Introduction to Medicine Modeling as a Hierarchical, Heterogeneous, Multiscale Science and its Applications

We all know, while medical professionals know the most, that Medicine IS a Hierarchical, Heterogeneous, Multiscale Science. Most of us, meanwhile, don't know that these are just words in Medicine, in spite that the mountains of studies were published on this point of view. The deficiency is that, of course, the mathematical, physical models, mathematics of that modeling are in all those studies use the derivations via the Homogeneous GO theorem. That is - the basis of the Heterogeneous subject is based itself on Homogeneous media Mathematics.

As it was shown in many physical disciplines throughout the last >40 years since 1967 the differences in mathematics and physical models statements are the major issue in conceptual formulation, mathematics, physics, and chemistry studies as well. Yes, the biochemistry tools enable workers view and formulate the heterogeneous, hierarchical biomedia problems as in XIX-th and beginning of XX-th century - as Homogeneous ones. In latest years, approximately from 2004-2005 workers started to use the fashionable wording on "multiscale" that came from the materials science vocabulary, also used as the obligatory words. As the nanotech, etc.

In reality, the consecutive development models in a conventional medical sciences modeling are of a one scale. No matter, what words on "multiscaling" authors put in the titles. That is the starting point for not only the verbal presentation of models in medicine, but everything else - understanding of disease, healing methods, policies, etc. That's strange for medical professionals - the mathematics, physics and disease treatments? Meanwhile, the digital graphical images usage, for example, that now is in the core of medicine practices (and was), is all due to the math based physics application in medicine. That arrived not so long ago.

Since 1987-1988 when firstly we suggested the approach of HSP-VAT (then was named as VAT) for biology and medicine, then the methodology and various developments in the field, there are existing the true methods of polyscale modeling and simulation for biology and medicine.


As it is established in HSP-VAT the mathematical formulation, statements, and modeling of physical processes occurring in strongly heterogeneous media result on the whole in the necessity for the particular medium scaled characteristics development, and accordingly, for process governing equations. This is all applicable to the Heterogeneous Scaled nature of assignments within the Biology/Medicine disciplines.

We have developed concepts, theoretical presentations, and methods to address a number of bio-medical type processes along with our development of general theories for transport phenomena in hierarchical, heterogeneous, and scaled media. The basic methodology allows us to treat multiple scale transport processes ranging from the nano-, microscopic to the macroscopic. Some of the phenomena we can model with a little enhancement of our present already developed basic theories.

Among major aims of the HSP-VAT application to Biological/Medicine issues/problems are the following:

1) Provide theoretical derivation of main sets of governing equations (GE) on each level of the hierarchy and estimate feasibility of closure developments.

2) Develop theoretical mechanisms and varieties of closure approaches for each specific biological or/and medicine system hierarchical level.

3) Estimate the feasibility of theoretical procedures for the development of numerical convergent algorithms for solution evaluations of the equations governing the process.

4) And yes, answering to medical professionals: The final goal(s) is not only writing the physics and math models, governing equations that biologists and medics do not understand (due to their education) - but Formulate, Model, Simulate, Develop the Polyphase, Polyscale, HSP-VAT based Disease Healing Techniques and Technologies.

Many of those already have been suggested by us in the 90-2000s. Among them there are already known experimentally, practically achieved the healing results due to various electromagnetic methods developed by practitioners and/or researchers on the empirical ground.

While the best practical methods ordinary used to be obtained with the good theory understanding of a phenomenon. And that elevates the status of the biology microworld scale electromagnetic transport, starting from the atomic and subatomic scales. Intercellular scale electrodynamics further is the one more thing that is extremely important for healing and ions exchange.

Insertion of 2011-2012. We continue also paying attention and working over the field of the polyscale blood transport in tissue. That is while the conventional medicine is using homogeneous biophysics up to now - after more than 18 years passed since our firstly suggested scaled (two and three scales) concepts and modeling biophysics and math methods (not accepted at that time by NIH). We continue watching the same outdated one phase (named as the multiphase now), one scale blood transport methods and modeling funded by the same NIH, NIC that are being published all over the medical, biomedical journals. It is not surprising, it is the lost possibilities since 1994.

