The Annals of Frontier and Exploratory Science
Vladi S. Travkin
Hierarchical Scaled Physics and Technologies (HSPT), Rheinbach, Germany, Denver, CO, USA
Unsolved until now (2014) problem in the "torsion" physics is the development or adoption of a basis, the theory for explanation of the experimental results. Well, notice that we are not raising the much needed matter of fundamental theory as it could be ?
Those theories that are still used by many parameters are not satisfactory. Get at least the issues of interaction of physical field (fields) rotating particles and the emergence of the "own" spinning fields. How this happens with the help of "torsion" fields? What is the "torsion" field from the physical point of view?
Or how is the emergence of "phantoms" aftereffect spinning fields, if the physical vacuum is not a substance that has its own laws of dynamics, and thus is not a material substance?
Or how the physical vacuum interacts with the moving surfaces of rotating particles in the air and inside of a material body, a substance?
Many such questions as it has turned out, have answers in the Hierarchical polyscale physics (HSP - Hierarchical Scaled Physics), which exists and develops for almost 50 years since 1967, the year of publication of the first significant theorems (Travkin, [1-10,12-20]).
And in the form in which it (HSP) offered an explanation for the "torsion" HSP physics in the 2000s, that is the same HSP that began its development in the Soviet Union in the 1980s.
This part of physics was established to study and make an explanation of the dynamics of processes in multi-phase and multi-scale environments. Just so are the physical phenomena in the "torsion" physics with a lot of rotating particles or bodies in some environments - whether in the aether (vacuum), or in a purely material media type of material substances. At the scales of sub-atomic and of interstellar size up to. And the first one who did prove it was N.A.Kozyrev in the 1930-1950s [19K-102K].
One of the biggest advantages of HSP physics, which by the way has long been used, is the possibility of direct interaction of Physics of Rotation (Spinning Physics) and other fundamental forces, fields, such as electromagnetic, gravitational(?).
Such an analysis, setting goals for the 3P problems is impossible, invisible and therefore they can not get it in the other areas of physics, COHP, including existing traditional theories of "torsion" physics. Therefore, this polyphase, polyscale HSP approach even does not exist in these theories.
To release some of the "Scaled Presentation of "Torsion" Mechanics in Polyphase Media " we deliver here in this sub-section the excerpts from the major body of "Fundamentals of the HSP-VAT Theory in Application to Particle and Spinning Physics." Also, there is not much of place here in this text for the comparison with other theories of traditional Spinning ("Torsion") physics. We do some judgment of this kind in other parts of selected material on "Torsion" or Spinning (Rotation) Physics Scaled (SPS).
2.1 Some principal provisions, conceptual definitions, concepts of scaling matter related to the subject of Particle and Spinning Physics collective interaction of the arrays of Sub-atomic particles and modeling of Heterogeneous particulate media of two, at least, phase (components) as scaled media with physical and mathematical local and non-local scales strictness.
Principles of the Theory of Particle Physics
1) Recognition of the fact - that at any scale the physical substance, particulate media in a volume of interests when the number of particles is substantial and one of the interests is the properties of the physical medium (as of a volume), but not of only the one single particle which is still the inseparable component of the problem (issues of physical interest), is the Polyphase (at least two phases, one is the interparticle medium that can include the aether) Polyscale (at least two scale) Heterogeneous (Ht) medium. At atomic scale, sub-atomic, or at some of the continuum scales.
2) Recognition of the fact - that the structure and the "phase" content of a volume with particles sample are the fundamental facts controlling the function of the volume fields, substance at given point, material along with the environmental (boundary) conditions.
3) Recognition or knowledge that - in this consideration the polyphase, polyscale studying of the subject - the particulate medium in a volume of interests, medium sample, the material, is the most accurate and revealing way of obtaining the facts, conclusions. This was and is one of the main methods - the reductionism (with inseparable up-scale the holism approach) to study the nature by physical methods so far for many centuries.
