The Annals of Frontier and Exploratory Science

A Few of Bobrov's Experiments Revisited and Explained in SH Spinning Physics

Vladi S. Travkin

Hierarchical Scaled Physics and Technologies (HSPT), Rheinbach, Germany, Denver, CO, USA


Here is the deliberation of the fantastic Spinning ("torsion") physics experiments analysis issues - that many times were disclosed as open and known and possibly understood the issues, phenomena related to the Heterogeneity and polyphase media at different scales. Still, in any next time the science of Conventional One-scale Orthodox Homogeneous Physics (COHP) cannot give people a chance to think and imagine differently about the things that seems are obvious and each time this happens in practice. In this piece of analysis we study relatively new highly arguable part of physics that named incorrectly as "Torsion" physics - while the field is about the Spinning particles and bodies at different scales. And of course, they are all within not a "vacuum" as of an empty, really without nothing the space, volume.

Among a few other outstanding experimental achievements by A.V.Bobrov that we have found interesting to analyze for educational purpose and might be COHP professionals we described and explained some of the experiments with other than the electromagnetic forces, about the Kirlian effect and incredibly polyphase poly-dimensional experiments over the Transduction of material object (MO) properties throughout the space and matter to another substance. We named it as the Reciprocal (MO-Aether-MO (MAM)) Transduction and Backward Materialization (RTBM) of the sub-atomic particles and atoms, molecules.

The phenomenon of RTBM is completely mystical for COHP and can not be explained in any way by its theories, but with involvement of mystical (so far) forces or then the Physics 2 observable facts and knowledge being applied.


The great advancements of experimental Spinning ("torsion" word is wrong) physics seems nobody, but blinds, can deny, try to refute openly with arguments. The problems are with the explanation. The Conventional One-scale Orthodox Homogeneous Physics (COHP) has no parts, definitions, tools to recognize or explain the Spinning Physics Scaled (SPS) results. The COHP is obsolete with regard not only of SPS, but and other parts of physics as, for example - Gravidynamics 2, 3P (Polyphase Polyscale Polyphysics) Magnetism 2, of course the Cold Fusion, etc.

For more than 60 years in the Spinning ("torsion") physics there is an open and direct need for acceptance and use of physical substance that serves as an intermedium for interaction between rotating, but not twisted or curled points, sub-atomic or solid medium particles.

The great majority of Spinning Physics Scaled (SPS) professionals do not realize, because of their education and set up of COH physical knowledge, that the spining particles cannot rotate - not twist (we are not talking on the spin here, note this) being at the same time hung in the "nothing" of "quantum" vacuum or "physical" vacuum. Those two last "vacuums" are not fully defined as the media in GOHP.

Part of physics that unites thanks to its methods, mechanisms of interaction of physical polyphase processes at different scales, which has its origins nearly 50 years ago [1-41] - is Hierarchical Scaled Physics (HSP), as it turned out is well applicable to multi-scale problems of Spinning ("torsion") physics.

The decisive factor is that at least the two insoluble in other theories for Spinning ("torsion") physics problems are soluble in HSP for SHSP (Spinning (Rotation) Heterogeneous Scaled Physics ).

The first - is a review and a rigorous physical and mathematical analysis and problem solving for not only the one rotating sub-atomic or solid particle (while this was not done correctly during the previous ~60 years), but also with the averaged fields in the Spinning ("torsion") physics, i.e. with a variety of interactive particles that it makes possible the physical effects thought after in SHSP. Which is precisely the physical phenomena, rather than just the dynamics of a single particle.

The second problem is also insoluble in other and especially with PV (Physical Vacuum) theories, this is a problem of description and participation of intermediate interactive environment - aether (physical vacuum can not be an interactive environment by its assigned in COHP properties; the same must be said and about quantum vacuum), not only in the physical setting, mainly in the form of verbal semantic statements, but also in the strict mathematically solved statements of polyscale, polyphase problems of Spinning ("torsion") physics and an explanation of the experimental results. Because particles cannot interact via the "nothing" even with the EM constants as it is accepted in atomic and particle physics in COHP.

One of the biggest advantages of HS Physics, which by the way has long been used, it is the possibility of direct interaction of Physics of Rotation (Spinning Physics) and other fundamental forces, fields, such as electromagnetic, gravitational.

