The Annals of Exploratory Science

02//2013 Magnet Motors of M.Yildiz. Major Design Polyscale Features and Solutions. Why These MM Work?

General assessment of function

First and utmost important we should say something about designs of M.Yildiz MMs is that ALL of them are the 2 or 2.5 (at least) continuum scales magnetic transient heterogeneous devices. When we account for the energy and the sub-continuum scales magnetism scaleportation we have to take up to 4 more scales from the sub-atomic charge particles electrodynamics.

The conventional orthodox one scale homogeneous physics (COHP) can not directly scaleport (transfer the physical dependencies from one scale to another, only by assigned coefficients) the properties, physical dependencies from a selected one scale to the Upper or Lower scale physics which is the great problem for COHP, magnetism as well.

1) Because of scaled nature of these MMs their design and function can not be theorized, studied and modeled with help of conventional one scale MHL (Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz) electrodynamics.

2) The second important issue is that because the MHL electrodynamics is itself has numerous known and already specified and analyzed drawbacks, inconsistencies the study and design of such scaled devices should be provided with the HSP-VAT Heterogeneous Galilean electrodynamics initially developed by J.Klyushin for Homogeneous media.

3) More simple, but still used as an approximation for modeling and design optimization for MM that can be created and used the 2-scale HSP-VAT MHL (Ht2Sc MHL) or simply ((M2Sc) based MM theory and models.

This text is based only on (M2Sc) lower scale homogeneous MHL electrodynamics - which is closer to particular designs of M.Yildiz.

4) This might be suggested the statement that the fundamental issues of forming the magnetic fields of nano-, meso-scales (meaning and governing equations, models) starting from the sub-atomic scales electromagnetic phenomena is definitely more exact and solid when comprised on the base of Polyscale Galilean Electrodynamics as we've actually developed it.

5) For each specific MM by M.Yildiz's design can be developed a separate model that will help in optimization of the MM's function. Or for a new design features.

6) The prime and unusual points that are differentiate the 2-scale physical models for the M2Sc MM designed by M.Yildiz is that the each morphological element in rotors and stators as any cavity, rib, different shape and sizes magnets are the elements of the lower scale homogeneous material or medium.

Note, that we do not approach, talk here on the specifics of atomic and sub-atomic EM fields in magnets and metals used by Yildiz. That is the different area and it does greatly complicated the scaled consideration. But it can be done, as we did this in other areas.

7) At the same time we understand that the effect of MM is concentrated on the ability of rotor to spin continuously and that is achieved only by Collective physical processes within and around of the polyphase media of stator and rotor.

Otherwise, there is no effect/function at all !

That brings up the idea of connection/interconnection Bottom-Up (in the type of designs) functions of those fields.

8) The next question - What are the Upper scale electromagnetic fields?

To these fields have been already developed, written, and studied a great amount of HSP-VAT 3P (Polyphase, Polyscale, Polyphysics) Heterogeneous Electrodynamics issues.

To get some information from our sections:

"Electrodynamics" -

  • - "Electrodynamics"


  • "Electrodynamics 2 - Elements 3P (Polyphase-Polyscale-Polyphysics),"

    this section "Magnetism. Ferromagnetism" -

  • - "Magnetism. Ferromagnetism"

    yes, one might go through education. University science in the US teaches or taught some linear parts of HSP-VAT in 3-4 universities. And apparently only in thermal physics, fluid mechanics and it was taught in chemical engineering (UC, Davis).

    We know for sure that right now university professors, lecturers can not teach the Ht Electrodynamics - as soon as we had developed this discipline in HSP-VAT in the 90s practically without financial support by any government or otherwise program. If someone tries this Ht MHL teaching - as I.Catton once hinted me on that, they are unsuccessful plagiarists. Because they cannot know important things about theory and mathematics of Ht MHL. What value is this kind of teaching for students?

    9) Taking the approximation of HSP-VAT electrodynamics by M2Sc theoretical approach we should start to consider each physical morphological element of the design as the one object that complied with the MHL one scale homogeneous electrodynamics.

    10) Meanwhile, the Upper (second) scale physical fields and phenomena will correspond to the Upper (2-nd) scale physical and mathematical modeling for this or that particular design.

    As it is seen from already published, or made public 2-scale theory and design of heterogeneous tasks electrodynamics fields.

