The Annals of Frontier and Exploratory Science
Vladi S. Travkin
Hierarchical Scaled Physics and Technologies (HSPT), Rheinbach, Germany, Denver, CO, USA
Any information displayed here is the propriatary information in the area of Incompatibility of Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz Electrodynamics Equations at Atomic and Continuum Scales.
This text below and information is so far a proprietary development. Any mentioning of the following should be strictly accompanied with the disclosure of this website (and/or of other our sites if applicable) and the exact context of the said information. So far it is an open information, but at any moment can be modified or deleted.
The development concerns the incompatibility (incompleteness) of mathematical governing equations used as the Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz equations for the atomic and continuum scales electromagnetic phenomena.
The base for the statement is derived from the HSP-VAT methods that were used to scaleport the physical and mathematical models between two (at least) scales of phenomena depiction.
We study these phenomena in this and in closely related sub-section -
on details, logics, and modeling physical and mathematical techniques used in the previous ~110 years sinse Lorentz found the ways to connect, loosely communicate and justify the continuum scale Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz electrodynamics equations to just discovered electron presence in an atom, atomic scale substances, materials.
So, there was the need to develop and connect electromagnetism phenomena and equations to those are at the atomic scale and backward to the continuum scale for the Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz equations.
Introduction to Scaled Electrodynamics Description of Matter, Materials, Substances at Scales Below Continuum - an Atomic, Sub-atomic Ones
Postulates Introduced in Physics During Beginning of Quantum Mechanics and Particle Physics Times:
Maxwell's Ideas of Electromagnetism and Governing Mathematical Equations
Wilhelm Weber and Continental School of Thought Accomplishments Regarding Electromagnetism Phenomena, Electrodynamics and even Atomic Physics
Lorentz formulated Electrodynamics Governing Equations for the Ether, Ether and Electrons Medium, and for a Matter, Material of Continuum Mechanics
Atomic Scale (Microscale) Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz Equations (with Partial Time Derivatives) and Their Fields and Media in SI and CGSE Systems
Now the set of equations in the Gaussian system (CGSE) for a substance
Schwinger et al. (1998) Pseudo-Averaging Techniques for Unspecified Volume Atomic Scale Fields
Schwinger at el. (1998) wrote further on the Macroscopic form of Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz set of equations:
Two-Scale Bottom-Up Averaging of Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz Equations (with Partial Time Derivatives) From the Sub-Atomic Scale (~10^(-15)m) Up to Polyatomic, Polymolecular Few Phase Medium (Material) with the Upper Scale ~10^(-(7-6))m [Sc]
Media and Constitutive Elements (Particles)
Averaging and Bottom-Up Scaleportation from an Atomic Scale to the Continuum Meso-scale of Substance for Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz Electrodynamics Equations
The main pathway of establishing the validity of Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz electromagnetism modeling equations has been to prove that at any scale (level) of description - one has the same type of model, modeling equations!
That the modeling electromagnetism equations are invariant regarding the scale of physical phenomena considered. The only changed are the coefficients created for that purpose.
Almost completely the talk here is about the sub-atomic and atomic scales equations (often mentioned as microscale) and of continuum scale modeling equations.
We do not concern at this point any smaller - as of particle physics scales, or larger as of any Heterogeneous matter, for example, astrophysics scales electrodynamics modeling statements.
As long as it is considered as the strong true statement in conventional homogeneous physics - that the Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz (MHL) modeling electrodynamics equations are exact, precisely valid for the atomic scale phenomena, we would accept tentatively the idea so far, that the most reliable and fundamentally proven electromagnetism governing equations are of the atomic scale.
We have paid attention in 90s to provide the scaled description based on correct mathematics of heterogeneous, scaled media MHL's electrodynamics phenomena with some hard copy publications - Travkin et al. (1999a,b,c; 2000a,b; 2002), Travkin and Catton (1999, 2001a,b,c), Travkin and Ponomarenko (2004; 2005a,b,c), Ponomarenko et al., (2001), and other; as well as with the texts on Heterogeneous Electrodynamics (HtEd) in this and other websites.
The very notion that at the atomic and close to this scale phenomena in media of different plasmas are the same ideas of Scaled description for plasma fields - as long as these fields are of particulate substances, dominated our developments at the beginning of 2000s regarding the Heterogeneous Scaled Electrodynamics and Momentum Transport for plasma theory along with Continuum Mechanics that found some presence at this website in -
The set of the Upper scale governing equations developed with HSP-VAT tools, for those have been used the Lower scale conventional solid state plasma modeling equations - that supposed to be already "averaged" - unfortunately as we point out they are not averaged -
Conventional Maxwell-Lorentz' Continuum Lower Scale Electrodynamics and the Upper Scale Heterogeneous Electrodynamics concepts, fundamentals obtained first in the second half of 1990s given in -
Lorentz' averaging theory type of application toward the dielectric materials fundamentals we have shown in -
Then in other disciplines, but completely of the same origin the problems that have been blocking advancements in considering our surrounding matters, substances in a polyscale, polyphase nature as they are, found some depiction in:
1) The aether medium was accepted as unquestionable existing phenomenon which was an inseparable part of electrodynamics and Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz governing equations. This text by Lorentz (1906) shows definitely that Lorentz himself was totally in agreement with experiments by D.Miller (that finally lasted for more then 30 years) that confirmed the ether-earth drift effect while disproving the conventionally adopted experiment by Michelson-Morley's of 1887, which ran over only for 6 hours in four days (see publications in the References and other materials all over the internet).
More on that - there are studies and publications showing that the Michelson-Morley's 1887 experiment was erroneously analyzed and that the same experiment is also in a favor of the ether-drift effect existence.
2) Maxwell had no idea (or better to say he did not recognize the outstanding Weber's contribution into the electrodynamics field (the discussion is known and published) and nonexistent yet atomic physics) about electron(s), its charge, role, and all controversy around it. But much earlier in 1840s W.Weber had, while he had developed at that time and later the whole theory regarding the atomic structure of matter and its relation to electrodynamics of that matter.
Many decades later at the beginning of 1900s Lorentz knew already about an electron existence (its Weber's suggested discovery was confirmed via experiment) and wrote the book on that published in (1906). Lorentz' ideas and development were that the Maxwell's equations created for unspecified "matter" that makes transport and properties of "electricity" noticeable and meaningful, created as of continuum medium(a) are quite suitable and for an aether itself, and for an aether with electrons (the nucleus was not discovered yet, but actually did not change something), as well as for the any matter in the mathematical forms that almost undistinguishable one from another.
3) Electrons are the volumetric, of extended size particles.
We are not discussing or assuming any invitation to argue on that now, in this text.
However good they are, these three postulates were lately abandoned - while most of the students are never told why? Well, to some have been told firstly the unrelated reasons. We are turning at this point here to the multi-"phase" treatment of atomic scale Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz electrodynamics equations, as well as in few other places of this website.
1) All particles are accepted and assumed to be viewed and treated as the "point-like," point-mass (with the mass is being Attached to this object?) or having no extended body in space. Which was done because there were tremendous difficulties in treatment of many-body problems in atomic physics. There were no mathematics for that treatment and even now these problems having approximate simulating solutions.
2) All particles and surrounding media as, for example, an air or the vacuum
were treated as the one-phase Homogeneous medium with either the space indistinguishable
locations of point-particles or with use of the Dirac's
3) Because at that time there were also no concepts and theories of multi-phase media and their methods of interaction, modeling and solution. Those were developed much later in continuum mechanics of fluids and gases (with later on the wide applications to other sciences and engineering) while supported by the corresponding newly developed mathematical tools.
4) There were no boundaries, bounding surfaces for point-particles. No need to have those. That postulate brought in the great problems.
5) So, with introduction
by Dirac the theory of electron simultaneously with the theory of
-function in 1929 there were solved two and even three tasks in atomic
a) physical and mathematical fields could be continually considered as the homogeneous ones and all powerful existing at the time mathematical mechanisms and tools for solution of those homogeneous problems could be applied;
b) the location and movements of particles and atoms could be assigned as for the Homogeneous fields source functions in mathematical formulation of the tasks;
c) the powerful methods of statistics were free to apply to the point-particles in space behavior, advantageous for their assigned interaction collective movements and characteristics. That was the beginning of statistical mechanics shining.