This kind of analysis, polyscale setting goals are impossible, invisible in COHP [5,25,29-30,32-33] and therefore can not be obtained in Homogeneous Spinning areas of physics, including the existing now conventional theories of Spinning ("torsion") of physics. Therefore, this approach does not exist in these theories.

2. Experiments by A.V.Bobrov

We have selected for the tedious analysis the experimental work of A.V.Bobrov [42-47] as the most achieved experimenter in Spinning Physics Scaled (SPS) who nevertheless, following or might be said has fallen in trap of Homogeneous insolvent theories grown within the COHP itself and used in SPS since the beginning of ~1960s.

The arguments and methods applied here in some parts repeating the other discussions on COHP in Physics 2 etc., regarding the validity of used methods in COHP [1-41].

We selected some experimental Spinning ("torsion" - why the term Spinning is more correct than the "torsion" is explained in the Introduction to ""Torsion" or Spinning (Rotation) Physics Scaled (SPS)" - [11]) physics phenomena that most of experimenters find and agreed on their existence [11,29-34].

2.1. In the paper [42] Bobrov stands the wide investigative aims in publication with the abstract:

"In the second part of the paper deals with: 1) the problem of the existence of its own torsion fields of material objects and static field structure of the physical vacuum; 2) mechanism of interaction between two active field of information factors - torsion fields of Physical Vacuum and property Own Spinning Fields (OSF) of material objects; 3) the exchange of information between them; 4) the problem of the duration of storage on the level of the physical vacuum; 5) the role of the Own Spinning Fields in the creation of information technologies vital activity of organisms, including the processes of human psychological activity."

Just at the beginning of the second part of this paper (in the unabridged version provided by author) one can read about some complimentary to contesting versions of like "theoretical" "enlightenment" regarding the nature of "torsion" fields phenomena.

Among many suggested theories one can find and the "Cavity Structure Effect" (CSE) by Grebennikov. The phenomenon CSE is the real one, still it is of distant relation to effects of Spinning Bodies (particles). The thing that have the common base into both "torsion" fields and CSE is the collective interaction of multiple physical locally depermined fields in Heterogeneous media.

Our comments:

Among some of a few cited in the paper of the Akimov's initial assumptions-conjectures one can read on many of them that are partially correct, partially are the result of COHP physical incorrectness'.

We were able to comment on many of them in [11,29-34]. Meanwhile, Bobrov cites 15 characteristics of "torsion" fields, technologies by Akimov. Many of those cited by Bobrov are bluntly wrong - the consequences of adopted COH physics, biophysics (COBp) and education.

Then in page 10 (in the paper) one can read from the list of specified by Akimov properties of "torsion" fields:

"1. The source of torsion fields is the classical spin or macroscopic rotation.

Torsion fields can be generated by torsion of space or as a consequence of the disturbance of the physical vacuum, which has a geometric or topological nature, and also occur as an integral component of the electromagnetic field. Torsion fields can be selfgenerated. In all these cases we are talking about torsion fields generated at the level of substances ......."

Our comments:

Oh, yes, what is called here the "torsion" field is actually the result of sub-atomic particles and atoms, molecules rotation, spinning. And of the part of the aether that interacts with these [11,33].

Regarding the statements "Torsion fields can be generated by torsion of space or as a consequence of the disturbance of the physical vacuum,.." we can say on this - that these proclamations are generated from the false understanding of aether's function, if any, because in COHP, in "physical" vacuum theory no aether exists, so and none of the nature and process of spinning particles and their interaction via the aether.

In page 10 (in the paper) one can read:

"3. Since torsion fields are generated by the classical spin, and their impact on those or other objects - in these objects as a result of exposure can only change their spin state (the state of nuclear or atomic spins) .."

Our comments:

We can add that the intermedium that makes all of that "impact" or interaction as the change of the Own Spinning Fields is the OSF $_{0}^{0}$ or the sub-phase 0 of the aether that is in an immediate interaction, contact with the material sub-atomic particles - electrons, photons, nucleons first of all, atoms and molecules, of course, as well [32-34].

In page 11 (in the paper) we can find the Akimov's statement:

"10. The constant of spin-torsion interactions for static torsion fields with Cartan torsion is estimated at less than 10$^{-50}$ i.e., for such fields can not exist (!) the observed effects. For torsional wave Cartan torsion fields (dynamic torsion) the spin-torsion interactions theoretical constant can be unlimited. For torsion fields with torsion G.Ricci or R.Weitzenbock also no restrictions on the value of the interaction constant, and hence enforcement, and intensity of these fields.

