The Annals of Frontier and Exploratory Science
Vladi S. Travkin,
Hierarchical Scaled Physics and Technologies (HSPT), Rheinbach, Germany, Denver, CO, USA
Any information displayed here is the propriatary information in the area of "Top-Down and Bottom-Up Hierarchical Processes in the E-Cat Nuclear Reactor. Physics 2."
The number of things, the warnings should be said before even starting to explain - what is going on in the Cold Fusion (the name that was created while fully coordinated in the deep bosom of Conventional One-scale Orthodox Homogeneous Physics (COHP), but now under the attempt to chitchat this name, the real issue of CF because it was happened to be reality ) reactor's chamber, for example, of A.Rossi type?
Among these important things that workers don't discuss because of ignorence or obvious silent reasons, are:
0) First of all, is that workers that get their living by sticking to COHP must realize and follow the path - because COHP in principle denies the COP > 1, while the CF is the COP > 1 (without the aether, that COHP denies also). Then anyone should ask - What are doing the researchers with COHP papers in the CF arena after all events of 1989-90s about "junk" science of CF?
Unbelievable shameless desire to be on the bandwagon, not left behind, no matter what.
1) What are the chemical elements involved? Do we know their physics, of Ni, H, Pd, for example? Really with these nuclei?
2) Do we really know that the sub-atomic particles are the point-mass-charge-spin objects as in COHP they assigned to? Cannot pronounce the name of these objects "particles," because the point has no physical meaning as particles have, but mathematical coordinates only [29-33].
3) Do we really know that nuclei of these chemical elements are just the "fluid" like ball masses? Really know, you mean for sure ?
4) Do really electrons are circling around of these "nuclei"? Are we just continue to be so stupid that believe that electrons somehow circling around of nuclei and at the same time:
a) create magnetic moments of themselves and of atoms, and molecules?
b) keep bonding with the neighborhood's atoms, molecules?
c) How they can do this? Can anybody explain with a real dynamics, no mysteries? Starting as - let's say this electron is circling around of this nucleus and at the same time keeping its spin say "Up", so - .....
Oh, it's dissappeared on the other side of this atom - so it can be of any quality ?
5) There is no one correct theory, mechanisms in COHP for connection, communication, scaleportation of physics and phenomena in CF from a one separate scale to the another scale physics Bottom-Up or Top-Down. Homogeneous Molecular Dynamics is inappropriate and even incorrect for this goal because incorrect are physics and mathematics of dynamics equations and mathematics is the Homogeneous mathematics - while there are Heterogeneous media everywhere in the CF reactors.
6) What is the action of EM "fields" when impacting the powder of Ni
(for example) and of Heterogeneous volume mix of powder
Ni and
By the way - what is the Electromagnetic Field (EM)? Is this the solution
of Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz (MHL) set of equations? Any good
corresponding experimental verifications do we know? We know otherwise
about very approximate assessments. And for what media? Homogeneous
media do not exist in CF reactors, but for Heterogeneous media COHP
has no apprehension of the problem, not saying on the solution process.
Do we know the single solution of these MHL equations for Heterogeneous
media of
Ni powder and
We don't, do you? So, how the EM "fields"
impacting the powder of Ni and
in it? What for experimenters do this?
7) What is the chain of elements transformation and why? Not of just separate one type of kind of transformation with supposedly known energy balance?
8) Who said that the physical and mathematical models that workers in COHP have been trying to create now for 2-4 years after 2011 for the CF process' are good or even slightly correct? The great problem (among others) in this area of physics is inadequate, obsolete physical and mathematical deduction (and this brings in the wrong Homogeneous models) for Heterogeneous media CF processes for either at atomic-sub-atomic and/or nano/micro scales of media of the Ni powder filled with the gaseous components of H and its compounds plus the catalyst(s) as Li (not the only possible). And these are the incredible wrongdoings. Its like the water steam Watt engine being explained with physics of the before Newton time.
9) Well - it is not surprising that many editors of COHP journals even don't know and don't understand what is being written in papers, manuscripts based on the 2nd physics foundation and advancements. This is above and beyond their apprehension because the lack of proper 2nd physics education in the universities. In spite that the 2nd physics started in the 1930s with the studies of N.A.Kozyrev [19K-102K].