That also created the problem of near particle field's description, that became the statistical qualities of a field.
And nobody since then is willing to explain to students - that all of this vision of particles as point-mass particles and fields as the Homogeneous ones, was accepted in 1920s - 1930s because they couldn't solve correctly the particulate problems as is. With particles as small, but still physically particles and the physical fields as Polyphase, yes, of different phases nature distributed spatial fields. Now we can do this.
Since then, the electron and photon are the Point-mass objects with no volume and volumetric characteristics.
Since then, the huge body of mathematics, let alone physics, has been developed just to support this artificial picture. While physics became a metaphysical science, because of false point-particles, MHL electrodynamics, SR and GR following from this short-hand electrodynamics, and QM that became the compounding original theory for everything small enough to not study it within.
6) With these above assumptions (1-4) that was not surprising that Quantum Mechanics was introduced
and advanced
in this fantastic mathematical formulation as we know it now. Little later Dirac's
-function added greatly to the functionality of the hard solid rock of QM that is laying on
the road to further progress in physics for many decades.
These words above is not the critics of QM, the critics is in the other places of this website. Also, people started to find inconsistencies, flaws in QM in the earlier years of QM appearance. And that was not too hard.
Unfortunately, QM is being taught to students and used for research up to now as the primary theory for micro-world, sub-atomic physics. Teachers do not tell that QM is just one of the approximate theories that was developed due to insolvency of mathematics and physics regarding mentioned issues at that time.
But not at present situation, when those statements of 1920-1930s can be solved, because the theories for that solution during the last 20-30 years have been advanced far enough.
Maxwell (2002a; 3rd ed.) in introductory paragraphs admitted the level of contemporary to his time knowledge of electromagnetism (electricity) phenomena.
In p. 37 one can read that:
"When we come to describe electrometers and multipliers we shall find that there are still more delicate methods of detecting electrification and of testing the accuracy of our theorems, but at present we shall suppose the testing to be made by connecting the hollow vessel with a gold leaf electroscope. This method was used by Faraday in his very admirable demonstration of the laws of electrical phenomena."
Our comments:
Maxwell straight in denoting that he uses few theorems for explanation of electromagnetic phenomena. Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem was among of them.
In p. 38 one can read:
"35. While admitting electricity, as we have now done, to the rank of a physical quantity, we must not too hastily assume that it is, or is not, a substance, or that it is, or is not, a form of energy, or that it belongs to any known category of physical quantities. All that we have hitherto proved is that it cannot be created or annihilated, so that if the total quantity of electricity within a closed surface is increased or diminished, the increase or diminution must have passed in or out through the closed surface.
This is true of matter, and is expressed by the equation known as the Equation of Continuity in Hydrodynamics.
It is not true of heat, for heat may be increased or diminished within a closed surface, without passing in or out through the surface, by the transformation of some other form of energy into heat, or of heat into some other form of energy."
In p. 39 one can read:
"There is, however, another reason which warrants us in asserting that electricity, as a physical quantity, synonymous with the total electrification of a body, is not, like heat, a form of energy. An electrified system has a certain amount or energy, and this energy can be calculated by multiplying the quantity of electricity in each of its parts by another physical quantity, called the Potential, of that part, and taking half the sum of the products. The quantities 'Electricity ' and 'Potential,' when multiplied together, produce the quantity 'Energy.' It is impossible, therefore, that electricity and energy should be quantities of the same category, for electricity is only one of the factors of energy, the other factor being 'Potential.'"
Our comments:
Maxwell is vague about connection "electricity" with energy.
In p. 40 one can read:
"In the theory called that of Two Fluids, all bodies, in their un-electrified state, are supposed to be charged with equal quantities of positive and negative electricity. These quantities are supposed to be so great that no process of electrification has ever yet deprived a body of all the electricity of either kind. The process of electrification, according to this theory, consists in taking a certain quantity P of positive electricity from the body A and communicating it to B, or in taking a quantity N of negative electricity from B and communicating it to A, or in some combination or these processes.
The result will be that A will have P+N units of negative electricity over and above its remaining positive electricity, which is supposed to be in a state of combination with an equal quantity of negative electricity. This quantity P+N is called the Free electricity, the rest is called the Combined, Latent, or Fixed electricity."
"We shall see that the mathematical treatment of the subject has been greatly developed by writers who express themselves in terms of the 'Two Fluids' theory. Their results, however, have been deduced entirely from data which can be proved by experiment, and which must therefore be true, whether we adopt the theory of two fluids or not. The experimental verification of the mathematical results therefore is no evidence for or against the peculiar doctrines of this theory.
The introduction of two fluids permits us to consider the negative electrification of A and the positive electrification of B as the effect of any one of three different processes which would lead to the same result. "
"37. In the theory of One Fluid everything is the same as in the theory of Two Fluids except that, instead of supposing the two substances equal and opposite in all respects, one of them, generally the negative one, has been endowed with the properties and name of Ordinary Matter, while the other retains the name of The Electric Fluid. The particles of the fluid are supposed to repel one another according to the law of the inverse square of the distance, and to attract those of matter according to the same law. Those of matter are supposed to repel each other and attract those of electricity."
"This theory does not, like the Two-Field theory, explain too much. It requires us, however, to suppose the mass of the electric fluid so small that no attainable positive or negative electrification has yet perceptibly increased or diminished either the mass or the weight of a body, and it has not yet been able to assign sufficient reasons why the vitreous rather than the resinous electrification should be supposed due to an excess of electricity."
In p. 43 Maxwell summarizing his intent in the manuscript:
"In the present treatise I propose, at different stages of the investigation, to test the different theories in the light of additional classes of phenomena. For my own part, I look for additional light on the nature of electricity from a study of what takes place in the space intervening between the electrified bodies. Such is the essential character of the mode of investigation pursued by Faraday in his Experimental Researches, and as we go on I intend to exhibit the results, as developed by Faraday, W. Thomson, &c., in a connected and mathematical form, so that we may perceive what phenomena are explained equally well by all the theories, and what phenomena indicate the peculiar difficulties of each theory."
Our comments:
We need to understand that Maxwell saw the nature of electromagnetic phenomena as a kind of ones happening in and with participation of aether and by some unknown at that time (to all seems, but W.Weber and some collaborators) "portions of matter" that he forecasted would give a possibility to construct the matter related "dynamical theory of electricity" - see in our CONCLUSIONS citations on that. While he was not sure (he disputed Weber's electrodynamics) at the time of what kind of media provides for electromagnetic phenomena - even could be a fluid like.
In the review by Hecht (2001) we might read that:
"It is not too difficult to see that Weber's Fundamental Electrical Law, almost unknown today, is a statement of a relativistic law of physics, long predating the statement of relativity we are accustomed to^8. Here it is the force, rather than the mass, which varies with the relative motion.
But, not only does it predate the Einstein formulation, it is methodologically far superior. One can, in various ways, attempt to show an equivalence of the two statements, but the usefulness of such efforts is doubtful. The problem lies elsewhere. The two statements lie in two entirely different domains.
One is a continuation of the Leibnizian current of physics; the other, whatever the intentions, serves to hide errors embedded in the assumptions underlying the Maxwell equations. "
Our comments:
Yes, this author had been brave enough to publish the statement on inadequacy of
Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz electrodynamics. And only well organized political support
has been preventing the issue from studying, from the ground and up systematic research, and
improvement or advancement.
We have obtained the theory for collective (averaged) action of the Weber's and other known force interaction between the charged particles
formulae suggested by J.Klyushin first for the two-particles interaction. This theory by Klyushin
actually embraced the whole set of others well grounded fundamental interactions (including of Weber's)
between the two
charged particles that are still, as in the Coulomb formula, and/or are in motion
and well known today. The parts of this theory are placed in this and other our sites,
in hard copy publications, and will be disseminated to more applications.