    For example, instead of this Homogeneous (lower scale) MHL $\QTR{bf}{H}_{1}$ wave equation for the air phase in the rotor and stator of MM

    MATH (1)


    should be used at least the 2-scale magnetic device theory. The 4-phase media that mostly present in the M.Yildiz rotors and stators of MMs




    have the 4-phase modeling MM equations. From the modeling governing set the one of the following Heterogeneous MHL electrodynamics magnetic wave governing equations, the Upper scale air magnetic field equation reflecting the averaged fields in a schematic drawing of the Yildiz MMs


    - published here for the first time for explanation of MM function as

    MATH (2)




    where $\QTR{bf}{V}_{si}$ is the speed of displacement of interface surfaces and functions $F_{1},$ $F_{2},$ $F_{3},$ $F_{4},$ $F_{5VS},$ $F_{6VS}$ are the additional surficial terms and terms closely dependable on interfaces speed.

    As we can observe the whole 6 additional physical effects represented by 6 terms are existing in the Upper (Magnet Motor's rotor) scale nonlocal magnetic field $F_{6VS}$ equation (2).

    While there is no need to talk on any sub-atomic phenomena until we get to the energy transport. We are making this in other parts of magnetism and electrodynamics teaching. But right now the experiments, working motors designed by M.Yildiz and HSP-VAT Ht Electrodynamics explain the operation of MM (in addition to the eye witnessing).

    11) As we write in the published openly work on HtMHL Electrodynamics, the large part of Ht Thermal physics and Fluid Mechanics have been already gone through the exact modeling, numerical and analytical simulation and information is given in:

    "Semiconductor Coolers" -

  • - "Semiconductor Coolers"

    This device (heat exchanger) in design has some similarities with the MMotors design by M.Yildiz. That is why we hope some people can go in this direction and get the working M motor as well.

    12) Why the designs of M.Yildiz MMs seems have not had any EM specific shielding solutions (models, morphologies) ?

    As it appeared from experiments - the major role in interactions of the Upper scale EM fields plays the spatial morphology heterogeneous effects, but not the magnetic fields of shielding.

    The structural elements in 3D rotor's and stator's 4-phase magnetic-diamagnetic media overshadow (or better to say perform on their own) the effects of possible shielding elements. Nevertheless, it is not obvious that for the future designs the shielding elements won't be introduced directly or in other way around into the MM-M2Sc machines.

    13) One of the conclusions resulted from analysis of the 2-scale MHL models for the M2Sc MM gives the straight possibility to find out, by analytical modeling or numerical simulation, the features that are not possible to even discover, observe in a homogeneous MHL electromagnetic fields modeling.

    One of the striking examples comes when we comparing equations (2) and (1) - it is as like the earth and the sky. The local magnetic field equation (1), which is the usual MHL homogeneous equation, has almost nothing common in terms of forces and interacting phenomena with the upper scale nonlocal magnet field governing equation (2), that is directly tight to the function of M.Yildiz's MMs. European professors can not validate MM with the lower one scale local electrodynamics. It is not allowing to do this.

    Nothing can be seen similar to these 6 characteristics of the Upper scale model (2) in the one lower scale Homogeneous MHL models (1) for each of the phases that are present in MMs by M.Yildiz.

    14) Another straight example comes from ability with the 2-scale MM HSP-VAT modeling to determine the angles for magnet location spirals on the stator and rotor, as for one of the designs. Right now M.Yildiz does this based on his great experience and experimentation. Nevertheless, the strength and sizes of magnets will be incorporated into the design strategy.

    15) We are repeating here the thought on implementation, even of Open Source magnetic overunity devices - that is as long as the path and tools of HSP-VAT for the understanding and physics of MMotors are now known since 02//2013 - the various and numerous projects, not of only Magnet Motors, on design and development of MM, other devices of "free" (have fun on this word) magnetic energy can be organized by alternative, free energy communities worldwide. Or by any other interested party, investors.

    16) We told in communication to Mr. M.Yildiz at the beginning of March 2013, he won't get the honest, fact seeking 30 days test of his motors. Later on it was appeared that the university(is) has the hidden (behind the scene) players. Our suggestion was in 2013 and continue to be as that - work with people of knowledge and sincere desire to help. University professors (of sufficient rank) think first of all about their carriers, salaries, and retirement.

