The Annals of Frontier and Exploratory Science
Vladi S. Travkin,
Hierarchical Scaled Physics and Technologies (HSPT), Rheinbach, Germany,
Denver, CO, USA
We won't be dealing here even with the some explanatory parts on the Conventional One-scale Homogeneous (COH) Physics theories related to water structural science because most of these imbalanced, outdated Homogeneous theories for water structures can give wrong educational impulse to students.
Much of general introductory description of water as substance students and professionals know from school courses. Anyway, a lot of COHP materials about water can be found in the internet.
Here in these chapters we are mostly addressing the issues when based on the foundation of the 2-nd physics, parts of it are in the HSP (Hierarchical Scaled Physics) [1-19].
In this group of themes that might be related by even an experienced professional to the old and like "established" areas, specializations in physics, to the base of physics, we would like to distribute a comparative analysis of issues that have some different foundation for the like "customary" fields in physics.
Going in this direction we naturally need to encounter the initial subjects of atomic and particle physics that are not definitely of such a simple construction as what have been accepted by leading physicists of 1920-38 era.
Some general initial statements and conditions for functioning of sub-atomic physics on the base of physical observation and experiments first of all, we discuss at the introductory to the HS Polyphase-Polyscale Particle Physics section in this website.
We explained and described the current state of affairs in some more detail - Why it was happened and actually couldn't be otherwise in our:
As long as the other COHP theories developed for the sub-atomic particle physics actually support the main assumptions of QM, we won't spend a lot of time on them - because we will need to repeat the arguments already stated in our introductory -
Thus, electrons are not flirting, circling around of nuclei and nuclei are not such a "liquid" balls or similar. Having this as the initial atom's structure principles one might be getting closer to a more viable and observable structures for Hydrogen, Oxygen, and types of Water molecules.
Also, it is pretty important to state here that the collective interaction - we say the Correct collective interaction theory and modeling efforts of those said above atoms and molecules dynamics in a volume of interest are not reachable neither with any theoretical tools of COHP at present, nor by the reliance on the increased power of computers in numerical simulation methods of COHP [1-3,10-18]. There are none appropriate simulation methods in COHP - but A.A. Vlasov's first time attempts (~1930s-1970s) to approach the collective interactions field in physics. Then, the whole direction was formed in studies of Vlasov equation.
In Wikipedia: one can find that:
"First, A.A. Vlasov argues that the standard kinetic approach based on Boltzmann equation has difficulties when applied for a description of the plasma with long-range Coulomb interaction.
He mentions the following problems arising when applying the kinetic theory based on pair collisions to plasma dynamics:
1. Theory of pair collisions disagree with the discovery by John Rayleigh, Irving Langmuir and Lewi Tonks of natural vibrations in electron plasma.
2. Theory of pair collisions formally not applicable to Coulomb interaction due to the divergence of the kinetic terms.
3. Theory of pair collisions can not explain experiments by Harrison Merrill and Harold Webb on anomalous electron scattering in gaseous plasma.[4]
Vlasov suggests that these difficulties originate from the long-range character of Coulomb interaction."
"Plasma physics -.......
Vlasov became world famous for his work on plasma physics [1] (1938) (see also [2]). He showed that Boltzmann equation is not suitable for a description of plasma dynamics due to the existence in plasma of long range collective forces.
Instead, a system of equations known now as Vlasov equation was suggested for the correct description to take into account the long range collective forces through a self-consistent field.
The Vlasov equation, which is related to the Liouville equation and the collisionless Boltzmann equation, is fundamental to plasma physics. In 1945, Vlasov showed that this equation, with the collective interaction taken into account, can explain without any additional hypotheses and specifications such effects as the presence and spontaneous origin of eigenfrequencies in polyatomic systems, the spontaneous origin of crystal structure from a "gas" medium, and the presence and spontaneous origin of currents in the media due to the collective interaction of the particles [3]."
We should reveal here that many of mentioned in the work of A.A. Vlasov terms as, for example, "collective interaction," and "polyatomic systems" are unfortunately relate to the same Conventional Homogeneous One-scale Physics (COHP) and as such are incorrect or, at least, we can say are compromised. We address these issues in some of our studies [1-3,10-18], but first need to point out to the long standing Statement that the Boltzmann equation itself is incorrect:
The collective interaction theory for the sub-atomic and larger scale particles in COHP cannot be achieved just because of, among others, the two great imbalances that COHP workers use as for them to be unnoticed:
1) One is that the theories and governing modeling equations are incorrect. They - equations, are lacking of some important phenomena in their physical formulations, statements [1-2,12-15,19-24].