We will be exploring this and many other notices, and works to go in that same
developmental direction regarding the Ampère-Gauss-Weber, others electrodynamics base and features
as that includes at least the two physical spatial scale physical
models and
what are making them if all that to be taken combined for the closed in some aspects the strictly
connected and scaleported physical system effected and controlled by its external input
either from Upper or at the Lower scale spatial and temporal boundaries.
We will be adding to this part of historical observations regarding the electrodynamics of continental school of thought - Ampère-Gauss-Weber, and contemporary electrodynamics working scientists, that are actually support our current time (1987 - 2010s) electrodynamics Polyphase-Polyscale-Polyphysics (3P) theory. The theory that is of scaled base from the sub-atomic particles while induces the laws of electrical particles interaction. Structural particles - not a point-mass ones.
Lorentz (1906, 1952) in his lectures of 1906, when the discovery of electron had already impacted the physics world, gives the following sets of equations for an ether, for the quantity of electrons in an ether, and for a bulk formulated continuum mechanics material.
Lorentz in the "The Theory of Electrons and Its Applications to the Phenomena of Light and Radiant Heat : a Course of Lectures Delivered in Columbia University in 1906" (1906) writes in page 5: ( equations in an aether) -
"3. We are now prepared to write down the fundamentals
equations for the electromagnetic field in the form which they take for the
ether. We shall denote by
the electric force, the same symbol serving for the dielectric displacement,
because in the ether this has the same direction and, on account of the choice
of our units, the same numerical magnitude as the electric force. We shall
further represent by
the magnetic force and by
a constant depending on the properties of the ether.
A third vector is the current
which now consists only of the displacement
current of Maxwell. It exists wherever the dielectric displacement
a function of the time, and is given by the formula
In the form of differential equations, the formulae of the electromagnetic field may now be written as follows:
used as a partial derivative with respect to the time.
Our comments:
Note that only two functions used here
where in an ether (or "vacuum") the
because the electric dipole
and where
because magnetic dipole moment is
Note that the
in Lorentz's physical statement is the "constant depending on the
But not a light speed or something as that kind.
Further in this page Lorentz explains the equations:
"The third equation, conjointly with the second, determines the magnetic field
that is produced by a given distribution of the current
As to the last equation, it expresses the law according to which electric
forces are called into play in a system with a variable magnetic field, i.e.
the law of what is ordinary called electromagnetic induction. The formulae (),
() and (5) are vector equations and may each be replaced by three scalar
equations relating to the separate axes of coordinates."
Lorentz writes interesting things about electromagnetism in an ether, p. 6:
"The formulae for the ether constitute the part of electromagnetic theory that is most firmly established. Though perhaps the way in which they are deduced will be changed in future years, it is hardly conceivable that the equations themselves will have to be altered. "
Now we write the Lorentz' electrodynamics equations for a volume in an aether with number of electrons - p. 11-12:
"7. I have now to make you acquainted with the equations forming the foundation of the mathematical theory of electrons. Permit me to introduce them by some preliminary remarks.
In the first place, we shall ascribe to each electron certain finite dimensions, however small they may be, and we shall fix our attention not only on the exterior field, but also on the interior space, in which there is room for many elements of volume and in which the state of things may vary from one point to another.
As to this state, we shall suppose it to be of the same kind as at outside points. Indeed, one of the most important of our fundamental assumptions must be that the ether not only occupies all space between molecules, atoms or electrons, but that it pervades all these particles.
We shall add the hypothesis that, though the particles may move, the ether always remains at rest.
We can reconcile ourselves with this, at first sight, somewhat startling idea, by thinking of the particles of matter ad of some local modifications in the state of the ether. These modifications may of course very well travel onward while the volume-elements of the medium in which they exist remain at rest.
Now, if within an electron there is ether, there can also be an electromagnetic field, and all we have got to do is to establish a system of equations that may be applied as well to the parts of the ether where there is an electric charge, i.e. to the electrons, as to those where there is none. As to the distribution of the charge, we are free to make any assumption we like.
For the sake of convenience we shall suppose it to be distributed over
a certain space, say over the whole volume occupied by the electron, and we
shall consider the volume-density
a continuous function of the coordinates, so that the charged particle has no
sharp boundary, but is surrounded by a thin layer in which the
density gradually sinks from the value it has within the electron to 0.
Thanks to this hypothesis of the continuity of
which we have never to trouble ourselves about surfaces of discontinuity, nor
to encumber the theory by separate equations relating to these.
Morever, if we suppose the difference between the ether within and without the
electrons to be caused, at least so far as we are concerned with it, only by
the existence of the volume-density in the interior, the equations for the
external field must be got from those for the internal one by simply putting
so that we have only to write down one system of differential equations.
Of course, these must be obtained by a suitable modification, in which the influence of the charge is expressed, of the equations (2)-(5) which we have established for the free, i.e. for the uncharged ether. It has been found that we can attain our object by the slightest modification imaginable, and that we can assume the following system
in which the first and the third formula are the only ones that have been altered.
In order to justify these modifications, I must in the first place recall to
your minds the general relation existing in Maxwell's theory between the
dielectric displacement across a closed surface and the amount of charge
contained within it. It is expressed by the
in which the integral relates to the closed surface.... "
Here in (19)
is the velocity of the charge".
Our comments:
Contrary to Lorentz' simplified assumption that allowed him to write the same kind of equations with the space-dependable Lower scale homogeneous equations governing the electromagnetic fields, we would use the "phase"-dependable media interacting within our region with particles - just some of the kinds, and the "vacuum" which is in reality not the vacuum at the lower scales physics.
These equations (17)-(20) are supposed to be the averaged equations - for the
aether and plus electrons as a total mixed medium! Because there is less
understanding and function performed due to mutual dependencies by these
equations, the equations responsible for the volumetrically mutual interactive
actions, but not for dimensionless point interface when the fields determined
by space-dependable functions as
unless we consider the collective, averaged fields in an area.
That means these equations (17)-(20) in the scalable notations should be written for averaging as
and these equations if averaged correctly are not the ones written in textbooks as (in other dimensions systems as SI looking slightly different) the following
Well, the EM equations by Lorentz (1906) in a matter are (p. 7):
"4. There is one way of treating these phenomena that is
comparatively safe and, for many purposes, very satisfactory. In following it,
we simply start from certain relations that may be considered as expressing,
in a condensed form, the more important results of electromagnetic
experiments. We have now to fix our attention on four vectors, the electric
the magnetic force
the current of electricity
the magnetic induction
These are connected by the following fundamental equations:
presenting the same form as the formulae we have used for the ether.
In the present case however, we have to add the relation between
the one hand, and that between
the other. Confining ourselves to isotropic bodies, we can often describe the
phenomena with sufficient accuracy by writing for the dielectric displacement
a vector equation which expresses that the displacement has the same direction as the electric force and is proportional to it. The current in this case is again Maxwell's displacement current
In conducting bodies on the other hand, we have to do with a current of conduction, given by
a new constant. This vector is the only current and therefore identical to
what we have called
if the body has only the properties of a conductor. In some cases however, one
has been led to consider bodies endowed with the properties of bothconductors
and dielectrics.
If, in a substance of this kind, an electric force is supposed to produce a dielectric displacement as well as a current of conduction, we may apply at the same time (12) and (14), writing for the total current
Finally, the simplest assumption we can make as to the relation between the magnetic force and the magnetic induction is expressed by the formula
in which
is a new constant. "
Our comments:
Note here, that there were no averaging operators at all by the Lorentz time. There were no atomic physics as a discipline and the nucleus will be discovered only in 1911.
So, the mathematical formulation of the continuum electrodynamics were found based on general considerations of experiments and with the homogeneous Volume-Surface theorems by mostly as the Gauss-Ostrogradsky and Green's theorems.
But not with any kind of averaging techniques at atomic scale used for Maxwell-Lorentz equations.
In p. 8 further Lorentz gives few outstanding sentences regarding the role of modeling in electromagnetism:
"If we want to understand the way in which electric and magnetic properties depend on the temperature, the density, the chemical constitution or the crystalline state of substances, we cannot be satisfied with simply introducing for each substance these coefficients, whose values are to be determined by experiment; we shall be obliged to have recourse to some hypothesis about the mechanism that is at the bottom of the phenomena."