At the same time we are hearing that the medical practitioners, highly ranked ones started openly talk about -

"Forget the "science" that has been drummed into your head for decades.

The science that saturated fat alone causes heart disease is non-existent. The science that saturated fat raises blood cholesterol is also very weak. Since we now know that cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, the concern about saturated fat is even more absurd today.

The cholesterol theory led to the no-fat, low-fat recommendations that in turn created the very foods now causing an epidemic of inflammation.

Mainstream medicine made a terrible mistake when it advised people to avoid saturated fat in favor of foods high in omega-6 fats. We now have an epidemic of arterial inflammation leading to heart disease and other silent killers." ;

"Let me repeat that: The injury and inflammation in our blood vessels is caused by the low fat diet recommended for years by mainstream medicine." -

  • - "Blood Vessel's Walls Inflammation and Heart Diseases"

    That means - the physical reasons for the inflammation at the blood vessel's walls should be in the focus of medical research - and that exactly one of the things we had proposed in 1994 to the NIH. See the following sub-sections.

    Text of 2003 continues:

    Among areas of interests for us in the Ht Biology/Medicine we have been treating the issues related to blood circulation in the variety of human tissues.

    Since no single model, but ours based on HSP-VAT, exists at the present time that could account for multiscaling and consider the actual blood transport within the tissue or organ morphology, (well, the methods using not proper mathematics and physics we are not able to consider seriously), we have been working over the suggested earlier by us the development which treats the blood flow in at least four scale heterogeneous systems, including: 1- separate cells (red and white) and dispersed cell medium modeling as well as capillary, arteriole, other vessels wall scale modeling; 2 - single blood vessel models including previous, down the scale, multiphase scaled governing equation statements; 3 - single tissue sample capillary network scale modeling; 4 - finally the three (more) phase blood transport modeling in the tissue morphological vessel networks in conjugation with the soft tissue's phases. Here could be mentioned the brain blood flow features theory and modeling:

  • interaction between overall bulk blood perfusion in brain matter and vascular morphology characteristics such as diameter of vessels ( capillaries and arterioles), cerebral vascular tree morphometry and vessels wall permeability.
  • mathematical models for Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) could be developed and will constitute the significant improvements to those used at present time and described, for example, in "Textbook of Head Injury" (Muizelaar, J.P., pp. 221-240). The scaled VAT introduction to the CBF would lead to a much more accurate calculation of CBF characteristics in normal and posttraumatic intracranial medium.
  • A few projects we had some involvement in the 1992-1995 and had made some contributions (private, internal funding) to are:

  • "Cerebral Blood Flow Models for Normal and with Acute Disorders Brain Intracranial Medium"
  • " Cerebral Blood Flow Extracranial Thermal Diffusion Measurement Technique"
  • "Noninvasive Transcranial High Resolution Doppler Ultrasonography Improvement"
  • "Optimization of Filter's Morphology for Artificial Kidney Membranes"

  • 04/04/2013: President Obama "Brain Mapping Initiative" announced two days ago.

    Obama is late after me for 20 years. I was suggesting the same to the people of UCLA's Brain Research Institute in ~ 1993. That was above their comprehension at that time - For what reason? Read in the below 1993 ABSTRACT "Multiscale Modeling of Brain Blood Supply System " the reasons for morphometric studies of the brain. Now Obama via his advisers is appealing to start making the same - at last they understood some of the implications of the brain morphometry (physics and chemistry of processes will be attached) and give this understanding to the NIH.

    Let alone use of the brain morphometry for the first hand much known diseases, the other applications of morphometric and physical maps of the brain, I am afraid that researchers of NIH task force that already have jumped to the brain morphometry program - they won't get to the ground of the polyscale studies and implications of brain morphometry. This is not achievable with the homogeneous one scale biology, medicine, chemistry, and physics that will be explored in this program at present.

