The Annals of Frontier and Exploratory Science

02//2013 Are Magnet Motors (MM) Exist? Misunderstanding of the Function


Magnet Motors (MM), as a category and device among many inexplicable by contemporary orthodox physics, physical phenomena belongs to mostly electrodynamics related facts.

Among numerous projects, designs and builds of MM most are not workable. There are great number of accusations and suspicions toward some workable designs, material models. Why is so open and hostile distrust?

To understand this phenomenon it is necessary to start with the basics that underpin the inventors. The fact is that the conventional university, academic science in general considers the MM - as the perpetuum mobile in one of the performances, and as such it has no right to exist. But what about the demonstrations when the motor seen as running?

They - university professors, do not believe their own eyes and just hire the security professionals - to find out : Where is the trick? Other things, but how to explore this event for their own glory is obviously spreading outward of university guys on the show. 8 years distinguished inventor traveling from other side of Europe to them, unknown university professors - wanting to be understood and accepted. He does not know who they are, the slaves of officials.

That is, because most of designs are being made on the base when interaction (actually mechanical, but named magnetic) between the two magnets of different shapes, forms are translated (imaginary) to the supposed "Collective" physical action (again mechanical) between arrays of the same shape magnets spatially arranged in the determined material design, mock-up.

Although people, university scientists are not actually able to go further in the analysis than for the recording of the two magnets interaction and hypothetically talk about the alleged account of all the magnets. This is nonsense - as a Homogeneous single-scale physics has for this no instrument, no theory. Yes, they can model the EM fields with the applicable software - only of the one scale statements, and what's more?

They can not get to the correct analysis of bulk averaged phenomena, processes, equations, models - that is required for the fact findings. All averaging is done as in the fifth grade - by addition. Have any questions for this magnetism explanation?

In doing this, the actual electromagnetic phenomena, interaction is mentally translated to only mechanical behavior of a machine - spinning of the rotor, thus leaving behind and not even considering seriously the electromagnetism of all materials and their shapes involved.

This strange, but explainable design approach correspondingly brings in the most of failures in MMs physical modeling. Nobody on this path even talks about the physics of phenomena - Hierarchical Polyscale (HSP-VAT). We can say that it is not known to most of the orthodox government and university science. It is known actually, but too complex and difficult for them to implement. Well, some people in universities as I.Catton of UCLA, are familiar to this physics. Nevertheless, as our experiences telling - the problem with the Polyscale-Polyphase Scaled physics is larger and deeper for education and just like application of it. Professors, students, professionals need more than just reading some or even many studes on HSP-VAT. There should be shear volume in education and in industries .

Again, the existing attempts to hypothesize on explanation by professor of Eindhoven (?) university are fantastic (fantasies, sorry for this word) totally driven from the conventional orthodox homogeneous one-scale physics (COHP). And that is wrong - the polyscale nature of MM phenomena can not be reached via all these artificial sub-atomic schematic dreams - in spite that this is wanted to be a truth. Also it would be fair to add that the sub-atomic phenomena, even if are correct - can not explain, for example, the torque of the MM which is many orders of magnitude larger physical scale and which belongs to the Continuum Mechanics phenomena. Naturally and rightfully to start considering the rotation of the machine's rotor from the scale of observation first.

Why is that?

Mostly because of the two reasons:

1) Number one is because the contemporary university physics stuck in the models, theoretical physics models of the midst of XX century. With that false concepts for point-mass electron (a point can not have mass), its "rotation, movement" around the nucleus, other particles, with electrodynamics of one, many molecules of a magnetic material.

University physics can not describe the collective behavior of electrons, atoms, molecules correctly. It is hardly taught in universities now the history of failed studies, very much prolonged studies in the first half of XX, when researchers strained to reach the explanation of magnetism via the Bottom-Up from the atomic scale interacting particles, atoms bulk behavior! Again, all of this was because neither in the first half of the XX-th century nor in the second half of it conventional physics could not integrate over the arrays of electrons (they are in general considered and being considered as points - How you can integrate over the points? Yes, you are right, just adding one to another. And this is a great mistake (and one of mistakes) - because electrons are not the points, but volumetric complicated particles as well as and atoms, molecules. All those multiyear large researches were recognized as failures.

The inability to provide the correct averaging at atomic and not only atomic scales electromagnetic phenomena and models is only the part of the problems with magnetism. That is why the conventional physics silently just dropped addressing the issue of the Bottom-Up from atoms to Continuum Mechanics magnetism theory and explanation of magnetic phenomena.

Do our readers know that there are Hundreds of unexplainable magnetic phenomena exist? This is a great problem in physics. Now in the fashioned era of nanotechnologies this area of magnetism science fundamentals should be addressed anyway.

Relying on the present time homogeneous MD is a baseless practice as soon as the MD mathematical and physical schemes themselves are the adjusted, simplified models. Didn't you know about this, did you? Not told about, well, that is because you got through the university one scale physics courses.

University physics can not accept these arguments and as a result the theory of magnetism is incomplete and insufficient on the course of many decades and based mostly on the artificial coefficients that definitions and calculations are not mathematically correct.