For torsion fields with torsion generated as a component of the electromagnetic fields (elektrotorsion interaction), and coupling constants has order 10$^{-3}$-10$^{-4}$. This theoretical evaluation found the experimental confirmation by professor R.N.Kuzmin"

Our comments:

As long as the formulation of physics of Spinning Fields of MO in COHP is not credible - there are no torsions, twisting, curvature, no Homogeneous governing equations etc. [11,33], that stops reasonable or reasoned scientific discussion about the difference in the spin-torsion interactions and it interaction's "constant"(?) between HSP and COHP. Nothing really physical is to discuss on this matter, read our [11,29-34]. The fundamentals of space, mathematics of Heterogeneity, forces in and around of spinning particles, electrodynamics of spinning particles, collective interaction, etc., etc. are absent or wrong in Homogeneous One-scale "torsion" physics [11,32-33].

The fact is that the determination of these so-called "constants" is actually a cheating on professional public as long as the phenomena of averaging in Heterogeneous media is not known to COHP part of physics.

In page 12 (in the paper) the excerpt from Akimov are:

"A.E.Akimov writes: "The above results, when are in combined analysis allow reasonably assume(!), the presence of specific interactions fields generated by classical spins and the angular momentum. Their properties, as follows from the above examples show that, if these fields exist, they should be of the same universal nature as electromagnetic and gravity, while manifested in the micro- and macroscopic level."

Our comments:

That is true and we now have a direct prove via mathematics that this is true feature in SPS. The electromagnetic fields and the spinning fields are the results of dynamics of the same objects - spinning sub-atomic charged and continuum charged or neutral particles with their own physical fields. Interacting via the aether.

Following in page 12 (in the paper):

"....phenomenon of information interaction OSF MO (Own Spinning Field of Material Object) at the macro level has been obtained in experiments 2004-2005...."

Our comments: Of course, the only way to suggest and then to state with a certainty, that some phenomena exist is to propose at the same time the probable mechanism for that phenomena. Here Bobrov propose the phenomenon of "information interaction" that is semantically correct, but anyway is not supported immediately by any physical mechanism for its existence.

There is no "information interaction" in strict terms in physics, it does not exist. There is no "Information Field" in strict terms, at least in this context and unphysical meaning, as for the "torsion" physics. This definition exists in qualitative terms in many sciences, but this does not make it to exist in physics unless we introduce some strict mechanism for its determination and actions, and then create the possible definition of "field" for it.

We have been suggesting the physical definitions for "Information Fields" and related things.

Thus, on the other side - if to use the determined physical terms as spinning (rotation) velocity, 3D space, movement, dynamics, a matter of presence in the volume, aether as a medium, and aether's components (also suggected by many researchers), interaction of aether with the spinning Material Object (MO), dynamics of particular and "continuum" matters in the volume, suggestion for the aether as being the elastic, visco-elastic, or viscous medium with, at least, of the two components "phases" (we don't go Downscale on aether's matter in this theory so far), etc., etc., then one can certainly state that the physical components, fields of existing spinning phenomena are Do exist in this matter.

In page 13 (in the journal printed form) A.Bobrov writes:

"A. Structural components of the two field information factors OSF MO contain two components: not changeable the "structural" component, carrying information on the elemental and quantitative composition of the substance of the object, its structure and topology, and a component, containing information about the state of the spins and of their rotation, precession and nutation change during the interaction. We call this component "information." OSF (Own Spinning Field). The OSF of all material objects, except of physical vacuum, having a structural component."

Our comments: These definitions while are the valuable components of the general phenomena description - at the same time, and this is unknown to researchers not working with the HSP-VAT methods - it is that these are the inseparable and natural, by physics itself, components of phenomenon description when using the 2-scale (at least) of models for observable facts in Spinning physics. Actually these components are variable and can be characterized as the fields in a physical sense themselves, for example, the rotation speed and the orientation of the momentum, etc.

In the same page 13 (in the journal printed form) A.Bobrov writes:

"...Unlike all other material bodies, as part of a structural component of the Physical Vacuum missing atoms. This means that the information component of the PV absent nuclear spins and orbital angular momentum. Only available information on their spins that make up these particles (eg, slow neutrinos), and the rotation of the electron particles of the orbital angular momentum, as well as the motion of the particle in the space of its rotation, precession and nutation...."