10) The components of the CF any good theoretical communication should be recognized as with:
10.1) Understanding that the change of elements in a volume is happening because the nuclei structures are somehow being re-arranged and broken (split); and this needs to be explained not with just wordings, semantics, etc., but with more complicated than the arithmetical equations of COHNP (Conventional One-scale Homogeneous Nuclear Physics (COHNP)) theoretical constructions.
10.2) Understanding that there are the Heterogeneous physical processes involved at any scale in the CF chamber that COH physics cannot work with correctly anyway. And they should be addressed.
10.3) These polyscale polyphysical phenomena should be explained at any scale in terms of combined polyscale processes, but not via separately withdrawn actions.
10.4) One, who is writing about the CF processes needs to have a clear picture, or say structure models for all elements of transmutations that are taken place in the reactor. At least, of majority of experimentally detected products of CF processes - Ni, H, Fe, Cu, etc. Otherwise, it is just guessing about transmutations like splitting of the one "liquid" ball nucleus into a few fragments - just conjectural suggestions without a structural models before and after of CF.
10.5) The intermedium between particles should be recognized as the medium with its full transport properties including the GE (Governing Equations), not as just the imagination of quantum vacuum.
10.6) The aether is the best intermedium - and this is known for millenia, but prohibited in COHP for near 100 years due to special vested interests. So, all these games with the "entanglement" are the experiments on collective interaction via the aether, and are known phenomena for at least near 75 years in spinning ("torsion") physics.
11) So, the "king" of COHNP in these CF phenomena is also nude.
12) The HSP dynamic equations for particles and atoms, and molecules, and nano- and meso-particles in a chamber with CF processes have a distant only relationship to the COHP dynamics governing equations. What a childish model that COHP can present for CF.
13) The physical and mathematical models for processes in the CF reactor's chamber at meso- and continuum scales are of not less complexity and of physical questions quality then the sub-atomic, molecular, and nano- scales models, that need to be resolved. Fortunately, for these areas in the last ~30 years had been worked out the much larger number of efforts and studies [1-28] and references thereof. Many tasks need to be covered with studies and in an effort for converging some reasonable amount of scales at the sub-atomic, molecular, mesoscales, and continuum scales physical and mathematical description of CF processes directed from the Bottom-Up and off the Top-Down communication. It's obvious that almost all efforts are performed either in COHP and/or HSP 2nd physics in each and separate study, projects on a one separate main scale COHP or 2 and more scales in HS physics and that's the situation thus far in the field [29-50].
14) All of the above are preliminary warning points about what to expect of CF prime "time" initial trustworthy and reasonable theory and method. Including and Heterogeneous mathematics and all other unknown to editors of COHP journals theories and governing equations. The following in -
Travkin, V.S.,"Top-Down and Bottom-Up Hierarchical Processes in the E-Cat Nuclear Reactor. Physics 2,", (2014)
is the manuscript (large article) open now for the public that is done in 2012-13 with the intent to embrace in short discourse the issues mentioned above in this Preface to the text "Top-Down and Bottom-Up Hierarchical Processes in the E-Cat Nuclear Reactor. Physics 2."
Vladi S. Travkin,
Hierarchical Scaled Physics and Technologies (HSPT), Rheinbach, Germany, Denver, CO, USA
The base for explanation of physics for the E-Cat (A.Rossi) Cold Fusion (CF) reactor processes is formed of the elements of Polyscale Hierarchical physics that is being in the development itself for already rather a long time - for more than 45 years. We won't argue or pursue the fundamentals of Hierarchical Scaled Physics-Volume Averaging Theory (HSP-VAT is the transitory title) in this material mostly because it is not a new physics. It is part of the 2nd physics and known since 1967 for ~50 years.
The problem is that most of conventional physicists cannot learn, understand and embrace the HSP-VAT. Mostly because it demands the new physics for Heterogeneous matter and we know that most of the physical world around of us is Heterogeneous. The scale accepted and the convenience of the theory and simulation are the factors of Conventional Orthodox Homogeneous Physics (COHP) that is the discipline taught at present worldwide in schools and universities.
Meanwhile, the strict physical consideration that is being required in really challenging or very important areas, fields, problems demands the Hierarchical Scaled physics as well as the strict mathematical and physical definitions and tools for that, which mostly are absent in COHP.