4) Recognition or knowledge of the fact - that for studying the polyphase matters, media the only correct way is to use the discovered in 60s - 80s methods, theorems of Hierarchical physics and mathematics: Hierarchical Scaled Physics - Volume Averaging Theory (HSP-VAT), those specifically were created and tuned throughout the last 40+ years for polyphase polyscale physical, biological matters.
Of many other methods suggested for the Heterogeneous media theorizing, modeling and understanding, up to this time there is no one more fundamental and/or correct.
We won't discuss or comment on numerous schemes suggested for heterogeneous, physical, biological polyphase media in the last ~100 years, as the mixture theory, for example, because they openly use an inadequate or truly simplified physical and mathematical description of the problem. We also published numerous analytical texts in hard copy and the web publications on this issue.
This fact is not objected or disputed by any professional, openly at least, for the last ~(30-35) years. The complexity and educational policies are preventing professionals to acquire and employ the tools of HSP-VAT.
One of the examples, is the use of Gauss-Ostrogradsky (GO) theorem for deduction of governing equations for near 200 years in physics and other sciences. This theorem is valid only for a Homogeneous matter, that most of professionals even do not know and acknowledge. In hierarchical mathematics there are many like theorems for the same purposes that have been developed and used during the last 40 something years.
5) For the particular area of the particle physics we add the one more physical principle that usually left out in Homogeneous physics. This is the fact that the movement of the particles in the bounding volume can be characterized either by the free transport through the Bounding Surface (BS) (imaginable, mathematical category) or by collision with the matter of BS, but not of a smooth Homogeneous imaginable mathematical surface, however of Polyphase Polyscale Heterogeneous matter, material of Bounding substance.
Otherwise the problem would be stated as the unphysical one. Up to now it is stated with the smooth mathematical bounding surface - but it is the false physical statement. This (5th) physical principle is supporting many times expressed report that there is no really closed system in our physical universe. The Homogeneous (at present it is homogeneous) thermodynamics' concepts are working approximately and mostly for the physics of Homogeneous Continuum Mechanics.
Principles of the Theory of Spinning Particles and Spinning Physics
6) Recognition of the fact - that the definitions for like "information," "information field(s)," other information related concepts in "torsion" mechanics, conventional physics right now are qualitative only, have no appropriate physical definition (determination), physical description and deprive the further quantitative research in Spinning physics whatsoever. This is unsuitable for a physical conception, theory.
7) Recognition of the fact (experimental) - that the aether has fantastic now, unexplained, inexplicable ability to interact with the material world for that humanity has developed scientific understanding of current time with presentation and experimental systems to study and explain this materialized world.
8) Recognition of the fact - that the definitions of the "quantum vacuum" and "physical vacuum" are incomplete as the media on purpose - the Conventional Orthodox Homogeneous Physics (COHP) had and continues to have no comprehensive description narrative for the "object" of these definitions as of the media.
9) Recognition of the fact - that the "quantum vacuum" and "physical vacuum" are the ONE "phase" subject, not the media because medium should have among definitions the governing equations for such a medium. In COHP there are no governing equations - meaning that the used and pretending to be the governing equations are the mathematical conjectures for the "quantum vacuum" and "physical vacuum" if any.
Treatises of Homogeneous media with curvature and twisted points is the mathematical pretty simplified idealization of the reality physically observed and experimented with the medium of substances in different states because in physics of Spinning particles there is no twisted points - but rotating, dynamical small volumes - down to the atoms and separate single sub-atomic particles plus the medium of aether, if any, but not the torsion points that constitute the whole Homogeneous one-phase medium.
10) .......