Our comments: In this paragraph we read the unproved allegation regarding the structure of PV and of it's missing component - reflecting the atoms presence ?

The problem is that because COHP does not recognize the structure of so called Physical Vacuum or Quantum Vacuum, thus it is hard to establish a structure for the structureless apriori matter?

In page 14 (in the journal printed form) A.Bobrov writes:

"The OSF MO containing information acquired as a result of information interaction of material objects we call Phantom Own Spin Field of material object (FOSF MO). Acquired information can lead to a change in processes in which the property involved, and as a consequence, a change in the structural component."

Our comments: Here the term "phantom" is attached to the actual OSF as it was declared earlier in the papers. The difference is truly not even in the terms of tiny time period for changing the present moment OSF and after the new distant or close located subject(s) came into the interaction - just and because the speed of interacion in the aether and meaning OSF is tremendous and much higher of the light speed.

Our fundamental comment-note on the subject of phantoms is: The Phantoms in SPS experiments in our physical world are the result of Partial Restoration, Materialization of the part of former material subjects in form of particles in this material world from the copy in the aether after the OSF MO provided the interaction (Spinning particles - aether's immediate "phase" and the "copy" phase) and they are the physical objects.

They are not just imaginable images - Ghosts in brains of experimenters; they are the real images that are being recorded by physical equipment of experimenters.

Even conceivable images in any Visual Technology (VT) are the things that have strict physical base for appearance. These images are created on visual device screens because of the presence of sub-atomic and atomic size particles (name atoms also the particles of special properties - which is true actually) in the experimental natural observation (environment in experiment), then in the Visual Technology screen - so they are PHYSICAL objects, but not imaginable Ghosts.

They have been created as some part(s) (traces) of inexistent at given time and space objects in Our Universe World (OUW) -- but during their visualization from the copy in the aether's "phase" they are being made the real physical objects at least at the time of recording and in the images which are the physical objects.

This should include the Reciprocal (MO-Aether-MO (MAM)) Transduction and Backward Materialization (RTBM) of the sub-atomic particles and atoms, molecules.

They had the physical base in the past time - that explains the appearance of their OSF in the past and a copy of it in the aether. And that OSF had stored in the aether's some sub-phase structures up to the time when they due to some unclear at present (but not for any case - for example, some specific electromagnetic impacts can retrieve phantoms) physical impacts.

In page 15 (in the journal printed form) A.Bobrov writes:

"1) The spin-torsion interaction of two information field factors determine the information properties of activated water: Figure. 3A shows the results of 21 experiments that demonstrate the phenomenon of preserving the memory of water. Activation of water carried out with pulsed LED emitters with an exposure of 60 seconds without the use of the information matrix. The role of the biological detectors performed with the dry yeast."

Our comments:

The mechanism(s) of water activation with impact of Spinning Fields is of the similar kind of the Reciprocal (MO-Aether-MO (MAM)) Transduction and Backward Materialization (RTBM) of the sub-atomic particles and atoms, molecules.

The physical mechanism of RTBM is uncertain and still under investigation in spite of multiple evidences, exclusively via experimentations that the water properties and structure somehow are changeable during and many days after this induced impact.

What is suggested by Bobrov regarding this mechanism execution with the involvement of "torsion fields" of a Physical Vacuum that itself even not a medium, cannot be taken as proven and trusted as long as we have explained the inapplicability of this conjecture in [11,32-34].

Meanwhile, the one fact of this phenomenon of water activation with Spinning fields is the evidence - it is the maintaining of water in some state of increased "structurezation" even after providing destruction procedures to the bulk of water.

By this effect - that can be and is named as the memorizing of previous water structure conditions, this can be maintained by the "exchange," or "uploading" or "materialization" or "phantom restoration" or "phantom transduction" from the certain "memory" "phase" of the aether.

By this fact -- we have supported the vision for aether as the "polyphase" medium with one more reason for this. Because this "memory" phase of the aether can not be sustained within the same one phase of the selected medium without consecutive mixing, "diffusion" as such (as we understand this now with the process of mixing).

Actually it is the same or close to the mechanism of Phantom transduction from the aether.

Meanwhile, we need to remind to readers that the term "water structure" is just the verbal qualitative term in COHP without the attachment to it of the physical and mathematical features, models that should be specific with their strictness.

