The Annals of Exploratory Science
Vladi S.
Hierarchical Scaled Physics and Technologies (HSPT), Rheinbach, Germany,
Denver, CO, USA
There are known some theories for explanation of Cold Fusion reactors function. Until recently those were completely based on the Conventional Orthodox Homogeneous Physics (COHP) classification, physical disciplines, and theories that -
1) Have the source and ground in the established at the beginning of XX century homogeneous particle physics with physics of one phase and most of the sub-atomic particles accepted as the point-mass-charge volume-less entities.
Which is all grossly incorrect - [1,2] see, for example, just some of excerpts from larger analysis:
Among other deficiencies of academic contemporary physics we can point out to only a few the most strong and dramatic in terms of consequences for general physics and education:
2) Electrodynamics of Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz (MHL) that is the insufficient theory or, we might say, an approximate in many respects;
3) Inappropriate (Homogeneous) mathematics used for Heterogeneous matter - which is the most widely distributed media in universe and in physics naturally; one of consequences of homogeneous mathematics is the QM created to tackle the volume-less particle physics problems as with the one scale linear homogeneous fields;
4) Inappropriate many-body mechanics of XVIII century used habitually for much more complicated matters of particle physics; while this is also the consequence of the one scale homogeneous mathematics - bodies are taken with the some effects of an unknown surrounding medium (aether, of vacuum0, or space vacuum, or some other matter), but there is no participation - modeling, governing equations, etc., of the surrounding media in these physical models; nevertheless, even this mechanics of many-body statements is not resolved up to the all statements fulfillment for naturally possible problems;
5) Pretty important, probably the most strong message is that the orthodox physics in principle does not recognize the Over the unity physics and any process ??
So - Why to recognize this one after the 20+ years of falsifying picture of CF, coining it the "junk" science? That is just the simple straight answer to this question - because COH physics can be left behind without any money for their ways of living. No money for that CF COHP "research", no money for a living. Is this simple as it was and is now for most of real pioneers of CF field?
It should be strictly said that - the real polyphase-polyscale-polyphysics (3P) Cold Fusion processes are not compatible with COH physics and the COHP theories of cold fusion, with the process' of cold fusion that are being "explained" in COHP. Cold fusion, and more others over the 1 inventions, and now we have a lot of them, are known that - on the basis of orthodox outdated COH physics it is impossible to understand, explain and develop further these inventions.
It is not surprising, that the CF COHP theories are inadequate and can not explain, model, and simulate possible nuclei collapse and transmutation with the accompanying other processes - nuclear and atomic radiation, electromagnetic phenomena at activation and in the process of energy generation, energy types (including of the heat) transformation pathways, electrochemistry inside of the reactor, etc.
By the way - any COHP explanations for nanosize particles dynamics and electrodynamics are non-credible. Any COHP credible theory that can model the polyphase nanomaterial(s) and other processes is known? None of credible, because the COHP nanophysics is of the one medium, one scale instead of the really present at least the two media and two scale of physics. That means, it is inadequate, we published on that the substantial explanations.
We firstly generated the 3P (Polyphase-Polyscale-Polyphysics) theory and modeling capabilities for the CF processes including activation of the reactor. All participating media and particles are taken as the Heterogeneous and structured media or entities. All participating physical processes are taken and present as for the polyphase, polyscale, polyphysics developments. We have conceived, specified and originated the 3P models for mass, momentum transport, sub-atomic scales particles and atoms, molecules dynamics and electrodynamics, nuclei collapse and transmutation, nuclear and atomic radiation, energy generation and transformation.
Significant is to mention that the homogeneous one scale theories are not applicable for the CF transmutation breakdown as actually evident from the multi-decade history of COH nuclear and particle physics when nuclei models are just taken as hypothetical fluid droplets?
And of course, because this is the tremendous amount of phenomena and processes, when the simulation all of these models demands the huge resources, human and material. Nevertheless, as it is known from the history of critical and complicated just of the recent XX-th century and contemporary technologies the game is worth of effort. The more important is that the control and optimization would be much better off when the models of processes can be correctly simulated. It is still the nuclear device.
After we run through the 3P HSP-VAT analysis and general design of the A.Rossi's cold fusion reactor we should set up some (only some) explanatory concluding remarks on a few COHP features that had surfaced in texts and patents of A.Rossi and F.Piantelli regarding their inventions.
This would help readers, students return to the language used in COH particle and nuclear physics - One Scale For ALL (OSFA) physics with volume-less particles.
The following article will describe and explain in more or less simple text the scaled subjects regarding physics in Rossi's E-Cat nuclear reactor:
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1. Travkin, V.S., Particle Physics - Heterogeneous Polyscale Collectively Interactive,, (2011)
2. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "The Classical and Sub-Atomic Physics are the Same Physics,", (2013)
Any information displayed here is the proprietary information in the area of "Hierarchical Scaled (HS) Particle Physics in Rossi's E-Cat Nuclear Reactor."
This is also the well known problem - still can not be solved within the Homogeneous One-Scale particle physics, electromagnetism, nuclear physics.