In pgs. 8-9 Lorentz writes:
"In a ponderable dielectric there can likewise be a motion of the electrons. Indeed, though we shall think of each of them as having a definite position of equilibrium, we shall not suppose them to be wholly immovable. They can be displaced by an electric force exerted by the ether, which we conceive to penetrate all ponderable matter, a point to which we shall soon have to revert."
Our comments:
Lorentz straightly supports here the ether as the medium for transduction of electromagnetic phenomena!
In p. 9 Lorentz continues:
"Now, however, the displacement will immediately give rise to a new force by which the particle is pulled back towards its original position, and which we may therefore appropriately distinguish by the name of elastic force.
The motion of the electrons in non-conducting bodies, such as glass and sulphur, kept by the elastic force within certain bounds, together with the change of the dielectric displacement in the ether itself, now constitutes what Maxwell called the displacement current. A substance in which the electrons are shifted to new positions is said to be electrically polarized.
Again, under the influence of the elastic forces, the electrons can vibrate about their positions of equilibrium. In doing so, and perhaps also on account of other more irregular motions, they become the centers of waves that travel outwards in the surrounding ether and can be observed as light if the frequency is high enough. In this manner we can account for the emission of light and heat."
Our comments:
Note here - that there is no mentioning of photons. Photons were just suggested recently, still did not come into the system of Lorentz's physical world, probably. The light is explained in this text as through the "surrounding ether and can be observed as light" in a vibrating ether!
What kind of averaging theory Lorentz developed and applied toward the dielectric materials fundamentals we have shown in -
Note, that these incorrect for heterogeneous, polyscale media averaging procedures dominated the first half of XX century.
Finally we can arrive to the
style of EM equations in the vacuo for SI system (as
the vacuum we will use the medium as it is the
"vacuum", at least consisting as of one of its componets the
cosmic relict radiation field -- Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation
and more on that. With
photons of it in each
and with the influx of those photons as of
) when
or for vacuum
medium can be taken as polarization free
or for vacuum
while medium can be taken as magnetization free
Gauss' law equation
or for vacuum
but with
only AFTER like averaging. So, before averaging we need to
Well, so far following the methods to connect atomic scale electromagnetism
and macroscale Maxwell-Lorentz equations we do take
or for vacuum
while also with
only AFTER like averaging.
where in the Lorentz' form for
fields we have
conservation of magnetic flux equation
for vacuum conditions, while the Lorentz' equation is
Maxwell's-Ampere's law equation: at the macroscales
or it can be re-written as to go closer to of the Lorentz's equation when
well, but in textbooks authors like or see advantages in presenting this
equation via the microscale magnetic
field. Why is that? Apparently because - in this way or reasoning they do the jump
straight to the macroscale magnetic
as does Jackson (1999) in eq. (6.64), where already at the microscale appeared
(the following is the Maxwell's-Ampere's law equation from the set of
microscopic equations for electromagnetism in (6.64) in Jackson (1999) )
while Lorentz in his system
got to
Faraday's law of induction equation
for vacuum with homogenized particles
and we are able to take in the right hand side as
as it looks like reasonable.
******* system
in the vacuum with
Now in
of variables this set of Lorentz' style GE of Jackson
for "active" vacuum will be as (following (with
or for vacuum
or for vacuum
in "active"vacuum
well, these GE exactly as eqs. (2)-(5) in p. 5 in Lorentz (1906, 1952).
of variables for vacuum and
Gauss' law equation
or for vacuum with charges-particles
or for vacuum
before averaging
where in the Lorentz' form for the
we have
the next one is the conservation of magnetic flux equation or Gauss law for magnetic field equation which is before averaging
for vacuum conditions, while the Lorentz' equation is
Maxwell's-Ampere's law equation before averaging
or it can be re-written as to go closer to one of the Lorentz's equation when
because for vacuum with separately included and not averaged charges-particles would be
for vacuum
well, but in textbooks authors like or see advantages in presenting this
equation via the microscale magnetic
field. Why is that? I know why - in this way or reasoning they do jump
straight to the macroscale magnetic
as does Jackson (1999) in eq. (6.64), where already at the microscale appeared
for vacuum with charges-particles
for vacuum
while Lorentz in his system
got to
Faraday's law of induction equation
before averaging
If we take the full form of constitutive equations for system of vacuum plus
the charges
would have
or (also before Averaging)
the same as of Lorentz (1906, 1959).
In the textbook by Schwinger et al. (1998) given the good example of reasoning, methods used in homogeneous physics to derive (and by this to validate, justify) the Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz electrodynamics equations for a continuum. Everyone was able to analyze these rather complicated mathematically ideas and methods used for "homogenized" mixing of atomic scale particles and of the "vacuum" to get Up to the continuum media electromagnetism governing equations.
We would extend our consideration of this theory in attempts to contribute for the multi"phase" Scaleportation of electrodynamics equations, models between atomic and continuum descriptions.
Figure 1: Simplified drawing
of the Bottom-Up
consecutive series of Representative
Elementary Volumes (REVs) at three scales from a molecular to continuum one:
1st polypeptide -- alanine-glycine-valine-glycine;
2nd -- serine-alanine-glycine in solvent of water.
Also we leave here for comparison, and for interest, in this figure
the WRONG IMAGES for water molecules -
as the unstructured 3 circles known in COHP. Comparison see in Figure 4.
Note, that the molecules and phases
are free to "flow" throughout
or stay at the Bounding REV Surfaces. While this is explicitly prohibited
while doing Homogeneous Averaging, isn't?
In Homogeneous physics - like in the tested below monograph by Schwinger et al. (1998) and others, there are no specifics, theorems to do averaging over these REVs, and even there are no definitions or wrong definitions (as in Continuum Homogeneous Mechanics) of a REV.
In p. 33 one can read that:
"The Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz system of equations, (1.65) and (1.68), provides a microscopic description of electromagnetic phenomena, at the classical level, ranging from the simplest two-particle system to the detailed behavior of all particles in a macroscopic system.
However, for the latter case, we usually do not require such a complete description, since our measurements involve macroscopic quantities which are only indirectly related to the microscopic behavior of individual atoms.
We must develop a theory that is directly applicable to the macroscopic situation with only an implicit reference back to the detailed characterization of the system."
Our comments:
These authors did not believe in the possibility of true scaleportation - purely because of the lack of their knowledge, partially the reasons were about the HSP-VAT tools and advancements up to that time - the mid-90s. At the same time, it is obvious that very established in traditional Homogeneous physics authors would not be so naive to break with the ground base concepts of absence of Heterogeneous instruments in Atomic physics as it was continued for the 90-something years.
Also it is true that this book with the so straight interest and methods to justify the conventional homogeneous derivation procedures, mathematics used for "averaging" in Atomic physics serving to the needs in orthodox physics for justification of that sort of thinking and the status quo - as for a homogeneous matter even when the tools and the solid base exist for treating heterogeneous microscale electrodynamics phenomena with the heterogeneous physics and math tools.
Further down the p. 33:
"The resulting macroscopic electrodynamics is a phenomenological theory, by which is meant a theory that operates at the level of the phenomena being correlated and predicted, while maintaining the possibility of contact with a more fundamental theory - here, microscopic electrodynamics - that operates at a deeper level."
Our comments:
What an egocentric declaration - the results of statistical operations over the point-objects of conventional atomic physics are taken as of higher superiority over the exact analytical methods and procedures for modeling and simulation of relevant scaled problems.
This kind of up and down points of view regarding the statistical physics and deterministic physics cooperation registered for existing since the XVIII. It is not new completely.
Further down the p. 33-34:
"That contact exists to the extent that the macroscopic measurements can be considered to be averages, over very many atoms, of the results of hypothetical microscopic measurements.
To begin, we consider an atom, an electrically neutral assembly of point charges (outlined by us),
that are bound in a small region. We want to study the response of such a system to external electric and magnetic fields that vary only slightly over the spatial extent of that system.
We will first concentrate our attention on the net force on the system at a given time, the sum of the forces on its constituents, (1.68), (force law by Lorentz, H.A.)