Up to now it is done only within the methods of HS physics [48-56] where the word - Structure, means really morphopological Heterogeneity, not a simple Inhomogeneity. Is this clear for students?

In page 16 (in journal printed form) A.Bobrov writes:

"A. Transport Mechanism for Information.

By passing the Own Spin Field from emitter LED through the so-called information matrix,

it gets information about the structure of proprietary spin-field matrix element composition and structure of its substance. Subsequent interaction, such as a biological object, (Own Spinning Fields) OSF of LED emitter transmits the object acquired OSF information about the structure of the substance of the information matrix, which leads to changes in the parameters of the OSF of a biological object and leads to changes in processes occurring in it."

Our comments: Generally this is the correct qualitative picture of transduction of the "matrix element" ("donor" substance) OSF with help of the LED emitter OSF, while we have in HSP the physical and mathematical (with mathematical governing equations) models for the transduction of the "matrix element composition" spinning-fields to the addressed OSF of an aimed biological object.

There are at least two issues that should be thoroughly studied:

1) How the OSF of LED emitter pick up the OSF of the original "matrix element"?

How they interact and fuse? With the Physical and Mathematical Models.

2) How the combined "fused" OSF transduct the impact to the target in biological object or just another "material" ("reciever" substance) ?

With the Physical and Mathematical Models. We need to refer to [33] for physical (7-11) Concepts for Heterogeneous Media of Spinning Particles and Spinning Physics and for their Modeling.

In page 21 (in the journal's printed form) one can read:

" Spin - is the specific material object, having neither charge or mass, which characterized by not a formed spin field, but a material object, that having the spin."

Our comments: This statement is not generally correct (it is the COHP structureless, but "Colored" particle physics)- it characterized by both scale properties.

Spin of the separate sub-atomic particle is the physical field of Angular Momentum at the Lower scale presentation with the dimension of $\hbar $ [kg m $^{\text{2}}$/s].

Meanwhile, in and for the specifics of Spinning Physics Scaled (SPS) we are looking for the role and models not only of the spins of rotating sub-atomic particles, but and of many other physical fields involved in the phenomena and on different scales.

In page 21 (in the journal printed form) A.Bobrov writes:

"Spin field of material object is not a simple set of functionally independent spins, that do not interact with the rest of the spins of the object. On the contrary, all its member back continuously interact with each other, forming a single field cooperative ownership structure of the material object spin field. This field has a different modality of information (another information content) that is not adequate to information modality of a single spin."

Our comments:

That is really true if only consider the path, the mathematical procedures in which this Upper scale field (Upper Scale Spinning Field - USSF) is usually should be obtained. This had been performed in various physical sciences already and is proven of its credibility up to the exact solutions for, at least, the 2-scale phenomena. The physics of Lower and Upper scale Spin Fields can be characterized and modeled only in HSP because COH physics has no physical and mathematical mechanisms to ascribe the Own Spinning Field (OSF).

In page 22 (in the journal printed form) A.Bobrov writes:

"Single spin or a group of material object spins, each of which has its own rotational parameters, can not perform the processing of incoming information and develop a common - the general reaction of the object to its admission. Only the spin system, combined into a single Own spin field of material object, capable to develop an adequate response to the impact of all material objects, each of which has its own structural and topological parameters."

Our comments: That right and it is in a full complience with the HSP concepts and methods resulted already in numerous solutions and assessments of scaled Hierarchical physical problems.


2.2 Among experimental findings in [43] A.V.Bobrov himself accounts on the following:

1) "Torsion" component of the laser and LED lights is the one discovered by A.Bobrov.

2) Confirmed the Right "Torsion" field and the Left "Torsion" fields stated by Akimov.

3) Discovery of the physical base of the Phenomenon of Biological (Embryonic) Induction.

4) Emphasized the problem of creation of "torsion" Spinning Phantoms and "static torsion" fields.

5) Bobrov states that - "At the macro level it shows that own spin fields of material objects directly interact (spin-spin interaction) at a distance not exceeding the limits of the so-called "near zone"."

6) While, at the a distances greater than the length of the near field - torsion interaction implemented indirectly, "its effectiveness of impact - occurs with a large time delay and significantly weakened."

7) The study of propagation of non-electromagnetic radiation component was conducted by determining the effectiveness of its effect on a biological detector placed in a stainless steel container with a lid on the thread in 1 mm increments. The wall thickness of the container and cover was - 25 mm.