    For this they should be "in line" with their orthodox scientific bodies, academies, agencies. Minimal incremental moves ahead in a corridor are allowed only. Well, the HSP-VAT provides the large change almost in everything - any physical, chemical, and biological sciences, even particle physics and nuclear physics. This is too much for chair holders and they close doors for education ofstudents and for themselves.

    17) Now - Mr. M.Yildiz and the team, Do you understand that the Validation that you seek from the European universities does not going to happen? We wish to supply you with the validation science and appropriate EM theory. European universities have no science of polyscale physics, they are in an outdated electromagnetism science, and this situation continues to be as such for more than 30 years. They can not validate honestly your technology.

    18) 03/28/2013 (Th) - Today we have some advancements in the field of MMs. Today at last in full were posted my answers to comments of readers in Sterling D. Allan's blog ( about my explanation (theoretical, via HSP-VAT, no other explanation could be done in the last few decades) of MM ability to work (to spin with power) -

  • - ""

    where I did respond that: "It seems that, unfortunately, almost all the comments were from people of that physics I wrote about -- orthodox university one scale homogeneous physics. These people have beyond their knowledge base what they are trying to comment on."

    These two sentences are still missing in the blog and I would prefer to speak out on the real things, .....

    "I can not reply to the comments that are not of knowledge or not with any scientific content. ......and articles were written for more educated people, .....

    Unfortunately, this is the result of educational policies in the US universities, I know and watch this story for >20 years. Only in a few universities were given courses on linear HSP-VAT in -- thermal physics, fluid mechanics, chemical engineering.

    The fact is this - that this science HSP-VAT in the US exists for more then 45 years, neverthelss, most of the students of this country in related disciplines are hardly know what is this?

    Notice also, that often commentators put in writing the things openly that they are lazy to read or find out, for example, about Minato's MM motors. Minato is selling his stuff in Japan and seems in SE Asia, it's not the yesterday news. Brady's Perendev people saw working, there are the clips in YouTube. And Do not, do not mention - professional naysayers, that you do not believe this as soon as Brady is in jail now.

    Further, the simple one and strong question regarding the energy source in MMs, while it is not still for this class, but anyway some answers to the very familiar problems are hanging in our websites for near 10 years, and nobody seeing the false one scale Homogeneous physics results honestly wanted to say - yah, it seems that some physics is wrong.

    Why not to be interested in clearing up the obvious mismatch, wrongdoing in energy in the problem that taught to millions of students now and today - regarding the inequality of energy presence, energy fluxes locally comparing to the non-local homogeneous energy fluxes ?

    Hundreds of books on physics and technical disciplines like this one:

    Halliday, D., Resnick, R., and Walker, J., Fundamentals of Physics, 7th Ed., J. Wiley & Sons Int., (2005) - teach the wrong physics to students - "Education, Courses" -

  • - "Education, Courses"

    Where is the energy sometimes hidden or coming out, explained in our - "When the 2x2 is not going to be 4 - What to do?" -

  • - "When the 2x2 is not going to be 4 - What to do?"

    Why not correct this stupidity that professors are teaching now in many disciplines throughout the world? It is obvious, it is proven. It's about the Energy balance, conservation within the selected scales - Where it's coming from and toward?

    In our known universe, probably, there are no really closed systems. That is why the energy goes Up - and Down the scales without our knowledge and permission.

    Well, and please Do not, DO NOT tell us about QM, QCD and particle physics Gauges. And, by the way, you should know that the discipline you are so adore of - thermodynamics, is full of gaps also. Not only me, many people have studied and said this. Be aware.

    Because the conventional orthodox one scale homogeneous physics (COHP) and electrodynamics specifically are full of this kind controversies, that nobody wanted to clarify and explain, in spite that many spoken about this, the wrong thinking, concepts, etc., (not true, actually, a few physicists are explaining physics differently and from the ground) it is going to the same "no-answer" hidden box of problems in COHP. Interested individuals need to clear their eyes and see just in their books, old physics books wrong concepts and stupidities, then ask the questions .......

    Nevertheless, the MM energy transport issue is actually spread throughout the few fields and scales. It is not only within the scale of (10^(-2) - 10^(-1))[m] (MM of M.Yildiz continuum media scale) or (10^(-9) - 10^(-10))[m], for example. "

    and further comments:

    "03/27/2013: Zephir • a day ago

    "IMO Dr. Travkin criticizes the scholastics of mainstream science quite correctly - but after the he does the very same mistake and he just presents the ad hoced system of differential equations without any actual explanation."