2) Another main reason is that because the theory in physics of Local-Nonlocal Dynamics of Two- and more phase Heterogeneous media should be using HSP-VAT as of at least the Two-Scale Governing Equation Statements, relevant Heterogeneous Mathematics, and closely relevant Heterogeneous Numerical Mathematics.
These things are mostly absent in the Contemporary Homogeneous Physics and Mathematics education in the school and universities as well as among the professionals [3,12-15,17-19,25-30,31-39]. Still are known to exist for ~25 for some theories and methods and up to >48 years for general physical mechanisms and theory. Normally this names as the suppression.
Because the truth is that there is no other valuable or at least correct physical and mathematical theory and methods for the Heterogeneous media tasks.
Well, most of the non-professionals are surprised, we have known that and know this for decades.
It must be said here, re-iterate, using the great chance to state that the Conventional One-scale Homogeneous Physics, (COHP) which is based on Classical Mechanics and Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz electrodynamics mostly by the nature of accepted its acting forces involved at different scales, but used as for a one scale, has the great fault and conspiracy especially after ~1970 (sub-conscious may be) that hidden behind the inability of conventional one scale physics to provide for the up-scaling, or/and down-scaling the correct mathematical operations including and averaging assessment in atomic, particle, nuclear, gravidynamics, and "Torsion" physics since the beginning of XXth century.
While the averaging provides the paths to generalize, to develop picture not only for one by one objects or one against the same other object, for example - one, two electrons or photons - Coulomb "law" is about TWO particles; one, two atoms, one molecule, two molecules, one cell, etc., but to discover the upscale more general formulation. Or search for a downscale source(s) of effect. Conventional university physicists use far and wide the point-mass-charge-spin particles scheme instead. Then an averaging done easier and wrongly, while the few physical phenomena have been lost, invisible in the one scale physical and mathematical theories, models [1-3,12-21,24-28,31].
We should understand and remember that the whole body of the COH physics stands on the statement that - the averaging, even sometimes the collective interaction can be provided, achieved everywhere where in need, can be and has been provided within this the one scale physics. While that is not true, yes, unfortunately this is a pure uneducated lie [1-2,25-28,31].
Nevertheless, they teach students in the way of false one-scale atomic physics, particle, nuclear physics well, more than 90 years since the Lorentz time. At the beginning and middle of the XXth century there were no appropriate scaling methods, tools in physics and math. But not after 1967, when they started to appear. Now it is a lie to say to students - we are teaching at the state of the art on this and that regarding averaging or collective interaction, process and what's beyond of it [25-28,31-39]. Research is also mostly a waste of money and time when used OSFA (One Scale For All) physics.
Returning back to the Hydrogen and Oxygen physics we might want to establish some more blocks of knowledge that use and rely on the physically explainable Structural characteristics of these elements along with the Scale and Scaleportation methods of HSP for Spinning particles and atoms - not on the point-mass-charge-spin objects that play a role of sub-atomic particles in COHP.
Also important is that the sub-atomic particles exist notwithstanding of our desire within the aether environment. That means we cannot consider them as just the spinning objects no matter of their environment ? This is the false picture indulged in students' knowledge base.
Experimental evidences shown that H atoms can be of the three different type of nucleus. These nuclei are shown in the following structural arrangements after taking into analysis the volumetric and other characteristics of the main sub-atomic particles - electron, proton and neutron [10, 16]:
The dynamics of separate sub-atomic (and continuum) particles and of their "in cloud" collective dynamics is actually the more than Two hundred years not completed science [1,2,9,12-15,19-23,25-28]. Yes, science. The dynamics of atoms in the "aether" is even more complicated field.
After realizing that the collective interaction via aether, but
not mythical "quantum vacuum," of just electromagnetically mutually
dependent sub-atomic particles that bears in action
not only the pair-wise known dependencies of Coulomb and Lorentz - see
some part of analysis in
[12,13,14,15,28], but a sober minded professional ought consider
a chance for a theory and simulation of collective interactions "in cloud"
for atoms H,
and of mixed species, for example, as of cloud of
H, and
All of this is not provided and cannot be provided with the Homogeneous Molecular Dynamics (MD) COHP theory and algorithms, but Heterogeneous 3P Molecular Dynamics (HtMD), when the 2 scale, at least, 3P (Polyscale-Polyphase-Polyphysics) dynamics of manifolds of atoms and particles is manifested [1,2,12-14,20,21,23-24]:
Hydrogen molecules
at moderate temperatures and pressure -
hydrogen gas (ortho- and para-hydrogen molecules) in a volume.