Hierarchical Polyphase Polyscale Concepts for Heterogeneous Media of Particle Physics and for their Modeling
1) There is no physical phenomena, process, act that at the determined scale is not of the Volumetric character or is not consciously or sub-consciously understood and/or modeled with the Averaged phenomena of the sub-scale. Any point-like experiment or method, theory is about for accepting at first the premise that the point is formed by/after somehow averaging of the forces/movements/reactions etc. of the below scale physics. Mostly it is done implicitly, even sub-conscious, but this premise is ALWAYS present. The Top-Down sequence of physical phenomena is more accurate down to the sub-atomic scale particles, an aether in between the particles and some pertained to them phenomena.
What regards to the down scales from an Electron approximate dimension and structure that is covered at our times with the dense fog of the current state particle physics because at the beginning of XX they started from the strong postulate - that electron is the point-mass, period, and so they did not need to consider even smaller "particles" (we don't know whether they are particles at all, or just new kind of objects that hardly can be named "particles"? Anyway - down the scale we can not rely on the conclusions of high power accelerators research - and first of all - because they all are based on the MHL electrodynamics. As we know, it is full of insufficiencies.) That is why in conventional particle physics are so many "color" and other non-physical definitions (just appropriate mathematics) for the sub-atomic particles.
2) Any Particulate Media in a Volume of Interests (PMVI) is the Heterogeneous media (Ht), material's sample which is in reality the Two scale Two Phase (TSTP), at least, physical entity that have the continuous transport phenomena (as of aether at least, that now is easier and more productive to consider as the Continuous matter, for the lack of knowledge of its properties), the local and the physical field processes of a physical volumetric (averaged at some point) character.
3) It is not correct to study, model and make valuable definitive conclusions about this medium physical functions when using only the one scale physical phenomenon(a) - as, for example, when the particles presented as the point-masses or as the separate masses without any medium in between apart of "physical" vacuum (without any, but some electrical constant properties), or just vacuum without any properties, or when mixture "theories" for heterogeneous media used, or simple summation of the effects instead of integration are taken into account. Contemporary experimental physics, biology, medical investigations are lack of the ground and fundamental science, while applying the theoretical schemes of one scale physical nature that were suggested in physics (particle physics mostly) many decades ago.
4) We have to declare that the mathematical, first of all they are mathematical, schemes, theories that have been developing and applying in particle physics since the ~1920s, as for the mathematical representation of particles in physics as the mathematical points with physical properties - are inadequate physical methods which brought into an imaginable reality the numerous inconsistencies in physics so far. And need to be abolished, or at least recognized as the approximate insufficient methods developed in XX century due to the lack or absence of physical and mathematical methods (at the beginning of the XX) that would be appropriate for the sub-atomic particulate media. They need to be taught to graduate students only as the non-major courses. The critique of these unphysical methods we published elsewhere.
5) The scale models for heterogeneous particulate media constitute the separate spatial and temporal physical and mathematical models describing the physical function relationships between the scales and in the scale dependent phenomena in such media.
6) The scale dependent mathematical models are inherently communicative Up-and-Down over the scales in Heterogeneous particulate media. The scale communication of physical properties of Ht medium has been named as a Scaleportation of properties and characteristics in HSP-VAT.
7) It is possible to commute the physical models and medium's properties at the neighboring scales with mathematical strictness using methods developed in HSP-VAT.
8) Each scale developed Homogeneous (H) models in a Ht medium based on Homogeneous presentation of this scale physical definitions and the field's governing equations can be connected more or less mathematically strictly to the neighboring next Up-scale or Down-scale models only (most strictly) via using the interscale mechanisms of HSP-VAT.
9) The polyscale depiction of Ht medium's physical function models is the only correct approach for theoretical modeling and simulation, for experiments data reduction when the subject of analysis, theory, model, experiment is the polyscale physically object with the nature prescribed polyscaling of function.
10) Any Homogeneous physical substance, medium, materials sample is in reality also of the two scale, at least, the physical entity that have molecular, atomic, sub-atomic and continuous description of transport, physical field processes of a physical volumetric character. The averaging and scaleportation of molecular (atomic) scale transport and phenomena Up- to the Continuum (one of the continuum) scale phenomena and Down- to the molecular, atomic, sub-atomic scales, should be used with application of correct Hierarchical mathematics of discontinuous "broken" physical fields.