Since the system is small, all the charges are near the center of mass of the
charge distribution, which lies at the position
(For the purposes of the following expansion we could let
an arbitrary point inside the charge distribution; the use of the center of
mass allows us to separate intrinsic properties from those due to the motion
of the atom as a whole.)
We can then expand the electric and magnetic fields about this reference point,
and like wise for
in which the subsequent terms are considered negligible."
Our comments:
Well, this is the expansion named the one that is up to the first order of variable's (function usually) magnitude. And considered in mathematics of lower order of accuracy.
In physics it is often, especially in complicated areas, taken as the final and most often used tool to get to some results out of despair in search for any kind of solution.
Here we talk on that because students in physics and techs usually can not assess the motifs for this or that direction in taught material.
Further down the p. 34:
means the gradient with respect to . Now, the total force on the atom,
(4.2), can be rewritten in terms of this expansion
In p. 38 one can read that:
..... Macroscopic materials are made up of large numbers of atoms. What is
the total force on such a piece of materials? We must sum up all the forces on
the individual atoms. To the extent that the forces on the atoms vary but
slightly from one atom to another, the simulation can be replaced by a volume
integration, weighted by the atomic density,
the number of atoms per unit volume at the macroscopic point
Notice that we have rewritten (4.22) with the aid of the identities
First a word about
these expressions. In the single atom formula (4.22), the derivatives act only
which is reflected in (4.32). For a many-atom system, the dipole moments could
well vary from one location to another and so have macroscopic spatial
dependence. Accordingly,
the average dipole moments at the point
We now define the electric polarization,
and the magnetization,
respectively. The resulting macroscopic form of the total force at time
(Here the distinction between
been dropped, because the "
Our comments:
The identities (4.33), (4.34) are not complete expressions.
Those should look like (4.33f), (4.34f)
that is the difference.
Also, authors introduced the fields
if they are already averaged over the REV. More on that - they use in further
derivations until the macroscopic equations these
those already being averaged!
In p. 39 one can continue reading the simplifications of the expression for an averaged macroscopic force in a body:
"We proceed to simplify this in various ways. First, we use one of Maxwell's equations to obtain
and then we use the identity
which is a generalization of (4.34)."
Our comments:
Well, here in (4.39) used the full formula for gradient of scalar product of vectors. Why is that taken in full swing unlike before in (4.33), (4.34)?
But how can we use the "one of Maxwell's equations" if all those are still for
the atomic (microscale) level - but here we have the mathematical expressions
for fields "averaged" so far over a single separate atom in
In p. 39 one can continue:
"All subsequent steps involve the statement that the integral is extended over
a volume that includes the whole body, so that, on the bounding surface of
that volume,
This means that in performing partial integrations through the use of the
divergence theorem (Gauss-Ostrogradsky homogeneous theorem;
outlined by us) the surface integrals vanish. In effect, then,
and similarly, using
Our comments:
The important notice can be made on these transformations is that the use of Homogeneous Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem for the all body of interest being bounded by REV surface - means bringing the problem to the bulk, but still as for the point-like assessment of the physics. And actually not worth for further consideration as of the averaged at the Upper scale but space dependent problem.
In this case - the problem of internal electrodynamics governing equations for the piece of material, piece of matter, but not of a dot-mass weighted task.
And again - How we can use the atomic scale Maxwell equations for the not averaged or only one atom averaged expression in (4.41)?
Further in p. 39 one can continue:
"The immediate result is
The comparison of this with the microscopic description of the force on charge
and current densities, (3.8) for zero magnetic charge, suggests the definition
of an effective charge density,
and an effective current density,
Notice, that these effective densities satisfy the equation of charge conservation,
Our comments:
Notice first that in
the fields
not the averaged over the REV or over the another non-identified volume of
averaging; not, they are the fields averaged over a separate single atom at a
location within a REV.
Note also, that in all these
are actually the electric polarization and magnetization of a
separate atom or molecule, that's it. These are not
the averaged functions, indeed.
These are given in an expression as BEFORE averaging determined.
But later on, we see that they will be taken as the already averaged over the volume of the REV functions.
In p. 40-41 one can read that:
" The microscopic regime is characterized by rapid space-time variations
unlike the macroscopic one, which is characterized by scales large compared to
those of atoms. Laboratory instruments, being large, directly measure average
quantities. Macroscopic fields are thus defined in terms of averages over
space and time intervals, V and
T, large on the atomic scale but small compared to
typical macroscopic intervals. We adopt the convention that lower-case
letters, like f(r
,t), represent microscopic quantities while capital
letters, like F(r
,t), represent the corresponding macroscopic
quantities. The connection between the two is
This is a linear relation, in the sense that
is a constant. From this follows the connection between derivatives of
microscopic and macroscopic quantities, that is, that the averaged derivative
of a function is the derivative of the average:
Our comments:
Here it is the very important to note and observe the following two issues:
1) The first is that the real averaging volume - Representative Elementary
Volume (REV) has never been described
or even briefly illustrated
in homogeneous physics.
Even there is no figure that students can locate in textbooks (if anyone find and point me out the place of publication, I will comment on that).
And this is common in orthodox homogeneous physics - researcher, reader or student can be easily driven into a variable false constructions in need at any moment. Mostly in atomic and particle physics this is the frivolous REV - most often the REV that is so large that it embraces the whole subject, piece of matter, material that is under investigation. This is done to declare many surficial integrals equal to zero.
Figure 2: Polypeptide chains between
alanine, glycine and valine in aqueous solution.
Also we leave here for comparison, and for interest, in this figure
the WRONG IMAGES for water molecules -
as the unstructured 3 circles known in COHP. Comparison see in Figure 4.
The idea of Bottom-Up Scaleportation in HSVAT is one of the main concepts of
scale dependent physical and math modeling started in the 60s.
In Homogeneous physics - like in the tested in this section monograph by Schwinger et al. (1998) and others, there are no mathematical methods, specifics, theorems to do averaging over these kinds of real form REVs, and even there are no definitions or wrong definitions (as in Continuum Homogeneous Mechanics) of a REV.
That is the recent design of coarse-graining sequence algorithms of "Superatoms" in chemistry of polymers is taken from the hierarchical scaled methodology developed in Hierarchical Scaled Fluid Mechanics and Thermal physics in 80s-90s, while using only chemical specific homogeneous techniques - which is the incorrect averaging.
The very important reason to hide and not specify the
REV for this kind of averaging is obvious from the averaging construction (by
Lorentz) of Atomic scale (microscale) Maxwell-Lorentz equations when for the
key averaged terms
at the end needs to be fixed (fitted) the mathematical expressions for
surficial integrals in a way that nullify the very important terms that we need
to retain for correct integration.
In this way the equations are brought to the homogeneous continuum media form obtained by Lorentz and that form is incorrect.
All subsequent effort in atomic physics should followed these simplifications by Lorentz to get the same bulk continuum media electrodynamics equations - as we know them for more than 110 years.
This misfortunate situation lasts for so long because the proper mathematical tools for heterogeneous media averaging were not at disposal of Lorentz.
2) The formulae
hide the important features of averaging for multiphase heterogeneous media.
Generally, these formulae are not correct for Heterogeneous media. That is why the orthodox conventional physics for so many years since 1967 and during the following in the 80-90s developments in the HSP-VAT tried to hide, suppress and silence the truthful physics and mathematics of multiphase microscale theory, modeling with averaging and scaleportation, presented in the HSP-VAT methods and math.
Because in this way all these constructions of averaging in atomic, particle physics, and continuum mechanics as given above for only this example of averaging Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz equations, are falsified.
And they have been falsified anyway, because the correct physical and mathematical methods of HSP-VAT have been already proven for many problems that homogeneous methods just bring approximate and often misleading incorrect results..
See in our -
and in
plus achievements updated up to 2004-2005 (we do more on that - not all achievements can be stood plainly up-front):
and other pages of our websites.
Meanwhile, all other conventional textbooks on electrodynamics and materials science show the same type of mathematical procedures for heterogeneous averaging. And this falsified electrodynamics lies in the very core of the Contemporary Orthodox Homogeneous physics (COHP) - from particle and atomic physics up to astrophysics of "Big Bangs" and "Black Holes," etc.