At the meantime, the power of Hierarchical Scaled Heterogeneous physics (HSP-VAT) covers all the needs of magnetism polyscale nature mechanisms.

2) Well, moving upstairs (upscale) from the sub-atomic and atomic physics along the scales the number two of serious drawbacks in understanding and design of MM should be called the inability of researchers, designers of MM translate, transfer their mechanical understanding of two magnets force interaction to the collective again mechanical movement of magnetically driven mechanical part of the designed MM.

The complete understanding and exchange of electromagnetic phenomena and their physical (should be correct) theory by mechanical only means of the device (MM) function can not work.

We have already developed in the 90s the theory, tools that applicable to the scaled tasks, study, design and optimization of electromagnetic devices with Heterogeneous Polyphase media similar to MM. The MM of Yildiz design (MMY), for example, can be considered with sufficient accuracy of physics represented, design specifics and modeling capabiltities as the 2, or in more full physical presentation of 4 (or 5 as for magnets composite medium) scale device.

Note, we are not talking here in this text on the energy transport mechanisms. We are simply recording the events.

Nevertheless, a few inventors managed to combine their intuitive, experimentally obtained (new Amperes, Faradays) knowledge of successful workable designs, mock-ups, and gotten to successful products as K.Minato (electromagnetically assisted MM) and M.Yildiz with most of the designs as pure MMs. K.Minato's key to success apart of the design itself was a decent amount of money he introduced himself (he had that money) and on the timely financing of his projects.

Perendev named MM by M.Brady is believed to exist. Inventor had not enough money and qualifications to develop the products, based on MM, that he started to market as the existing prototypes. That approach brought in a personal failure.

Right now M.Yildiz, well this is not the present only time event, consistently is demonstrating a great number of working MM designs and prototypes.

Even practically the production prototypes. The persistent demonstration of working MM since ~2005 to many European university scientific gatherings seems does not bring any recognition of this outstanding result.

It is not surprising. One should recollect, just in the recent times, many decades the validation attempts of Cold Fusion developers, ~40 years of blind rejection of NRIM ( Negative Refractive Index Materials), recent costly naive validation attempt of STEORN in a hope to get the recognition from the university orthodox physics. Former USSR's academy issued in 1962 the command (rule) not even accept for consideration the themes, studies objecting or criticizing the SR and GR, QM and related theories. This ban is acting up to now - it is not lifted in the broken RF after more than 20 years of dismantling of the USSR! We skip talking on the other more dramatic and crucial fights around electrodynamics of Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz, SR and GR, QM and nuclear physics, other issues not mentioned here for brevity.

Interesting enough is watching that A.Rossi (real market products of Cold Fusion (Nuclear Transmutation) developer and maker) does not even talk and look into the academic physics side, that is already obsolete on Cold Fusion for more than 25 years.

In conclusion we should state:

By the definition - any event not understood or/and explained with the tools, methods of orthodox university physics (Tesla is the great example) does not penetrate deep into the "existing" university taught scientific event "categories" those seems the only ones that eager to be keepers are in an academic physics. Then, consequently the outstanding inventions, theories of exploratory physics, devices, experiments are being shoved to a fringe of technology and even being silenced with great effort by the same orthodox physics.

Now apparently A.Rossi completely sold out the control over his cold fusion technology to the U.S. government, the Defense Department. Such a conclusion can be drawn from his conduct in the market of cold fusion, other signs, and "brave" behavior by NASA in the media about their "achievements" in the field. Cold fusion reactors (5-10 kW) by A.Rossi for the lay public have been delayed "due to" the efforts of the industrial department of certification of these reactors. It will be dragged on as long as the U.S. does not reach the point of dominance in military and industrial sectors over the rest of the world thanks to the Cold Fusion (CF) technologies.

Then the CF technologies let to the open public market (in the US first), if other laboratories in the world won't succed enough, but it will be too late for other countries.

Well, the government's labs and university science will get the command to "accept" the CF science and technologies and make that the prime place where the CF was created and developed - it was the NASA primarily, or other classified agency. Others, as A.Rossi, for example, were just mechanics in the shop. Some signs of that already appear.

M.Yildiz's effort and MM designs are under a real threat to their advancements. He probably will never get the recognition from the conventional academic physics because it (academic physics) has no tools, theories to understand and explain the phenomenon of MM, particularly of M.Yildiz's design. Watch the movies in YouTube - when university guys see the working motor while they have nothing to say about it, apart of the declaration of event. They just want to find out - where is the battery that M.Yildiz had hidden in?

10 Muammer Yildiz_ Magnet Motor_ Delft university_Motor Magnetico_Free Energy.flv

3) As long as the path and tools of HSP-VAT for understanding and physics of MMotors are now published and known since ~02//2013 - the various and numerous projects, not of only Magnet Motors, on design and development of MM, other devices of "free" (have fun on this word) magnetic energy can be organized by alternative, free energy communities worldwide. Or by any other interested party, investors.


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