11) At present, in the last approximately 30 some years all the main physical fields, definitions and homogeneous governing equations have been reformulated and upgraded using the methods of HSP-VAT for acting in the heterogeneous subject matters, for Heterogeneous media of solids, solids and fluids, polyfluids, particles in fluid, scaled fluids, elasticity of solid and soft solid media, mass, heat, momentum, electromagnetism describing phenomena, wave mechanics, acoustical fields in Heterogeneous Continuum and sub-atomic particulate media. That is now making available the polyscaling in the description and modeling the most obvious and important transport phenomena in particulate media as well.
12) Advancements in the last 30 some years in Hierarchical Scaled Physics - Volume Averaging Theory (HSP-VAT) allowed to surpass inadequate, incomplete one scale homogeneous theories for averaging (mixing), "bulk" representing theories, scaling, scaleportation in almost every field of physics. Now we can formulate the true polyscale Dynamics theories and models for Ht medium, including and particulate objects and relevant processes, polyscale by nature in a Ht medium.
13) None of the concepts written above (in 2010) is on the lists of "advanced" programs formulated in the recent and earlier years (and in "new" formulations of disciplines) in academic, university, government programs. And that is a signal of misleading development in the contemporary conventional Homogeneous Particle Physics.
Excerpts (2014) from:
Hierarchical Polyphase Polyscale Concepts for Heterogeneous Media of Spinning Particles and Spinning Physics and for their Modeling
1) The Spinning Fields of Aether (SFA) are the aether's phenomena. Meaning, that any SFA is the component, one of the components of the aether that has an immediate interaction with the Spinning fields of the particles.
2) The Spinning Fields of MO (Material Objects) are the whole group of related phenomena, such as: a) The velocity fields of the surface and interior of the sub-atomic particles (SaP); b) The fields of EM phenomena within the sub-atomic particles; c) The structure fields - 3D spatial fields ascribing the sub-atomic particles array in its spatial 3D formation including its volumetric and surficial characteristics; d) The fields of gravidynamics of the spinning particles.
3) The sources of the Spinning Fields are the properties of classical spin of the sub-atomic particles or macroscopic particles rotation (spinning), but not the torsion of the points that "like" imitates the dynamics of volumetric bodies of the particles. How is it happening with the details of physics and with the governing equations only the HSP methods allow to state and model, but neither PVT (Shipov) nor other Homogeneous, One Phase, One Scale theories are capable to explain and deliver this.
4) Why the SaP are spinning? We don't know this yet.
5) Interplay of the EM and the spinning fields? This is the great question. The matter is that the polyphase EM fields, either of Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz or Hierarchical Galilean Electrodynamics (Klyushin) with Scaleportation in the 5th Dimension, when being transported Up or Down are carrying with them and additional interscale components that are not visible and understandable when within the separate one scale even the 2-phase modeling.
That means - the spinning fields have components of velocity, and of EM fields, and of mass transport, let alone as the effect of the gravidynamic fields.
6) Self-generation of Spinning fields? It's coming from the same source of self-rotation of sub-atomic particles. Why no one asking - Why the "elementary" particles are spinning, rotating ? Where they came from with the energy for their rotation?
7) Contrary to the perception of existing Homogeneous "torsion" physics in which the definition of the "Own Spinning Field" has the meaning of some unstructured field that exists in the space volume Outside of the manifold of spinning particles (bodies of particles) we pursue the physical means for all Spinning Fields.
When in a 3P reality the natural definition of some field that exists and
belongs to any of spatially separate component of a material particles
manifold is to designate that - the "Own Spinning Field" (OSF) of a manifold
(of particles, aether components, atoms, etc.) is the averaged spatially the
same local fields of this or that physical nature - of
The subscript number means the array of specific sub-atomic particles, for
example, array of electrons will be designated as
with its volume
photons array as
with its volume
protons array as
with its volume
neutrons array as
with its volume
So, naturally would be also to designate that the
is the field that is existing in the aether's sub-phase as the
which is to be the sub-phase 0 of the aether that is in an immediate
interaction, contact with the material sub-atomic particles - electrons,
photons, nucleons first of all.