One can read further in p. 41 that:
"What is the macroscopic role of the bound charge distributions? It must be related to the effective charge and current densities given in terms of the polarization and magnetization by (4.43) and (4.44)
Microscale "Equations of Ampere-Maxwell for induced magnetic field and Gauss law for electric field
Faraday law of induction equation and Gauss law for magnetic field equation
Our comments:
Here authors instantly substituted the magnetic field
for the magnetic induction field
in the equations 1), 3) and 4); which is an innocent
procedure only in the "vacuum" when
with magnetic dipole moment is
because the electric dipole
is no still averaging performed over the REV volume!!
But they can not do changing field
BEFORE averaging over the media with other than vacuum components, and we
provide the averaging arguments against this move.
One of these arguments is that authors need to embed the field
in other equations also like
is not present just at the beginning before averaging will start. All these
three equations are
Also, in this way of formulating the microscopic EM equations authors avoid
appearance of convective term as
in the equation of Ampere-Maxwell of induced magnetic field.
Then authors immediately obtained the "averaged" equations which in reality are the adjusted to look like "averaged" by Lorentz the known equations of macroscopic electrodynamics:
"These are averaged to yield the macroscopic equations,
With the capital letters for averaged fields.
Our comments:
The important thing here is that the fields
were not averaged within the previous set of microscopic equations
INSTANTLY averaged (How come?) in this set
We followed here all the actions authors of point-like particles obtained for justifying the conventional continuum Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz EM equations throughout the last ~100 years since Lorentz' pseudo-averaging of microscale EM equations, and of ~80 years since Dirac's theory of electron and quantum mechanics induced for the point-like particulate media in particle physics.
In p. 42 finally authors get the Maxwell-Lorentz equations written in traditional Lorentz' form:
" The final form of the historical, macroscopic Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz equations is
Our comments:
Returning back the notation of Ampere-Maxwell for induced magnetic field
the original form with
that was at microscale artificially turned into
just at the beginning of averaging procedures. And with no explanation, note!
First of all the reservation we would like to pursue regarding the inconsistency of the format of Maxwell-Lorentz equations, experimental base for their appearance and the mathematics behind their writings. We will continue developments on that in the another sub-sections of this section on Hierarchical Scaled Electrodynamics. As well as in the "Particle Physics" and "Particle Physics 2" sections.
And that is apart of the primary talk here on the averaging of atomic scale mathematical equations up to the meso-scale space continuum formulation.
There have been discussions and disputes throughout the most of the time of the Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz governing equations existance about what is the ground and a sense for these equations form. Mainly for the two most important and used everywhere and for most often situations - at the atomic scale for the atomic, sub-atomic applications and at the scale of homogeneous medium of perfect (not only as perfect) crystal constructed (or other materials) while for start adopted as a homogeneous at the nearest to the atomic scale - the scale of crystalline structure of solid state matter.
It might be as of
[m] and of larger scale of consideration.
In all known up to now averaging procedures used in atomic, particle physics,
electrodynamics applied the postulates specified above plus the medium of vacuum.
This medium, as appeared through the many decades of research, is not an
absolute empty space. It has characteristics
from which we are interested in now that are
common electromagnetism properties as the speed of light
dielectric permittivity
and magnetic permeability
We will use the atomic scale (microscale) as the ground base for Lower scale electromagnetism mathematical formulation in form of Maxwell-Lorentz equations.
We won't take right now into account other known particles apart of the
photons, electrons, nuclei; plus atoms and simple molecules. Adding these
kinds of media to a "vacuum" we mean for this development that we are assuming
still that all phenomena of the lower than
scale are taken here as of a material's components properties, and the real vacuum
(empty space) does not exist as appeared throughout the findings of others.
That means the fields we are describing with the scale resolutions of
are considered as "mean" and are averaged of the fields that are of the Lower
Particles of atomic world are of extended volume no matter how small they are, we consider the point-like particles assumption that prevailed in the first half of XX century as the temporary fogging of the physicists minds.
The point particles were invented at the beginning of XX century in theoreticians circles as for convenient solution of the tasks with particles embedded into a unified field of interest. In that way there is no particle "field" any more. Only the volumetrically distributed mixture (homogenized) of point-particles and of vacuum or air, for example, field.
This theoretical point of view on particles influence quickly gained a stature
via this mixture ideology. The famous mathematical tool by Dirac - the
was created for this purpose to connect the physical presence and location of
particles and for that do not work with the volumetric "particle" phases while
communicating to quantum mechanics linear statistical operators, these are
much easier to work with as the just mathematical points in the space.
In its turn the quantum mechanics whole existence is based on the point-like particles to treat those as merely statistical objects, events, which was really simplifying and workable idea in theoretical constructions for the times of 1920-1940s.
1) We consider as a medium number one the "active" vacuum that is being understood as a medium filling all voids in between CBR photons, other photons, other particles as electrons, within atomic "volumes", and in between the "atomic" volumes and "free" space. Atomic "volumes" are the volumes of actual variable size, as soon as outer electron shells are filled at situation.
We put some different content in the word "active" with regard of a "vacuum." It would be correct and just to use the old physical term Aether (ether) which in some areas of physics is just unavoidable - in Quantum Field Theories; orthodox Particle Physics itself; Optics homogeneous. Conventional homogeneous physicists call it shamefully as a "quantum sea," then they just prefer the "inherent property" for what they can not explain and can not accept the Aether's medium because of the dogmas of SR and GR.
Generally, the people should know - what they are not told in schools and universities, that the conventional homogeneous physics has been legitimizing the fudge in physics - any adjustment you want you can do and GO. You can get the Nobel for that. And it is not a joke. There are many examples of this award given for illusions. Just well organized.
2) Now we can not avoid or neglect the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR), even if we do not abridge ourselves saying that CMBR is the only medium that must be taken into account as an "active" vacuum. In this consideration we avoid the approach taken in XIX century by Maxwell and others while considering electromagnetic fields as having no carriers. Well, Maxwell actually thought as of kind of an aether, plus some "elements," then the "followers" have been misinterpreting his ideas.
As of an aether that was supported by Lorentz and all major physicists at that time while gaining a serious backing in our days, we will extend our treatments in the future by including speculative so far models of aether into the scaled electromagnetic phenomena theory.
3) Consider particles, including photons and electrons as the volumetric substances as they are. Assume that electrons have the unknown changeable volume that is bound by its surface, and which might have a spherical volume with mass and radius. That was the point of view of its discoverer J.J.Thomson, which must weight a lot. Then, his opinion was ridiculed later on over 30-40 years as of an old outdated man. And that were the "Point-Mass particles" physicists - who needed only their constructions being taken in the field as of a true value.
Nevertheless, since that time have been performed a lot of experimental work and analytical observations. At present, the strong amount of opinions has been advanced regarding the other (ring-like, torus volumetric) main sub-atomic first raw particles existence. We are specifying this with more detail in the "Particle Physics" section.
In that way while having a few media (species, phases) can be derived the Upper scale electromagnetic fields with the origin in the Lower scales fields, matters, and physical phenomena.
We are not to be free in this analysis allowing being engaged into discussion or lengthy analysis of issues - What are particles as electron, photon, nuclei? We would state for the start that the major parts of these issues are not known yet, in spite that more than 100 years passed since the electron discovery, thousands pages were written on the photon nature, etc.
So far for our purposes of deriving and comparing the scale dependable Bottom-Up strict mathematical formulation of equations for electromagnetic phenomena at atomic and continuum mechanics scales the properties spelled above for particles and "vacuum" are almost enough for this task.
As we already shown above and in our extended studies of hundred years attempts to deliver this averaging - that was not done correctly. That is why we would still need to exploit the correct mathematical tools while having advantage of current state of physics and scaled mathematics.
As soon as we consider the fields consisted of matter, that means we consider the material substance fields - the fields of free electrons, but that field will be constructed out of material particles with electron features, the fields of photons, atoms, and vacuum.