    Vladi Sergey Travkin -> Zephir • 21 hours ago

    "It can not be done as you might imagine - it is the whole different huge amount of knowledge known up to now.

    Try to read my website in English - there are a lot of new for everybody things. As I said in some introductory texts - a period of 2-3 years is needed for graduate students (best graduate students) to get to start writing on their own some math and texts. Sorry, UCLA and other gov. places are afraid of this - they did not support the lecturing of HSP-VAT.""

    19) In addition to what was written in that blog above - we would like to add that the equations in this article and on Perendev, other MMs are in no way the "ad hoc" equations. There are physics and math for that. The number of pages for description of HSP-VAT electrodynamics and magnetism with those modeling equations for only MM explanation is probably in the range of 10-20 pages for start. No way to write all of this, partially as it is like inventors' "in the house" property, partially because it won't be understood as well - another physics. Read the above note on attitude at UCLA and other universities that we were affiliated with, including and European.

    The most published about in the HSP-VAT are the chapters in fluid mechanics, thermal physics, environmental engineering, and meteorology sciences. S.Whitaker (real pioneer) published a lot on linear chemical engineering HSP-VAT tasks. Do you know the difference between the linear and nonlinear mathematics and physics? Find out and read those works.


    Aftermath and Conclusions on Demonstration of Magnet Motors of M.Yildiz at 41-st International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland, 2013, April 10-14

    After the Geneva Inventors World Expo April 10-14 2013, and following events, Sterling's reports for the first three days, and reading his concluding report - Yildiz%27_Magnet_Motor_Really_Works

  • - "35+ Reasons Why I Think Yildiz' Magnet Motor Really Works"

    it is more obvious to support the facts of existence, work of the pure Magnet Motors in a variety of designs.

    Mr. M.Yildiz at present has the engineering problems, not principal so far. Those kinds of development tasks are always happen. For any complex product lifespan is the period of fitting, polishing, engineering improvements, change of small or large portion of the whole design and build. Also, as other people witnessed that he had been through the other projects, and with regard of his personal educational, professional, family, whatever other reasons may be with the activity that is definitely not of his own profession for a living that is all understandable about his time frame throughout this invention development.

    People who continue to talk, to demonstrate their disbelief in MM existence and useful work - are similar to ostrich that for this particularly reason - fear of seeing a paradigm shift, go down and hide their heads in a sand.

    Or just simply out of needed qualification, not clever enough.

    The reason that make them deny the evident affair is not really this specific invention - Magnet Motors existence - but the fear of forcible change of their own built system of physical conceptions (notions, ideas) about the world. Their physical education made them zombie in a way that make for them difficult to change the picture about the surrounding world.

    The worst situation is with professionals, especially in Electrodynamics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering - they need to change some part or large part of physical schemes, physical principles and laws, they used to in their professions. Meanwhile, they needed to do this for a few decades anyway, so nothing bad is happening.

    That's terrible may be in a personal situation - but who did zombie out of them? Partially those were they themselves, why not to search around for more correct system explaining the physical world?

    Why is believing to the old obsolete education too much? We don't teach in schools for many years the physics of Galileo times. Correct? So, look around and make your mind freed.

    Physics features of MM demonstration at this Expo were numerous - peculiarities of magnetic fields mostly around of MMs of M.Yildiz.

    Regarding a few supposed physical schemes, in COHP, that "might" explain the function of MM that Sterling involved directly in texts or via interview - like on eddy currents forcing to act the electrons in the MM for another action preventing the heating of a frame's metal?

    In what way? Who saw those currents? What explained about their movements with electrons, other charged particles? Not is the Lenz's law for sure. When one has some suggestions without physics attached those are again just the verbal conjectures.

    R.M.Santilli wrote a lot about this kind of "appropriate" way of doing physics. People saying something familiar to them from the school or university physics (orthodox, outdated 40-50 (and more) years old, insufficient electrodynamics) courses, desirably of the atomic or sub-atomic scale phenomena - and consider that as a "theory," "explanation"?

    Magnetism is based on the wheelwork (Tesla notion) of electrons and atoms, molecules as charged particles, bodies, heterogeneities within not a perfect crystal structure materials.

    The true base of electric charge and of the translation of electric charge action (movement) into the magnetic field, action is not known, really not known. Wake up on this.