8) "presence in its emission of two factors not of electromagnetic nature:

- OSF of active LEDs, fading with distance;

- little changing with distance the OSF of the magnetic component induced by the propagating light "wave"."

Our comments: It should be said that the Spinning components are from the two related sources -- a) from the heated and radiating elements of the LED emitters (irradiators);

b) from the moving photons (with partial participating of electrons) of the radiating light - OSF of magnetic component.

9) p. 12: "When exposed to the back side of the LED emitter the nonelectromagnetic component induced by the propagating light wave is absent."

10) Bobrov writes in p.14: :

In 2009, it was experimentally discovered phenomenon of Information interaction of MSP based on specific properties:

1. To carry information about the structure, topology, and the elemental composition of the substance material objects.

2. To address the material object occurring in the physical, physico-chemical and biological processes, altering the properties.

3. Directly interact with the arrangement of objects within the near field.

4. Interact indirectly involving torsion fields of Physical Vacuum at distances greater than the size of the near zone.

Our comments: The last point is not credible -- because we do know now that the subject of Physical Vacuum is not the real Physical conception !

In p.30 of paper [43] one can find that:

"According to EGS concept of A.E.Akimov, torsion field - is the field of Physical Vacuum torsion, the occurrence of which is due to polarization of physical vacuum by the Own Spin Field of material object."

Also in p.30 Bobrov gives his definition of the OSF:

"The Own Spin Field (OSF) of material object belongs to only one material object, it is an attribute that comprehensively characterizes the topology of an object, the structure of matter and its elemental composition, the state of the spins (the parameters of movement-precession, nutation), etc."

Our comments: We characterize the OSF rather differently. The OSF of the piece of the matter or a number of particles, atoms, molecules within the specific localized volume of the 3D space

"is the averaged spatially the same local fields of this or that physical nature - of OSF $_{1}$ , OSF $_{2}$ , ....OSF $_{n}.$ The subscript number means the array of specific sub-atomic particles, for example, array of electrons will be designated as OSF $_{1}$ with its volume $\Delta \Omega _{1}$ , photons array as OSF $_{2}$ with its volume $\Delta \Omega _{2}$ , protons array as OSF $_{3}$ with its volume $\Delta \Omega _{3}$ , neutrons array as OSF $_{4}$ with its volume $\Delta \Omega _{4}$ . " [33].

Given above by A.V.Bobrov the qualitative description of the OSF does not contain within this description any Quantitative characteristics, features that are strongly physically and mathematically express sufficient enough qualities to connect the verbal qualitative description to the known now the knowledge base of physics and mathematics [11,1-6,29-34]. Including and Hierarchical Mathematics.

And it is not surprising - as we said in many publications the non-physical "torsion" theories of COH physics ~(1970s - 2010) are good enough only for printing on paper or in the internet, but did not and cannot communicate the theoretical constructs to the experimental findings and to the rest of physics [11,32-34] that seems is not disputed in our times - not all of COHP.

These "torsion" COHP theories did not allow to model, mathematically with connection to particle, nuclear, atomic and Continuum Mechanics (many sciences) any feature of incredible experimental results [42-47,11,16] in Spinning ("torsion") physics .

Our comments:

"Torsion" fields of physical vacuum is the fiction; fictitious physical objects and fields without characterization of their relation to the aether -- as the only and total volume occupying medium of interaction; that itself consists of the various "phases."

In the concept of А.Е. Akimov on the "torsion" field is nothing said -- and nothing could be said neither by Shipov nor Akimov about -- How this "torsion" field for a specific particle or an array of particles is being created based on the fields of sub-atomic particles spinning? The one, two particles to the billions of them in the aether? To the Continuum body?

With the direct physical and mathematical model - not with the irrelevant SR, GR and such kind of equations.

This cannot be answered not only in "Torsion" physics, but in the entire COH physics, we wrote on this numerous manuscripts, papers [7-41].

There is no interaction between the singular phenomenon, particle dynamics and of their Collective Dynamics in COHP. No theories, unrelated mathematics, no toolls. Only the HSP-VAT (part of the Physics 2) has developing those.

Bobrov writes in p.31:

"The OSFs MO contain two components: one does not change (slowly with physical dynamics changes) and is the "structural", carrying information on the elemental and quantitative composition of the substance of the object, its structure and topology, and component carrying information on the status of sleep-new of substance - their rotation, precession and nutation change during the interaction of spin fields. We call it "informational."