Scales of interest will be:
or of ten orders of decimal magnitude difference. Where the Upper scale can be
considered as of a Contimuum matter.
We will add here some text and basics of including that or those models for electron, photon, and nucleus while not to be engaged in this section into the specifics of scaled modeling in particle physics or nuclear one. We just want to have ability to simulate our most unusual terms on the Upper scale where the continuum electrodynamics formulates.
Figure 3: Three-dimensional structure REV with shown only the largest biomonomer (myoglobin) protein molecules in an aqueous solution; water molecules size is not scaled correctly; also we leave here for comparison, and for interest, this figure with the WRONG IMAGES for water molecules - as the unstructured 3 circles known in COHP. Note, that the molecules are free to "flow" throughout or have been at the Bounding REV Surfaces.
Figure 4: The correct drawings for Water molecules in the volume with the biomonomer (myoglobin) protein molecules in an aqueous solution; water molecules size is not scaled correctly. Note, that the molecules are free to "flow" throughout or have been at the Bounding REV Surfaces.
In Homogeneous physics - like in the tested in this section monograph by Schwinger et al. (1998) and others, there are no mathematical methods, specifics, theorems to do averaging over these kinds of real free and specific form REVs, and even there are no definitions or wrong definitions (as in Continuum Homogeneous Mechanics) of a REV.
Through the years we've put in a number of subsections of this and other websites many conceptual advancements and written physical and mathematical models regarding Heterogeneous Electrodynamics averaging, statements and two-scale solutions -
The averaging theory (incorrect) Lorentz developed and applied toward the dielectric materials fundamentals we can observe in -
The HSP-VAT concepts and methods were applied toward atomic scale phenomena, plasma theory and modeling -
solid state plasma modeling equations - the Lower scale equations that supposed to be already "averaged" - unfortunately they are not averaged -
also to Heterogeneous Continuum Mechanics Electrodynamics; that can be seen in -
as well as in our hard copy publications, some of them are in the references below.
In our further consideration we approach with scrutiny to the problem of Bottom-Up averaging and scaleportation (strict physical and mathematical communication) from the atomic scale Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz electrodynamics modeling equations up to the continuum electrodynamics scales.
The relevant research materials have rather lengthy content (tens of pages) that we submitting here in a concise format.
We start with the microscale simplest form of the Gauss law magnetic field equation
note that we can not assign
to a system of vacuum plus charges BEFORE averaging has been performed.
and we can write
but only in CGSE
system and before averaging.
While averaging is in progress we need to sum the three functions
then we might have the sought after averaged value of
where subscripts
stand for atomic, "vacuum", and free electrons averaged fields and volume
As for the atomic medium (after averaging all charges over the atoms occupied
space) - over
where subscripts
stand for bound electrons, nuclei, and "vacuum" within the atoms, molecules;
is the part of the "vacuum" within the atoms.
We might write (while still in the CGSE assuming
but only After averaging and at what scale? ) the Gauss law for magnetic field averaged in a matter equation as
where the surficial quantities of magnetic fields
are reflecting the interaction of medium ("phase") related averaged magnetic
fields in a "vacuum", free electrons and atoms as the separate "phases."
Averaging over the polyphase material's media of the Gauss law for electric field equation
then we can have for dielectrics while using the conventional model for
the following equation
as soon as we can write the atomic phase displacement field
and averaged displacement field as
as long as in the "vacuum" the polarization vector
In this averaged Upper scale equation the surficial quantities of electric
reflecting the interaction of medium ("phase") related averaged electric
fields in a "vacuum" and atoms, molecules as the separate "phases."
Nevertheless, when we have to use more correct and exact modeling for the
we get for the averaged continuum medium Gauss law electric field equation
different again from the conventional continuum Upper scale equation, where
is the polarization interface averaged term.
The heterogeneous microscale (atomic scale) equation of Ampere-Maxwell for induced magnetic field is the second magnetic field equation in the media for Averaging
that after averaging over the sub-volumes of "vacuum," atoms, molecules, and free electrons becomes rather complicated forms with multiple variants actually for almost any kind of media.
The one is for the forms for the dielectrics with the weak influence of external fields
are the two terms
reflecting the interaction of medium ("phase") related averaged magnetic
fields in a "vacuum" and atoms as the separate "phases";
is the average of magnetic orbital momentum of outer "shell" of atoms;
the terms with average electric fields at atom-"vacuum" interface
and polarization average over the interface with the speed of the interface between the outer "shells" of atoms and "vacuum" displacement in a material.
For this averaged equation we can write the following summary:
1) We obtained 6 additional atomic scale morphology related and explained terms in the averaged Upper continuum scale Ampere-Maxwell equation for induced magnetic field. These terms should extend our abilities in understanding, modeling and design of materials, media.
2) Notice, that these effects as of
just absent in the homogeneous physics Maxwell-Lorentz continuum
electrodynamics equations.
3) Notice, that there is NO ONE additional coefficient appeared in the continuum equation - that means we should seek the effective coefficients based on the only fundamental properties at atomic scale of constituents atoms, "vacuum", and of morphology of materials at atomic scale.
This was never achieved before.
4) Notice, that the magnetic induction field
in the averaged Ampere-Maxwell equation for induced magnetic field
is written
as or
the sign before magnetization is proven as it is reversed to the notation used
in homogeneous physics (started from averaging by Lorentz) because in
homogeneous physics the field
instantly is replaced by
just before
an averaging even being declared - which is incorrect.
5) Up to this development the communication between the atomic scale microstructure and microfields and continuum medium morphology and effective properties were based on the approximate tools followed the incomplete (incorrect to some extent) Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz macroscale (continuum) equations.
The Faraday law of induction equation
while averaged over our heterogeneous polyphase polyatom material REV; then we
can finilize with the notations as
and get averaged equation for the Faraday law of induction for
with the four heterogeneous interface surface averaged terms. These terms
are the two terms
reflecting the interaction of medium ("phase") related averaged electric
fields in a "vacuum" and atoms as the separate "phases"; while
the terms with average magnetic fields at atom-"vacuum" interface average over
the interface with the speed of the interface between the outer "shells" of atoms and
"vacuum" displacement in a material.
For this averaged equation we can write the following summary:
1) We obtained 4 additional atomic scale morphology related and explained terms in the averaged Upper continuum scale Faraday law of induction equation. These terms should extend our abilities in understanding, modeling and design of materials, media.
2) Notice, that these effects as of
just absent in the homogeneous physics Maxwell-Lorentz continuum
electrodynamics equations.
3) Notice, that there is NO ONE additional coefficient appeared in this continuum equation - that means we should seek the effective coefficients based on the only fundamental properties at atomic scale of constituent's atoms, "vacuum", and of morphology of materials at atomic scale. Plus the external fields influence.
This was never achieved before.
4) Notice, that there is no magnetic induction
in the right hand side of this equation, but only averaged
as soon as in homogeneous physics the field
instantly is replaced by
just before
an averaging even being declared - which is incorrect.
As we can see, the equations that are resulting after averaging are hard to compare with the
conventional "bulk" media Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz (MHL) electrodynamics equations.
And the medium (material, substance) for which governing equations derived is
not merely the one being explained with the chemical or materials science definitions, it is given
with more strict definitions.
According to HSP-VAT the Loss and Gain Law (LGL) we can generally accept the qualitative
transformation of fields and equations. Thus the fields at one scale physical and mathematical
model and at that of even neighboring scale are different by nature of transformation by
scaleportation - that might be and of different physical nature.
We can bring
with force (making some more simplifications and equalizations) these Upper Scale
averaged (L3D) ↑(U3D) equations to the MHL form of equations for some
technical and just scientific reasons. Then, the issue will be the specifics and
theory for the "effective" coefficients for MHL kind of equations.
1) All the effort spent by physicists in XX century when for justifying the appearance of Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz electrodynamics macroscale (of Continuum Mechanics) equations was to find out the appropriate or approximate mathematical procedures which can be called "fixing" for making way to pseudo-average the atomic scale Lorentz electromagnetism equations and present them looking as the macroscale equations also by Lorentz, but for which Lorentz could not use the correct averaging mathematics and physics of the end of XX century.