The aether penetrates the whole volume occupied by an atom excluding those particles just we said above. Right now this simplified morphology spatial construction is reasonable and well fit to other features of a material substance - experimental and theoretical.
8) It is strange that researchers in small scales physics prefer to think, imagine the subject either of a vacuum or the aether mostly as of a Homogeneous gaseous or just elastic medium? But Homogeneous? Why is that? That is the result of education in these parts of physics.
The aether must be of the pretty unusual or even unexpected nature, structure and composition.
Today we can build upon the aether's structure using mostly the available experimental data.
9) We accept the aether as a polyphase medium, with the part of it (phase) may be of gaseous or fluid-like medium.
All "phases" of the aether are interactive. At least one of aether's "phase" is responsible for "data storage" and recreation and reincarnation of subjects - phantoms in "torsion" physics experiments.
Amazing are the phenomena of "reincarnation" of previous human life presence (in various realizations, numerous historical records), "elementary" particles creation in the aether, etc., etc..
At least the another one "phase" of the aether is responsible for an
immediate interaction with the material sub-atomic particles
or we can designate
but the last assumption is still the approximation.
10) The "phase"
according to numerous experiments in "torsion" mechanics (first of all) and
analysis can be accepted as the fluid-like medium with the
property of "friction" with the material's
interfaces, or better to say with the rough surfaces of material subjects'
atoms and sub-atomic particles at the irregular surface of interface. And it
is understandable as soon as then there is no actual
"interface" between the aether and the atoms, molecule at the continuum
11) There are two, at least, kinds of interaction at the "interface" of the aether and the material objects.
First is of the interaction between the sub-atomic particles and the aether
component, "phase"
Let we name this interface as the
Another one type of interface is between the continuum phase body, particle
and the aether. Name it as the
It is still the simplified description of interfaces between the aether and
other material objects.
12) All physical media where the Spinning (Rotation) features are experimentally found, present, confirmed consist at least of the two "phases". One "phase" - that is the spinning, rotating volumetric objects, particles ("particles") of the 3D shaped volumes.
The second "phase" is the intermedium phase, mostly consisting of the aether, but not exclusively.
13) Any problem in this at least 2-phase medium should be stated, considered, modeled and simulated as the local-nonlocal at least 2-phase problem including the sub-atomic particles phase and the aether phase. We don't use the term "physical vacuum" mostly because in physics community of "torsion" physicists this term is associated with the Physical Vacuum Theory (PVT) of G.I.Shipov that is in its turn directly connected, communicated to the SR and GR that are impaired theories and recognized as being found with numerous inconsistencies and faults. So, the term "physical vacuum" is a compromised term.
Also the physical vacuum term embraces the features connecting it to COHP that is in its turn compromised because of numerous inconsistencies and faults within COHP itself that can not be stated as the base for the 2nd Physics.
14) Any problem related to the spinning fields of the local (also named (Bobrov [11]) the "own" spinning field) and the nonlocal Upper scale spinning field should be studied generalized for all the space of interest. That means the both at least spinning (rotating) fields should be considered as inseparables.
15) Mathematics that is accepted as the universal applicable science, meanwhile, is not the final theory for all physical problems.
16) Mathematics should be taken into account and used in a frontier physics as the Spinning physics as the inseparable part of the physical reality.
17) The word "torsion" is compromised in regard of application to the highly controversial, but considered as to be found with the numerous experimental confirmations, part of Spinning physics because this term firstly was used by mathematicians for the mathematical purposes, theories and continue to be used widely, and justified as for the Homogeneous media.
