT, but sure allowed to exist.
The only free way of creativity biologists have when they imagine some biological mechanism in action and do not involve any serious physics or mathematics in its function. Mostly they allowed to be experimentalists with limited theoretical abilities. That is the only way biologists can be innovative at present.
We present here in this piece of 3P (Polyphase-Polyscale-Polyphysics) biophysics the physics of HSP-VAT that corrects COHP itself, that is in action for more than 45 years, and that throughout these >45 years no one of COHP professionals was dare to have a successful attack on it. They just are being silent on it.
So, biologists - don't fear of this HS physics because the COHP fears itself of the HSP-VAT developments in various physical disciplines.
It is pretty important to underline here that this kind of biophysics modeling for ANY Biological process, phenomena, at any scale and conjugated in the 3P is not possible to do with methods, theories of COHP and COH biology. It is very promising, and at the same time we must stress out - that this kind of Bottom-Up and Top-Down physical theory, modeling along with the formulation of HSP-VAT governing equations is the challenge not less than the kind of Manhattan project. Some biologists comprehend the scope of the task.
The abstract of this introduction into Heterogeneous Hierarchical Polyscale Biology, Biophysics is reflecting to some degree to openly expressed thoughts of pure biologists.
Biologists practitioners, practicing the conventional physics and mathematics and feeling that those are not good for them. Not good for needs of biology.
"The present paper has partly originated after summarizing the few inquires that some review paper was devoted to (Russel et al., 2009). The issues discussed in the review are evidencing that the current state of the art in biology theory, modeling of the cellular related processes is of the outdated base. At the beginning we formulate principles and concepts that help to establish the fundamental theories, techniques of Heterogeneous Polyphase Polyscale (HPP) idea of biological media, tissue, etc. Among functions "in vivo" in a cell we recognize the transport of momentum, energy, mass, electrodynamics in cell media, force resistance (elasticity), wave mechanics presence, exchange at the boundaries, interphase and interface transport exchange. All these physical phenomena are acting in the heterogeneous (polyphase, polyscale) medium of a cell. Up to now, in conventional, one-scale homogeneous concepts in biology and physics all those fields and processes have been treated and modeled by the known for ~(100-150) years models developed in physics for media being homogeneous ones. But biological media and a cell itself are heterogeneous and polyscale matter.
Addressing this issue with correctly developed physical and mathematical concepts and formulation gives a chance for starting the modeling and simulation of polyscale heterogeneous biological functions in a cell not via use of adjusting coefficients, but with the polyscale sets of correct modeling Heterogeneous governing equations. It is well accepted idea that experimental methods alone in biology disciplines are not sufficient to discover or explain or forecast the complexity and interaction of many processes. We outline as well on this path the peculiarities of derivation of governing equations for biological floating and soft solid media. Those media while consisting of a few more scales to reasonably consider as components of the bulk soft elastic and/or viscoelastic body, have natural components that dictate the physics of the Upper scale(s). It is only now the scaled, at least for two-three scales, biophysical and biochemical phenomena can be described, modeled and possibly simulated as they exist in nature - polyscaled, with their pertinent morphologies and peculiarities of physics at each scale and between the scales. All these tasks until recent time have been treated with the help of adjusting parameters, each scale and interscale coefficients and conjectures."
This article is:
Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "The Tool Biologists Have Been Craving For Does Exist. The Issue Is Who Can Use It?,"
"The Tool Biologists Have Been Craving For Does Exist. The Issue Is Who Can Use It?"(938K)
We need to make a post-publishing correction to this article and present the correct image of water molecules that are depicted in the figures in the article, for example, as
Figure: These are the real structures of molecules of water (along with myoglobin) in a REV. (Shown not on scale).
These structured molecules of water were conceived after the paper was prepared (~2008-2009).
1. Travkin, V.S., "Concepts: HSP-VAT Conceptual Vision and Methods in Application to Continuum Mechanics,"
2. Travkin, V.S., "Concepts: HSP-VAT Conceptual Vision and Methods Applied to Biology,"
3. Travkin, V.S., "What is in use in Continuum Mechanics of Heterogeneous Media as of Through ~1950 - 2005?" -
4. Travkin, V.S., "Who Are in the Continuum Mechanics Continuing to Dwell in an Ivory Tower? Who Tries to Re-Invent the Wheel? What Are the Damage and Financial Loss?,"
5. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "How not to Scale-Down...or -Up.. ..Analysis of Current Studies on Scaled, Collective Phenomena in Biology Fields Presented as the One-Scale Concepts,"
6. Russel, D., Lasker, K., Phillips, J., Schneidman-Duhovny, D., Velazquez-Muriel, J.A., and Sali, A., "The Structural Dynamics of Macromolecular Processes," Curr. Opin. Cell. Biol., Vol. 21, pp. 97-108, (2009)
7. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "Quantum Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, DFT (Density Functional Theory), and Coarse-Graining Techniques Applied in Structural, Cellular Biology, Polymer Science and Implication for Scaleportation," Journal of Alternative Energy and Ecology, No. 2, pp. 58-75, (2011a)
8. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "Principles, Biological and Mathematical Modeling For Elasticity, Poroelasticity of Soft Biomedia, Polymers with Fluids Mechanics in the Bioporous Two-scale Media,"
9. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "Pseudo-Scaled and Scaled Description and Scaleportation of Inorganic and Organic Polymer and Polymer Composites Properties," Journal of Alternative Energy and Ecology, No. 1, pp. 62-77, (2011b)
10. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "The Tool Biologists Have Been Craving For Does Exist. The Issue Is Who Can Use It?,"
"The Tool Biologists Have Been Craving For Does Exist. The Issue Is Who Can Use It?"(938K)
11. Travkin, V.S., "What is the Particle Physics Now?"
Any information displayed here is the proprietary information in the area of "The Tool Biologists Have Been Craving For Does Exist. The Issue Is Who Can Use It?"
Monday, 10-Mar-2025 17:07:31 GMT
This is also the well known group of problems - still can not be resolved within the Homogeneous One-Scale Continuum Mechanics, General Physics, and Biology theories.