No free photons and aether dynamics shown in interaction with
nuclei and electrons. The mean distance scale
between molecules is incorrect only due to graphical apprehension convenience.
Thus, we must talk about some almost unexplored territory of
Polyphase 3 scale, at least, Polyphysics of atoms H,
in a gaseous
phase first of all along with their mass mixtures, species mixtures.
The questions of type as: a) How many brands of H atoms exist? Not isotopes; or b) How many brands of H molecules can exist? - in COH physics cannot be asked even. This would look strange, isn't it?
Here in this chapter we have to talk about substantially different
the scaled electrodynamics of GEK. Then, the theory of sub-atomic - electrons,
photons, beta-particles, and mixed amounts of H,
should be
considered as the field and mathematical models, statements that never
have been considered correctly and with almost all the known physical
For example, even an extremely important issue of nuclear and molecular spin states for the types of water atoms and molecules is not resolved - and this is after many decades of studies on nuclear spins?
The thoughtlessness of the COH particle physics Homogeneous One-scale assumptions is well seen when explanation of the Hydrogen atom's spin is made only while taking into account the spins of atoms nuclei, when at the same time it is known that electrons have their own spin? How these only two kinds of spins inside of hydrogen H atom interact and make the overall collective interaction with the other atoms in the volume is actually not known, cannot be elaborated within the COHP and is hidden from students in COHP [19-21]:
Hydrogen molecules
(artificially ordered) in a
simplified attempt to simulate them in the
Homogeneous MD - cannot be considered in a structural 3D form in a volume.
Also COHP has no mathematics and physical methods to simulate this kind of
3D polyphase structure.
We've made a number of studies on this topic with the references to that scattering through the materials in this website. This should be reformulated according to structural concepts and findings in HSP issues regarding unique abilities of hydrogen for energy discharge.
Before considering the field of existance formulation and interaction of oxygen atoms in a gaseous phase we naturally have to agree on some outstanding features of oxygen isotopes nuclei.
Shortly, because this subject is in concern in Nuclear physics chapters in more detail and with more explanation and ground.
For example - the issue of nucleus polarization as of bunch of structured objects has NEVER ever been stated in COHP. Nor correctly stated.
The same is with the problem of interaction between the nuclei particle components and the surrounding aether:
Nuclei of Oxygen Isotopes structured, definitely not as in COHP textbooks and articles have drawn. The aether dynamics interaction with protons and neutrons is not shown.
The thing is that workers don't know how to approach at it not saying even how to formulate the task of interaction in the two-phase (and more) media applied to the 3P particle physics dynamics?
The same can be said about the 3P interaction in polyphase composite mixture of oxygen atom isotopes plus the all known to exist in the gaseous mixture sub-atomic particles.
As we described and had put in the mathematical governing equations the obvious two-scale (at least) polyphase momentum and GEK dynamics formulation in a few sections in the internet publications [14,22,23] one can easily find that the Newton's laws are not always to be the laws for physical problems.
We leave further discussions on these scaled physics like "new" physical effects to the appropriate chapters in HSP.
