The Annals of Frontier and Exploratory Science
As long as the other COHP theories developed for the sub-atomic particles actualy support the main assumptions of QM, we won't spent a lot of time on them - because we will need to repeat the arguments already stated in our -
Nevertheless, it will be useful for students, unbiased professionals and for historical observations to give some thoughts about some features that considered in COHP as the "distinguished" features of other QM like point-mass point-charge theories of sub-atomic particles dynamics.
We are not in an intent to re-write the full volume of arguments pro and contra of extended versions of the same basics of QM where additional more physically real constructions where loudly with PR provided and have been getting the financial support from probably many governments orthodox agencies up to now.
First of all, according to the historical facts and publications we would like to note and state that the Hydrodynamic Interpretation of particle, sub-atomic scale dynamics (can be seen as the part of QM) should be named as the Madelung-Takabayasi-Bohm (MTB) or (MBT) started theory, not the de Broglie-Bohm theory. They all followed the ideas of E.Madelung. This is the type of political term in QM.
We will go via the Wikipedia texts. Because the Wikipedia in some kinds summarizes the COH physics on its pages - it is better and in more shrunken way presents the arguments from it with our explanations of what are the deviations from physics and why they had been undertaken. Which is the terra incognita for students now.
In Wikipedia (which is being edited by COHP physicists) is given some short and to some extent the historical observation texts connecting to the QM descriptions of a few similar with QM theories, those in COHP are considered as of significant difference with QM. E2%80%93Bohm_theory#History
where have been published a few good reasons regarding the lost possibilities in the theory of sub-atomic particles as:
".....Peter R. Holland has pointed out that, in 1927, Einstein had submitted a preprint with a related proposal but, not convinced, had withdrawn it before publication.[49] According to Holland, failure to appreciate key points of the de Broglie--Bohm theory has led to confusion, the key point being "that the trajectories of a many-body quantum system are correlated not because the particles exert a direct force on one another (à la Coulomb) but because all are acted upon by an entity -- mathematically described by the wavefunction or functions of it -- that lies beyond them."\lbrack50] This entity is the quantum potential."
Our comment:
Close to the truth are: "the trajectories of a many-body quantum system are correlated" and "described by the wavefunction or functions of it -- that lies beyond them." This entity is the "quantum potential" where we watch the mixing of unmixed things.
The trajectories and interactions of particles - but those particles are still the point-mass imaginable entities; and instead of real physical interaction everywhere acting created "quantum potential" - the mathematical entity. Together with the "wavefunction" which is again the mathematical imagination for the collective physical interactions in the two-scale particle dynamics problem.
Futrther we can cite the piece:
"The de Broglie--Bohm theory, also called the pilot-wave theory, Bohmian mechanics, and the causal interpretation, is an interpretation of quantum theory. In addition to a wavefunction on the space of all possible configurations, it also includes an actual configuration, even in situations where nobody observes it. The evolution over time of the configuration (that is, of the positions of all particles or the configuration of all fields) is defined by the wave function via a guiding equation.
The evolution of the wavefunction over time is given by Schrödinger's equation."
Our comment:
Close to good intent these words - "the positions of all particles or the configuration of all fields" is in the correct direction, but the "guiding equation," "wave function," and the point-mass particles are killing the good physical intent. Even not considering the point in what the electrodynamics is that all embedded.
"The de Broglie--Bohm theory is explicitly non-local: The velocity of any one particle depends on the value of the wavefunction, which depends on the whole configuration of the universe.
Because the known laws of physics are all local, and because non-local interactions combined with relativity lead to causal paradoxes, many physicists find this unacceptable. This theory is deterministic. Most (but not all) variants of this theory that support special relativity require a preferred frame. Variants which include spin and curved spaces are known. It can be modified to include quantum field theory. ...."
Our comment:
The words in this piece of text "The de Broglie--Bohm theory is explicitly non-local:" are the correct words - Wiki's people are of unacceptable qualifications or just programmed further in this text.
This further statement by Wiki is the false statement, intentionally or because the editors at Wikipedia are not good enough over the conventional Homogeneous physics or this is just passed over - "Because the known laws of physics are all local" is not true even within the conventional Homogeneous physics - for example, in optics analysis, well, the most striking situation when the atomic scale physics being taken at the continuum scales as a POINT with physical characteristics, which is not that point, of course.
And this statement is not true after advancing the HSP2, as reader can guess, after the scaleportation had been demonstrated via the exact solution of the two-scale problems on both scales, etc.
Another inadequate statement here by Wikipedia is that "non-local interactions combined with relativity lead to causal paradoxes" is of imaginable physical base. COH physics, first of all, does not know what is the "non-local" terms, definitions and mathematics seriously, another issue is that SR and GR (off springs of imbalanced MHL electrodynamics) are themselves lead to causal paradoxes - many researches conclude this.
1) The few distinguishing points are important to discuss when the topic is the some hoped continuations of QM. Unfortunately, we need to mention again the pure mathematical inability to work with, theorize about and research the topics in particle physics without the proper initial set of assumptions - that pretty soon became the postulates, and of proper, correct mathematics. That was absent at the times of 1920-1930s.
2) The abandonment of the aether was the result of mathematical inability to study the two-phase physical tasks in particle physics. It is fun to read in orthodox particle physics publications related and to QM, that particles can "disappear" into the "nothing" and again "appear" from the "nothing" and still are physical? This religious close to methaphysics trend was continued and in the de Broglie--Bohm called group of theories.
3) There were adopted the same point-mass point-charge pseudo-particles; there is no electrodynamics partially because there is no aether and electrodynamics in a vacuum is just fictitious thing - what electrodynamics can be in the nothing(?) - none electrodynamics in the nothing exists, then so what the electrodynamics could be inside of the point-mass point-charge if they have no volume (fun to understand) and partially that was/is much easier to work with the Schrödinger's equation - unsolved for numerous cases, than with the MHL electrodynamics.
4) There is easier to work with (mathematically) and tackle the "guiding"(?) equation, than to create and study the dynamics equations for interacting particles, particle dynamics physical. For many-body famous problem that is not solved completely and now. Come on, one fairy tale over the another.
1. Wikipedia, "History of De Broglie--Bohm Theory," ";" retrieved 08/05/2013
Any information displayed here is the propriatary information in the area of "Quantum Mechanics Other Theories (de Broglie--Bohm Theory, etc.) - Why Not 2? What's Wrong?"
This is also the well known problem - still can not be solved within the Homogeneous One-Scale particle physics, electromagnetism, gravitation theories.