Up to now physicists had not used the correct scaled averaging methods for atomic scale Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz electrodynamics equations.
2) Because the problem of averaging of the array of fields and forces of moving atoms, molecules, free electrons, photons embedded in a medium that can be called vacuum (and is not really empty space) is the problem of scaled heterogeneous physics, it should be treated with the tools of that physics, including first of all the various Volume-Surface integration theorems, developed for Heterogeneous media.
That is why the methods used in homogeneous physics in XX century must fail and have failed to develop the correct macroscale medium (Continuum Mechanics) electrodynamics governing equations.
3) What is used right now in physics as for the macroscale continuum homogeneous medium, and not only homogeneous, are the Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz electrodynamics equations that is the statement that has been adjusted to the form developed by Lorentz after discovery of electron and that is the incomplete governing equations set for electromagnetism phenomena. There are written the huge amount of documents, papers, books on evidences on inconsistency and disagreement of modeling using these governing equations with experiments. These evidences continue to be ignored by conformal physics establishment (the reasons are also known and said of many times) and that precludes the purposes of higher standards of education, exclude chances for basic science breakthroughs, understanding of many puzzling effects and inventions.
4) There are two methods used in homogeneous physics for pseudo-averaging of atomic scale Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz electrodynamics equations: a) is the expansion in series of the difficult terms that need to be averaged and with the great simplifications (unacceptable) forcefully bring mathematical expressions to the Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz conventional continuum mechanics set of equations; b) starting from the one atom averaging of forces the following line of derivation using the mixed methods of unacceptable simplifications along with the recursive use of known Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz equations - the same equations that not yet been averaged in an algorithm.
Still, the worst thing in both approaches is that used the incorrect formulae for averaging of differential operators.
5) Generally, these averaging formulae and pseudo-averaged EM governing equations used up to now in homogeneous microscale electrodynamics, are not correct for atomic scale, for the Upper scales averaging, for Heterogeneous media. That is why the orthodox conventional physics for so many years since 1967 and during the following in the 80-90s developments in the HSP-VAT tried to ignore, suppress and silence the truthful physics and mathematics of multiphase microscale electrodynamics theory, modeling with averaging and scaleportation, presented in the HSP-VAT methods and math.
Because of this way of homogeneous averaging in atomic and particle physics as given above for averaging of Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz equations, the Upper scale (continuum mechanics) equations have been falsified and are incomplete.
All conventional textbooks on electrodynamics and materials science are showing the same type of incorrect mathematical procedures for heterogeneous averaging. Well - this is actual cheating on the students and general public, professionals in various sciences and technologies!
Meanwhile, this falsified electrodynamics that is being adjusted for every case, lies in the very core of the Contventional Orthodox Homogeneous physics (COHP) - from particle and atomic physics up to astrophysics.
6) Lorentz himself in his "Clerk Maxwell's Electromagnetic Theory. The Rede Lecture for 1923, Cambridge" (1923) used to say that:
"Will it be possible to maintain these equations? I am not thinking here
of the comparatively slight modifications that have been necessary in
the theory of relativity;.....
A greater and really serious danger is threatening from the side of the
quantum theory, for the existence of amounts of energy that remain
concentrated in small spaces during their propagation, to which several
phenomena seem to point,
is in
absolute contradiction
to Maxwell's equations.
However this may be, even if further development should require
profound alterations, Maxwell's theory will always remain a step of
the highest importance in the progress of physics."
where he was citing Maxwell himself:
"It appears to me that while we derive great advantage from the recognition of the many analogies between the electrical current and a current of a material fluid, we must carefully avoid making any assumption not warranted by experimental evidence,......
A knowledge of these things would amount to at least the beginning
of a complete dynamical theory of electricity, in which we should regard
electrical action, not, as in this treatise, as a phenomenon due to an
unknown cause, subject only to the general laws of dynamics,
but as the
result of
known motions of known portions of matter,
in which not only the total effects and final results, but the
whole intermediate mechanism and details of the motion,
are taken as the object of study."
7) We obtained the additional terms based on averaging heterogeneous media techniques for every atomic scale electrodynamics averaged equation; for example the 6 additional atomic scale morphology related and explained terms obtained for the averaged Upper continuum scale Ampere-Maxwell equation for induced magnetic field. These and other equations terms should extend our abilities in understanding, modeling and design of materials, media.
8) Notice, that these effects as of
Ampere-Maxwell equation are just absent in the homogeneous physics
Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz continuum electrodynamics equations.
9) Notice, that there is no complete field of
magnetic induction
as in homogeneous pseudo-averaging obtained for the Gauss law for magnetic
field equation, but only the full averaged magnetic field
This result has been obtained by heterogeneous averaging for the Upper scale
form of this equation.
10) Notice, that the magnetic induction field in the
Ampere-Maxwell equation for induced magnetic field is written
as or
the sign before the magnetization term is proven as it is reversed to the notation used
in homogeneous physics Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz equations
(started from averaging by Lorentz) because in
homogeneous physics the micromagnetic field (of atomic scale)
instantly is replaced by the atomic scale magnetic induction field
just before
an averaging even being declared - which is incorrect.
Meanwhile, there is no atomic scale magnetic induction field
unless we either making a "SPECIAL" theory related to a separate particle (electron, nucleus)
and only, or
have been averaged the field over the some specified volume
that would include the "vacuum" and the particles, but not a homogenized
unknown one "phase" which is called vacuum (and which is the mix of "vacuum"
and of smeared particles presented as volumeless "dot-points")
- as of an atom or
of larger dimension as the REV and have already received that field
as a result of averaging with all components of this
field, but obtaned as by averaging and shown as
averaged either over the atom or the REV.
Otherwise, the instant unjustified change of
is just the "fixing" to the Lorentz form of continuum scale equations.
11) Notice, that there is no magnetic induction
in the right hand side of the Faraday law of induction
equation, but only the averaged
again because in homogeneous physics the field
instantly is replaced by
in each atomic physics, electrodynamics textbook) just before an averaging
even being declared - which is incorrect.
12) Notice, that there is NO ONE additional coefficient appeared in the continuum equations for the Upper scale - that means we should seek the effective coefficients based on the only fundamental properties at atomic scale of constituent's atoms, "vacuum", and of morphology of materials at atomic scale. Plus the external fields influence.
This was never achieved before.
13) Up to this development the communication between the atomic scale microstructure and microfields and continuum medium morphology and effective properties were based on the approximate tools followed the incomplete (incorrect to some extent) Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz macroscale (continuum) equations.
14) There would be many formulations in electrodynamics for different matters and for different scales. Not as of the case that used right now which is the application of the same kind of Lorentz' Continuum Mechanics electrodynamics equations for any scale and any medium. Just using changed coefficients that are the adjusting parameters right now.
15) As one can observe, the Upper scale continuum averaged electrodynamics equations that have the Lower scale MHL equations, can be classified as the set of integro-differential equations. One can derive on their base the numerous implementations reflecting the specific physical task. That is the way to evaluate the standard test specific property "bulk" coefficients for conventional homogeneous medium electrodynamics. This problem is of incredible value itself.
16) The Upper scale averaged atomic scale fundamental electrodynamics equations should help to design experiment(s) aiming at study of electrons outer atomic shell spatial distribution and morphology.
17) The same kind of pseudo-averaging (continuum mechanics derivation within itself) was brought into the contemporary models, mathematical formulation in hydrodynamics that are the partial differential equations for hydrodynamics phenomena - as the Navier-Stokes equations for laminar flow.
Having these incorrect averaging procedures from atomic to continuum mechanics formulation as those used for Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz electrodynamics equations (besides of that, there was no knowledge about the structure of atoms and molecules at the time of Stokes, other physical and mathematical schemes of XX century are not qualified for correct scaleportation of momentum and impulse as well); it is not surprising that the oldest unsolved problem in physics called the turbulence explanation and its dynamics formulation has not been solved and can not be solved based on the accepted now laminar form equations of fluid dynamics. More than hundred years effort has given the engineering approximations that are not suitable for phenomena inherently stated with the polyscale interactions, as plasma modeling, for example, for projects like the ITER.
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