Further Reading and Consulting

The above referred texts and data are lacking of substantial portion of studies primarily related to the two-scale HSP-VAT formulation, exact closure techniques, simulation and data reduction. For example, the two-scale simulation provided for the first time the data on different mechanisms of overall bulk (averaged if you like it) heat and momentum transport in the heat sinks. It also gives a direct insight into the ways, directions to optimize the performance in a morphology class.

All of that is impossible to obtain staying in brackets of homogeneous physics, modeling using homogeneous simulation software packages.

See some additional figures on direct numerical modeling

Fig. 1 Distribution of pressure in the (x,y) plane cross-surface at the level z=0.02 [m]

Fig. 2 Pressure curve along the line in between the round pin fins

The pressure values are shown along the straight x-line located at y=0.069 [m] and z=0.019 [m] and the location of the heat sink determined as x=0.2 [m] and the end of the heat sink base's is at x=0.3 [m]. The front line of the pins begins at x=0.22069 [m] and back line is at x=0.292 [m].

There is no doubt that the kind of pressure field distributions as shown in the Figs. 2 - 4, produce noticeable values for the HSP-VAT upper scale additional surficial pressure term followed by the upper scale HSP-VAT simulation.

Fig. 3 Distribution of pressure field in the (x,y) plane cross-surface at the level z=0.02 [m] among the elliptical pin fins of the heat sink with the morphology of the straight vertical elliptical pins

Fig. 4 Pressure function curve along the line in between the elliptical pin fins

Where the straight line for the pressure defined is located at y=0.069 [m] and z=0.019 [m] along the flow direction. There are the great number of observation pertained to comparison of these two SHS morphologies. One is that the pumping power for the elliptical pin fins HS is dramatically lower then for the round pin fins, which allows to have a large difference in the effectiveness' of the SHS's.

We encourage requesting the additional reports on the subject of HE technology treatment via the two-scale HSP-VAT methods. Consultancy also available
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