Our comments:

Well, this description is separated from the physical embodiment of the "suggested" in this paragraph 2 "components" of the OSF MO -- How they can be presented in their physical and mathematical models ?

That all of the OSF characteristics belong to the descriptive characteristics of the OSF of the MO and of the "copy" of them in the aether. These descriptive semantically characteristics in Bobrov's definition are naturally obtain the physical characteristics when formulated the physical dynamics problems for a single spinning particle (in classical means) and for the array or particles that belong to the specific volumetric piece of the matter.

In p.35 Bobrov states that:

"Phantom FOSF of the OSF MO we will call the own spins of the material object containing information about the state of the spin rates resulting from the impact of the information. In turn, the FTSF MO, by spin-torsion interaction maintain the same information in torsion phantoms (FTSF) induced at the level of the physical vacuum."

Our comments:

Here we again don't have and have not been suggested by Bobrov with the mechanisms of the transfer of the OSF to the "TSF" ?

There is no "Torsion" Field - again [8-16,24-25,29-30,32-34,37-39]. It is the polyphysics (many sciences involving) arguments, needing qualification, not for everyone. There is the "polyphase" aether - supported in experiments and different scale OSFs in Material Objects (MO) and in the aether as well correspondingly.

We suggesting -- that the OSF of the MO or volume with MO makes at least the direct dynamical interaction with the "phase $_{\QTR{sf}{int}}$ " of the aether and at the same time makes via the another "phase $_{\QTR{sf}{cop}}$ " the copy of the current OSF of the MO -- the "phantom" of this MO in the aether.

Regarding the experiments by A.Bobrov with the transport of physical properties from one substance to the another one - seeds, water, etc. [42-47], we also need to include into physical picture all the interacting "phases" of interacting matters and physical mehanisms of impact onto them.

Our Comments:

Acquiring the properties ("information") of the "information matrix" (AB) -- that is the first (donor ) substance for the transfer of combined properties of the Spinning radiation and of the donor substance, of course, can be formulated in terms of Continuum Mechanics sciences established mechanisms (formulation of the dependences between the different physical properties in the substance) of interaction between the functions (properties) within the given volume of the substance. Altogether with the assigned or preferred Boundary Conditions.

Meanwhile, as long as we considering the sub-atomic mostly scales with their constituents as the properties and physics (mostly dynamics so far) of the sub-atomic spinning particles -- it will be natural and more correct to use the sub-atomic physics tools, theories for the description of the transport of existing and Acquired properties in the "donor" and "receiver" substances.

That means -- in this path we might experience and formulate the transported properties of the substances in the aether - a) generator of the SF(s) (irradiator) within the knowledge base at the moment; b) "donor" substance; c) "receiver" (target) substance -- instead of the general unphysical definitions as of the words -- information and information matrix.

All 3 substances have their OSFs.

The phenomenon of "Phantom's Transport" -- transport of properties of the "donor" substance to the "receiver" (target) substance is the confirmation of the different "phases" existence within the aether. Because it is much more cumbersome to imagine the impact of direct irradiation of the "receiver" (target) substance with the (OSFs-ASFs (AetherSFs)) and the same time and volume -- the resurrection of properties of the "donor" substance due to the irradiation with the "wind" of OSFs of (OSFs-ASFs)?

The resurrection in this case meaning the "appearance" of the "donor" substance particles, molecules in the volume with the "receiver" (target) substance and interaction with it or staying within it? Due to the irradiation?

Meanwhile, it is much more feasible (pleasable) to realize the combined interaction of the irradiation of (OSFs-ASFs) together with the phantom's in the aether impact on the "receiver" material.

Due to phantom's in the aether presence (his presence has no locality terms -- its presence localized by aether's "ability" (again thousands time confirmed in experiments by researchers in Spinning (" torsion") physics, medical professionals as doctors on homeopathy, Psychic readers, amateurs with Psychic talents) to "find" an analogy in needs from the phantoms "phase" limitless "memory") with the phantoms "phase" and the triggering of the incoming to the "receiver" the irradiation of (OSFs-ASFs).

As we already suggested -- the OSF of the MO or volume with MO makes at least the direct dynamical interaction with the "phase $_{\QTR{sf}{int}}$ " of the aether and at the same time makes via the another "phase $_{\QTR{sf}{cop}}$ " the copy of the current OSF of the MO -- the "phantom" of this MO in the aether.