    Researchers, I hope, realize this later on. I need to recognize that in my proposal the financing was desired in the range of 2-4 M. I was too shy of the Obama's advisers who just at the beginning fried out the much more fruitier pie for the program - just 100 M.

    One more thing is that the brain morphometry is a quite strong basis for anthropology studies and conclusions. This will be an interesting dilemma for medicinal authorities - as long as sooner than later the results of brain morphometry research will be connected to the contemporary, ancient and prehistoric (paleo) anthropology science studies. The double sharp instrument will show up all its potential.

    Text of 2003 continues:

    To give a better idea how it might be procurable, the polyscale HSP-VAT contribution to the following project titled

    "Multiscale Modeling of Brain Blood Supply System "

    was suggested in 1993-94 to the UCLA's Brain Research Institute. Not well understood and accepted as long as mostly medical professionals (professors) spend their grants money for a hospital care staff. They do research and living really using the multiple funds.


    A biomechanical model of the brain blood supply system, beginning with the major blood input arteries and extending through a consequent networks of arterioles, capillaries, venules and sinuses, could be developed. The first step would be to create a mathematical model of the brain vessel network morphology suitable for the scaled modeling and then map and develop a data base for the brain vessel network morphology (BVNM). A detailed map of BVNM and a database with morphometrical data would be used in subsequent steps of the simulation, starting with the development of a theoretical, physical and mathematical basis to simulate the flow of a non-Newtonian blood medium with species exchange in at least three morphologically different brain blood networks. A thorough morphometrical investigation of the BVNM would be undertaken, accompanied by a numerical network simulation. A specific theoretical biomechanical approach, database and software for the BVNM map would be the result of this project. The database and BVNM map would have independent market value and could be the basis for distinct improvement of medical service and research.

    That project prospectus, layouts had been made basically combining the respected brain tissue engineering morphology and the HSP-VAT scaling consideration of the processes.

    Another area is our love child since ~1990:

    "Hierarchical Multiphase Muscle Blood System Simulation"

    This project is aimed at developing a physically based methodology for modeling and simulating transport phenomena in a multiphase healthy blood vessels medium within a muscle tissue. Since no one model exists at the present time that can treat the multiple scales that are present in actual blood vessel morphology, the suggested development would treat the blood flow as a four scale heterogeneous system where the four scales are:

    1)       dispersed cell medium modeling of separate cells (red and white) including  capillary and arteriole wall scale modeling,

    2)       single blood vessel models based on the first multiphase scale governing equation statements,

    3)       single muscle fiber capillary network scale modeling, and

    4)       three phase blood transport modeling in a muscle fiber bundle capillary network.

    To create these kinds of models, the present nonlinear multiscale morphological modeling approach will be used and significantly oriented toward the biomedical improvements. The  modeling procedures will provide a more accurate physical model enabling  considering the transport of blood constituents at each level of the hierarchy. After being developed, these models would offer significant advantages over existing one-phase-one-vessel (well, a few vessels, anyway incorrectly stated (2011)) models, due to their multilevel description and the direct dependence on a given specific muscle morphology.

    This latter project had been formed even into the proposal to NIH in 1994 - see the sub-section here.

    It is of great interest to us the questions related to the functionality and physical and mathematical formulation of the drug development altogether with the disease modeling in vivo. As long as these are profoundly the Heterogeneous Multiscaled Multiphysics and Multiphase tasks then that all is in the area of the only treatable character while with the HSP-VAT approach. Few commonly important diseases are within our development procedure.

    All this material above, well not all, but now about of ~80%, was written in 2002-2003 and uploaded in the internet in the same ~ 2002-2003. Meanwhile, through the years we changed some text on emphases, while the new issues and challenges demand answers, at least conceptual, some have formulations and models, so we continue placing in the web the sub-sections with the titles and materials reflecting our attention and advancements.


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