    So, let we just operate with what is really known and verified via connection of phenomena. From various fields, not exactly and not necessarily of only electrons and supposed to be of their spatial actions and arrangements. Mostly, because are not studied as for the particles, but point-masses with a charge? What is the charge of the point? It Can not be physically existing. The same nonsensical definition as that for a point with mass.

    The point is just the nothing inside and without the surface of nothing - mathematical definition that was created for mathematical problems and specifics. When it is used in physics for a mass and for a charge - that are the problems for physics.

    At the same time we are sure that the electrons and atoms, molecules movements - plus the interaction between the atomic, sub-atomic and smaller to the aether scales phenomena are the base of magnetism.

    We have done this chain of collective charge interactions in magnetism - according to HSP-VAT interscale charge effects scaleportation.

    Going to the continuum scale we must accept that what founders of electrostatics, electrodynamics, and magnetism established in the XIX century are the fundamental results and we follow that. Not all of that - because they did not have an electron and an atom was considered differently, and many things either.

    Such as, that we measure the phenomena of magnetism mostly, almost exclusively by a continuum devices. And they work in the MMs on the continuum scales.

    So, where is/are the connection between both? Can you make the connection between electrons, atoms, their charges and movements in the material and the bulk measurements made right away in Geneva by Sterling's affiliates, other magnetism phenomena? Cannot explain, connect, but mention the MD method for a few scales? Generally known homogeneous MD has simplified equations for "particles" dynamics and wrong mathematics for interscale simulation. So, it is a gauge technique. Then, what you are saying are just conjectures. Regarding the MMs as well as of the SEG wheelwork.

    Then say it straight and clear - this is my conjecture, guess. I don't know for sure. I am familiar to only the orthodox (COHP) physics of 40-50 (and more) years mature. Just as in COHP - a lot of coefficients, useful coefficients, but what about the charge movements? If we know the wheelwork of the bottom line charges - we have other coefficients, definitely.

    Aso, what was written above and in other articles regarding the physics and math of magnetism and MM function using the HSP--VAT physics is confirmed at this Inventors World Expo 2013 via experimentations with the MMs of M.Yildiz. Again, as I said above in this section - the numerous features, phenomena are known while unexplained in magnetism. A lot of work ahead.

    Regarding the "no award" for MM received on the third day at Inventors World Expo 2013: my explanation is that happened as long as Yildiz's MMs did not run all the time. May be the smaller excuse is that because of many people from the jury were not up to the point - What does this invention mean?

    Sterling: "Of course, if I was voting, I would have given him first prize; and I imagine that similar biases were found throughout the judging. I can't fathom how anyone could get an accurate assessment of all the presenters to give them a fair comparison with the others.

    I can't help but think of the irony. Here is a technology that not only should win this contest, but soon it could get a Nobel Prize, not to mention transform the planet for good."

    Good words.

    Another side of the story on Yildiz's MMs is that it is not good to watch the sturdy Sterling's COHP comprehension of reasons for the MM of Yildiz working at all. It is off the COH Physics, but people can not move out of their habitual modus vivendi received in their educational years until the "Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon" - - "Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon" strike occurs.

    It can be said that S.D.Allan is the victim of his education, in spite of all his statements regarding the conventional organized science flaws, he is still operating within those flaws system.

    Note, there is no personal assessment, attack or similar. I am writing on this like "Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon" for more than 20 years and wrote on many issues and people's misunderstanding in my websites and hard copy publications.

    I would like to assess the possibility of new energy inventions, technologies that S.Allan rated himself in the list of the "Top 5 Exotic Free Energy Technologies" -

  • - "Top 5 Exotic Free Energy Technologies,"

    looking from the point of view of their physics phenomena involved, as well as for the ability of present COHP to explain and validate them as the most of inventors are eager to obtain and to be proud of. If I would do this in 2008 as I promised at that time - I imagined that it would fall in the deaf ears. Right now is another situation in the field, and some educational effort I believe is making a progress.

    My preliminary point of view is that most of the overunity devices - and we preferably are interested in specifically breakthrough inventions, technologies, are with an "alien" to COHP sum of features. And most are made with the unsupported, unrecognized by COHP MHL electrodynamics phenomena - Cold Fusion is the most striking example. This is the main obstacle for their validation, financing, manufacturing, and marketing. That is aside of personal, managerial features of inventors.


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