In all three substances these OSFs can be described and have physical and mathematical formulation and models with the aether as the main factor of the Transduction of the properties [11,29-30,32-34].

This is hardly to be accepted the pure model of the "convection" "diffusion" like mixing of the OSFs of the two first substances -- because in this way the mixing of OSFs would entail the indistinguishable consequences for the "receiver" substance -- when there will be no way to make the definitive impact on the "receiver" material as it is shown in the experiments.

Meanwhile, it is known that the experiments established the clear ability of impact onto the receiver with the exact chemistry of the "donor" substance.

Meaning the exact copies of the "donor" substance chemical molecules or their phantoms acting in the "receiver" substance.

Following this deliberation we can hypothesize:

a) If acceptance of impacting of the phantom's in the aether due to the "receiver" material looks as a possibility -- then the direct interaction of the aether (one of the "phases") and the material substance should be acknowledged. And this is the most explainable mechanism.

b) If to accept the reality of some materialization of chemical molecules of the "donor" substance within the volume with the "receiver" (and acting as the usual chemicals of the "donor") due to impact of phantom transported in the aether from the "donor's" volume -- then we should recognize the Two-way transduction of Material Object from the Our Universe World (OUW) to the aether (one of its "phases") and from the aether (partially) back to the Our Universe World - Reciprocal (MO-Aether-MO (MAM)) Transduction and Backward Materialization (RTBM).

c) Nevertheless, the reality of both mechanisms of "donor's" chemicals Transduction from the "donor's" volume to the "receiver's" volume is still the option. For example, the Kirlian effect is the Two-way transduction of Material Object from the Our Universe World (OUW) to the aether and from the aether (partially) to the Our Universe World. This experimental fact is the one that even came into practice along with the other SPS experimental findings.


All these above notes and comments aim is to disclose the physics of experiments in Spinning ("torsion") physics that cannot apprehend the free thoughts outside of wrong in many aspects COH physics. This is the reason that COHP physicists are actually "mocking" over the field in mass media. While they are themselves the object of mocking for outside world.

We can summarize in HSP the features of A.V.Bobrov's experimental work that have been disclosed in his publications while were explained and characterized with the notions, definitions of COHP, of A.E.Akimov and G.I.Shipov with the Physical vacuum theory (PVT) and "torsion" field" irrelevant theories.

We analyzed in our many publications [24-41] the state of the "art" (not art but experimental evidences) of Spinning ("torsion") physics. The matter that this field is not understanding is - What is the subject of the findings?

Workers are completely zombied by their young years COHP physics education - where there is no intermedium field between the sub-atomic particles, no interaction between the intermedium field (aether) and the particles, when particles actually don't have and don't need to have (verbally yes, but physically - no mechanisms besides of the Coulomb "law" for Two particles) interaction, where the artificial creature of approximate for even hydrogen QM controls the rules, where everything is obeying to the Homogeneous One-scale and linear at small scales dependencies of COHP. Where used the incorrect Homogeneous One-scale mathematics and mathematical governing equations etc., etc.

How they can understand and explain the features of experiments in Spinning physics while following the COHP prohibitions?

When workers can not overcome the

"the historical feature of inhibition of apprehension, I ascribe the hypothesis of formation of inhibiting apprehension to what is called "hard wiring" of brain structure by cognitive scientists. People have suspected and taught for at least centuries that once one accepts a theory about rationalized phenomena, that the person can not implicitly understand another kind of theory about phenomena or develop it themselves, and for centuries more, people have believed that it is difficult for someone to change his ideas to accept a new idea;" - by Edward Lewis in his "The Periodic Production of Rationalized Phenomena and the Past Periodic Depressions"

  • The Periodic Production of Rationalized Phenomena and the Past Periodic Depressions.

    It is critically important to state here with regard of the Bobrov's experiments that they are all the subject of the strict mathematically correct models, statements of polyscale, polyphase problems in Spinning ("torsion") physics and the explanation of experimental results as delivered before in Hierarchical Scaled Physics [1-41,48-64]. And no Homogeneous One-scale theories, methods, dependencies of COHP can help in this Heterogeneous Polyscale Hierarchical part of physics.


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    Any information displayed here is the proprietary information in the area of "A Few of Bobrov's Experiments Revisited and Explained in SH Spinning Physics."