Meanwhile, the subject of spinning, rotating 2-phase at least - but not only twisted media is the area of interest in the part of physics that at present has been named as "Torsion" physics also.
Twisting media is the simplified reality of the Homogeneous Continuum Mechanics physics with Twisting of a Single Phase and is not applicable to the sub-atomic world phenomena with Rotating particles of the sub-atomic scale (size). Meanwhile, Twisting medium is continued to be a legitimate subject for study as for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous media.
Up to the present time the twisted, torsion media have been considered and have theories as of only Homogeneous nature and origin.
18) To the present time the theories of Homogeneous media Twisting (not Rotation or Spinning) and of Curvature that have being developed in works by G.I.Shipov (PVT) and M.W.Evans (ECE) and their co-authors are still applicable to only the Homogeneous media.
That is the fundamental notice (concept) which bans application of Homogeneous PVT and ECE along with their governing equations to the natural media consisting of at least the two phases - spinning, rotating particles and of the intermedium - aether, air, or other substances.
We are not presenting and discussing here the other compromising and impaired features and accusations of blunders in both theories PVT and ECE that are known in the specialized literature on this kind of COH theoretical physics.
The R.Weitzenbock geometry spaces also don't save the situation regarding the Homogeneous mathematical spaces and Heterogeneous matters in physics.
The treatment of all space media as the single phase medium logically and mathematically is insolvent. Those attempts have been in the development throughout the XIX and XX centuries and finalized anyway in the theories based on the Heterogeneous vision of composite polyphase media after the WWII only.
At present - up to 2015, there is not even a single problem that has been solved in Spinning ("torsion") Physics with an applied physical and mathematical model throughout all these years of "Like Theories" that have being used for explanation of the "torsion" physics. And this is not surprising - theories have being inadequate, taken based on inadequate COH physics.
Meanwhile, there are suitable, appropriate initial scaled mathematical models for Spinning Physics that in HSP already have been solved for 18-20 years in the 1990s as, for example, in -
19) Because of the reasons stated in the previous clauses on "torsion" physics it is desirable to coin another name for the field more fitting to the physical subject, to the phenomena in the field as - the name Spinning or (Rotation, Rotary), not Spin, for the rotated objects and Spinning Polyscale physics about these objects and effects communicated to them for the scales from the sub-atomic and up to the Continuum Mechanics ones, as the only physically connected to the discussed physical phenomena regarding rotated objects in the spaces, phases of the physical world.
20) The terms as "torsion," Spinor Analysis should be left for Homogeneous media phenomena, Homogeneous Mathematics that is actually a common practice in physics.
21) Spinor Analysis it is the Homogeneous Medium Twisting Dynamics Mathematics of Twisting Points - not Particles, not Rotation, not Spinning over 360°, not Composite Spinning. Spinning (Rotating) the Sub-Atomic Particles Media Give the Different Physics and Math.
Instead of that - if the sub-atomic and alike volumetric objects, particles (rotating, spinning) had been accepted and included into atomic, particle, and nuclear physics, into analysis at the beginning of XX - then mathematicians of XX had to have the Scaled Heterogeneous Mathematics (SHM) for at least the Two-scale Heterogeneous media. Then the rotating particles could be treated, analyzed and modeled. Also they would need the aether presence as the part of the polyphase medium.
This was not possible at the beginning of XX.
22) At present, the many problems of rotating particles (spinning) at the sub-atomic, nuclear, and atomic scales can be (and should) stated and modeled as the two and more phase problems:
23) The field(s) in physics and biophysics that is about of connection of rotating objects, particles in the 2-phase (or more) media should be considered and studied firstly as the part of physics, but not as a mathematical theory that might or might be not relevant or useful to physics. That means the physical experimental outcomes, explanations, statements are first of all the physics issues.
Meanwhile, the theoretical, mathematical ideas, theories, methods should be built upon that and for the results verification.
