The Annals of Exploratory Science
Vladi S.
Hierarchical Scaled Physics and Technologies (HSPT), Rheinbach, Germany,
Denver, CO, USA
We are using advances in the 3P (Polyphase-Polyscale-Polyphysics) theory and modeling capabilities for the CF processes depiction to develop the script of processes (physical and mathematical) of collapse of Ni nuclei ( and not only Ni element) in Rossi's type of CF reactor (RCFR).
The physical and mathematical models consisting of 3P particles and the scale-continua governing equations create a large set of control equations. This approach is different from the usual notations in conventional one-scale Homogeneous chemistry and nuclear physics with arithmetical equations for chemical or/and nuclear process'.
As long as the collapse of nuclei gives birth to gamma photons those are still not the heat generating photons - the chain of photon transformations and nuclear debris collision and interaction leads to the spectrum of particles and transmutation in this polyphase polyscale polyphysics environment.
Polyphysics means that there is not only the thought nuclear collapses and nuclei transmutations. Among the remnants of CF reactor work there were reported many of metallic elements. As was firstly shown by Ph.M. Kanarev that the nuclei and atoms are not the objects taught about already for ~100 years. Those are the polyphase polyscale entities consisting of nucleons and electrons with their own volumetric structural and EM characteristics. That is why we have in the Rossi CF reactor the polyphase specific medium with micro scale's and continuum features simultaneously, means that collapses of nuclei have a chain of consecutive transformations of particles within the specific physical media and with physical phenomena of phase interactions.
The following article will describe and explain in more or less simple text the scaled subjects regarding the Gamma Photons in Rossi's E-Cat Nuclear Reactor and Real Heating Particles and Effects:
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This is also the well known problem - still can not be solved within the Homogeneous One-Scale particle physics, electromagnetism, nuclear physics.