They are absent simply because they were missing at the advent of the new physics of sub-atomic and nuclear phenomena at the beginning of XX.
For example, if the sub-atomic particle/particles are investigated - then they should be of particles - volumetric objects, but not the mathematical point-charge-mass-spins with the properties other than the coordinates of that point. With the consecutive following appropriate mathematical procedures that are applied and distributed as the problem's physics.
We are using advances in the 3P (Polyphase-Polyscale-Polyphysics) theory and modeling capabilities for the CF processes depiction to develop the script of processes (physical and mathematical) of collapse or breakdown of Ni nuclei (and not only Ni element) in Rossi's type of CF reactor (RCFR).
The physical and mathematical models consisting of 3P particles and the scale-sub-atomic-to-continua governing equations create a large set of control equations. This approach is different from the usual notations in conventional one-scale Homogeneous chemistry and nuclear physics with the arithmetical equations of chemical or/and nuclear processes.
One more feature in this work is that the action-at-a-distance is not allowed without the intermedium as the phase being present in the volume. For that medium is used the aether. Its properties have been at serious physical studies for more than a century, at least. We employ the structured models of Ni, Cu, H, Fe nuclei and atoms in the vessel of reactor. Structured models of nuclei and electrons, other known particles all have the EM fields of the lower (sub-atomic) scales, while their collective interaction controlled by the introduced EM pulsating fields is the reason and source of collapsing and transmuting of metal elements.
The problem with electrodynamics specifically is that seems nobody; especially of COHP (Conventional One-scale Orthodox Homogeneous Physics) specialists is even talking qualified on the electromagnetic phenomena in RCFR. The examples of COHP electrodynamics in the reactor are not satisfactory for accepting as an explanation of the electrodynamics within the RCFR.
The purpose of understanding of EM phenomena in RCFR is that there is the polyphase polyscale electrodynamics within the RCF reactor, with the critical role in activation and for the transmutation and stability of the processes; nevertheless, COH physics is not familiar with the correct polyscale science due to a few reasons, known and published reasons. Also, the Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz (MHL) electrodynamics is not suited and has noted with the insufficiencies for application to the polyscale polyphase media.
We demonstrate the features of polyscale polyphase electrodynamics of MHL and Galilean electrodynamics applied to polyscale - from the sub-atomic to meso-scale continuum mechanics environments in RCF reactor. This kind of theory gives the ability to model and simulate the basic polyscale control electromagnetic phenomena within the RCFR. Meanwhile, that is the fundament for the reactor's function, the nuclei collapse, break, and transmutation. Not the activities around of explanation for the temperature, pressure, boiling or not boiling, and phase mobilities in reactor.
We are delivering here the techniques, some fundamentals of theories, and methods applied for the two-four-scale description of the sub-atomic and nano-microsize particle arrays dynamics in electromagnetic fields in hydrogen medium.
That topic is intriguing in a way that it describes the used physical mechanisms for field force acting on particles. The much known and advanced in many sciences force field method, formula by Lorentz has been shown vividly by Ja.G.Klyushin is experienced with many defects (insufficiencies) in action. Klyushin developed the new electromagnetic force field formula between the two point-particles and used to verify it for many situations.
We applied this advanced EM force field formula for creation of the governing two-scale dynamic equations for volumetric charged particles aiming this development first of all for the sub-atomic particles movement application. As long as the collapse or break of nuclei give birth to gamma photons those are still not the heat generating photons - the chain of photon transformations and nuclear debris collision and interaction leads to the spectrum of particles and transmutation in this polyphase polyscale polyphysics environment.
The following in:
Travkin, V.S.,"Top-Down and Bottom-Up Hierarchical Processes in the E-Cat Nuclear Reactor. Physics 2,", (2014)
is the manuscript (large article) that is done with the intent to embrace in short discourse the issues mentioned above in the Preface to this text "Top-Down and Bottom-Up Hierarchical Processes in the E-Cat Nuclear Reactor. Physics 2."
We would like to sincerely express our acknowledgment to T.J.Champion for the support in providing this work.
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This is also the well known problem - still can not be resolved within the Homogeneous One-Scale General physics, Spinning physics, nuclear, particle and atomic physics, electromagnetism, and gravidynamics.