1. Travkin, V.S., "What Classical Mechanics of XVIII Provided in XX Has Done Wrong to the Base of Mechanical Science Including the Classical Mechanics of Continuum Particles and Conventional Orthodox Homogeneous Particle Physics",, (2014)
2. Travkin, V.S.,"The Major Forces Have Been Missing From Governing Equations for Dynamics of Sub-atomic and Continuum Particles, Bodies in XVIII - XX ",, (2014)
3. Travkin, V.S., "Why is it Different from Homogeneous and other Theories and Methods of Heterogeneous Media Mechanics/(other Sciences) Description?", (2002)
4. Kanarev, Ph.M., "A Model for the Free Electron," Galilean Electrodynamics, Vol. 13, No. S1, pp. 15-18, (2002)
5. Kanarev, Ph.M., Photon, Folder "Books"; retrieved 05/05/2013
6. Kanarev, Ph.M., Nuclei of Atoms, Folder "Books"; retrieved 05/05/2013
7. Kanarev, Ph.M., Answers to Microworld Questions, Folder "Answers"; retrieved 05/05/2013
8. Kanarev, Ph.M., Introduction to New Electrodynamics, Folder "Books"; retrieved 05/05/2013
9. Kanarev, Ph.M. , The Foundations of Physchemistry of Microworld. Monograph. The 15th edition,; retrieved 05/05/2013
10. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "Hydrogen in HSP-VAT. Introduction,", (2013)
11. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "Iron. Introduction,", (2013)
12. Travkin, V.S., Particle Physics - Heterogeneous Polyscale Collectively Interactive,, (2011)
13. Travkin, V.S.,"Torsion" or Spinning (Rotation) Physics Scaled (SPS),, (2014)
14. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "The Classical and Sub-Atomic Physics are the Same Physics,", (2013)
15. Travkin, V.S., Particle Physics (Particle Physics 2). Fundamentals,, (2013)
16. Travkin, V.S., Nuclear Physics Structured. Introduction,, (2006-2013)
17. Travkin, V.S., Statistical Mechanics Homogeneous for Point Particles. What Objects it Articulates?, (2014)
18. Travkin, V.S., Solid State Polyscale Physics. Fundamentals,, (2014)
19. Travkin, V.S., "Pseudo-Averaging (Scaling, Hierarchy), Quasi-Averaging, Ad-hoc Averaging, and other "Averaging" (Scaling, Hierarchy) Type Claims,", (2003)
20. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "Quantum Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, DFT (Density Functional Theory), and Coarse-Graining Techniques Applied in Structural, Cellular Biology, Polymer Science and Implication for Scaleportation," Journal of Alternative Energy and Ecology, No. 2, pp. 58-75, (2011a)
21. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "Pseudo-Scaled and Scaled Description and Scaleportation of Inorganic and Organic Polymer and Polymer Composites Properties," Journal of Alternative Energy and Ecology, No. 1, pp. 62-77, (2011b)
22. Travkin, V.S., "Two-Scale Three-Phase Regular and Irregular Shape Charged Particles (Electrons, Photons) Movement in MHL Electromagnetic Fields in a Vacuum0 (Aether),"
23. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "Two-Scale Two-Phase Formation of Charged 3D Continuum Particles - Sphere and Cube From Electrons in a Vacuum0 (Aether). An Example of Scaleportation of Charge from the Sub-Atomic to Continuum Charged Particles, Conventional MD Cannot be Applied,"
24. Travkin, V.S., "Scaled Presentation of "Torsion" Mechanics in Polyphase Media,", (2014)
25. Travkin, V.S., Fundamentals of Hierarchical Scaled Physics (HSP-VAT). Description of Transport and Phenomena in Heterogeneous and Scaled Media,, (2003)
26. Travkin, V.S., What's Wrong with the Pseudo-Averaging Used in Textbooks on Atomic Physics and Electrodynamics for Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz Electromagnetism Equations,, (2009)
27. Travkin, V.S., Incompatibility of Maxwell-Lorentz Electrodynamics Equations at Atomic and Continuum Scales,, (2009)
28. Travkin, V.S., Electrodynamics 2 - Elements 3P (Polyphase-Polyscale-Polyphysics),, (2013)
29. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "Water Structured. Introduction,", (2013)
30. Travkin, V.S. and Bolotina, N.N., "Two scale Modeling of Water Molecule Atoms and Overall Water Mesoscale EM Galilean Fields ,", (2013)
31. Travkin, V.S., Education, Courses,, (2006)
32. Travkin, V.S., Continuum Mechanics of Heterogeneous (Ht) Media; Elasticity, Plasticity,, (2005)
33. Travkin, V.S., Nanotechnologies - General Concept for Pretty Large Amount of Pretty Small Gadgets Embedded Into Something and Consequences for Design and Manufacturing,, (2006)
34. Travkin, V.S., "Classical Problems in Fluid Mechanics,", (2003)
35. Travkin, V.S., Fluid Mechanics,, (2003)
36. Travkin, V.S., Fluid Mechanics 2 - Elements 3P,, (2010)
37. Travkin, V.S., Thermal Physics,, (2003)
38. Travkin, V.S., "Heat Exchangers. It is the Hierarchical ^v Technology,", (2009)
39. Travkin, V.S., Thermal Physics 2 - Elements 3P (Polyphase-Polyscale-Polyphysics),, (2011)
This is also the well known problem - still can not be resolved within the Homogeneous One-Scale General physics, Spinning physics, nuclear, particle and atomic physics, electromagnetism, Gravidynamics and astrophysics.