24) Right now the physical and mathematical methods, statements for Spinning (Rotation) physics can be built and was built on the foundation of HSP (Hierarchical Scaled Physics) that for almost 50 years has being developed for many physical and engineering sciences and technologies. The single and unified resource for HS physics, biology, biophysics, medicine and other sciences and many Scaled technologies based on them or using them are - (with more than 1000 of the 2-nd physics themes, areas in it) and hard copy publications - see references.
25) Modeling, simulation, and design of experiments for Spinning physics problems written in a strict Heterogeneous, Polyphase mathematical form, statements are available at present [1,3,7,10,14,16].
26) The presentation of spinning, rotating particles (sub-atomic first of all) in COHP and consequently in "Torsion" physics as the mythical point-mass-charge-spin("torsion") dots has been prohibiting the correct Heterogeneous, Polyphase vision and treatment of the problems in physics of rotating particles (even of Continuum Mechanics scale) that have dynamics of movement in the volume filled with the aether or other substance, but not with the "quantum vacuum" widely used in COHP or the "physical vacuum" that has in COHP also the incomplete description of "nothing" with the ability to create the sub-atomic particles. Up to these days students are fooled with books on "quantum vacuum" priced in tens of dollars?
These latter "vacuums" are not the substances or media in COHP, there is no interaction between those and the sub-atomic particles, so the particles are hanging, moving within the "nothing" with some electromagnetic properties ("nothing" cannot have any property) while having the "action-at-a-distance" between themselves throughout this "nothing" and with pretty simplistic or simply wrong the Lorentz force formula, etc.
By the way - the Lorentz force formula can not be generalized for multiple particle interaction correctly in COHP "Electrodynamics 2 - Elements 3P", [18,19] just because COH physics doesn't know how to do this?
There is no intermedium, the particles are the point-mass-charge-spin objects and there are no tools, methods, Heterogeneous mathematics in COHP for this task. The "methods" that are in use in COHP as with the Lagrangians or the Hamiltonians that are defined locally, and as the known interactions are totally reducible to local-differential and potential treatments are not applicable to the issues on collective interactions and should be left to the XVIII century where they came from.
While COHP physicists cannot confess on this "top secret" shame knowledge, sorry for reminding.
The various theories of aether recognize at least that this is the substance with not known so far many characteristics. Nevertheless, acceptance of aether as a substance with some known features justify at present all the physics of known mostly experimentally Spinning (rotating, but not twisting) particles dynamics and interactions within the scale of interest as well as between the scales and up to a Continuum scale. The properties of physical effects allegedly considered as of the Spinning physics related and associated other necessary physical effects (3P as magnetic, electric, gravity) can be found, theorized, studied experimentally and modeled now in a mathematically correct way.
27) It is our privilege to say that any experimental study in Spinning Physics provided for the last ~50 years are the studies on polyphase effects of aether regarding the collective interaction of subatomic and larger rotating particles (bodies) and any of these experiments can be analyzed only with the application of HSP techniques, for example, as noted on some of these in - Experimental Science in Heterogeneous Media
The difference in the HSP theory and mathematical implementation for
Spinning ("torsion") physics is so large that
principal physical and mathematical models, modeling and simulation are
qualitatively different in comparison to Homogeneous one scale governing
equations and statements in COHP. It is not that the one, two terms or coefficients
are different,
it comes to different kinds of governing equations with additional physical
phenomena that are not seen in the COHP statements.
That is why the direct comparison is only partially possible
[8-10, 13-15] while physics is different whatsoever.
These are exactly the issues that show and explain the qualitative
differences between Spinning ("torsion") physics theories
proposed in the COHP and HSP.
So far no other theory in physics being able to follow the details of physical nature for Spinning Physics experiments and respond with the credible explanation and models of local and nonlocal character.
28) The definitions of the "quantum vacuum" widely used in COHP and of "physical vacuum" introduced and used in PVT (Physical Vacuum Theory) by G.I.Shipov should be abandoned for Spinning Physics as long as these are the concepts developed first of all for mathematical purposes in particle, quantum and some other fields of COH physics that bare no physical communication, direct relation to physical properties (volumetric particles or point-mass-charge-spin objects?) of spinning sub-atomic particles and their collective polyphase dynamics.
Instead of those should be restored and used in full force the definition(s) of the aether - that have the major advantage - among others, in comparison to "quantum vacuum" and "physical vacuum" - it is the Second or better to say - the First phase in the two-phase, at least, physics, physical tasks of the sub-atomic particulate media and of the entirety of General Physics.
Stating this does not mean in any way to present the aether as the known, simple and easily explainable substance or medium for introduction of the properties of unknown to us the whole universe of the larger even volume then that is around of us material world.
The COH physics wrongly and shamelessly continues to represent the sub-atomic media as the ONE-PHASE media or as the polyparticle, but not polyphase or, at least, the two-phase media even with the unphysical, mathematical intermedia as "quantum vacuum" and/or "physical vacuum." And this means that in COHP have been existing only particulate media without physical medium of interaction.
All of this, as we wrote in many analytical texts, papers on sciences and fields, has being developed and used because the COH physics cannot accommodate - no qualification or/and brainpower, too much of redone, re-assessed things should be built, for the correct approach to the sub-atomic world physics as to the polyphase polyscale physical media with the polyphase polyscale physical phenomena and dynamics throughout the whole XX and the beginning of this XXI.
29) We would hypothesize that the aether has also the Structure, and complicated structure that allows it to be tremendously capable for the saving and transport of what we call now as the Information or things that allow copying, saving, storing, to transduct, and transport the great deal of structured data with the ability for these data to be reproduced in a physical materialized form.
To present the aether as the substance of the only continuum physical incarnation, as the one phase substance - is the very simplistic theory, point of view and the experimental properties of the aether do not fit into this model already.
30) The interaction of aether with the material world is the two way course (process) - from material world to the aether and from the aether to the material world.
31) It is not obvious at present that the aether has only material competence.
32) There are number of physical properties that characterize the spinning of volumetric particle that can be accepted as the specific quantitative properties of spinning (rotating) particle. These properties are present at each scale of hierarchy, but they are of not equal quantity and quality.
33) There are the numbers of following mechanical properties of a single spinning volumetric particle that characterize the particle's dynamics in the local system of coordinates: 1) volume of particle; 2 ) surface of particle; 3) mass of the particle; 4) one axis of rotation; 5) angular speed of rotation; 6) precession; 6) nutation; 8) angular momentum; 9) distribution of mass of the particle; 10) distribution of velocity of the particle - velocity of medium inside of the particle; 11) might be taken and the surface velocity distribution of the spinning particle (is important for the scaleportation model and simulation);
34) There are the numbers of following electromagnetic properties of a single spinning volumetric particle that characterize or might characterize the particle's electrodynamics in the local system of coordinates. The most important seems now are: 1) charge of the particle if it is a constant; 2) distribution of charge in the particle; plus the mechanical properties above.
35) .......
46) .....
47) Why physicists, some of them, in "torsion" physics like and accept the analogies to the material world in the models for the aethereal world?
Why they should be close in construction and function ?
This is not justifiable, this demand.
48) ........
49) None of the concepts written above (2014-2015) is on the lists of "advanced" programs formulated in the recent and earlier years (and in "new" formulations of disciplines) in academic, university, government programs. And that is a signal of misleading development in the contemporary conventional Homogeneous Particle and Nuclear Physics, Classical Mechanics (surprise), and Spinning physics that COHP physicists mix with the spin Homogeneously explained phenomena.
It will be interesting to provide here in this communication some striking examples of inadequacy of governing equations for particles in COHP.
According to COH physics Classical Mechanics for dynamics of Rigid Bogy (of
movement the momentum equation should be
are forces on the particle, disctribution of forces over the external surface
of the particle, and
are forces, disctribution of forces inside of the body of continuum of the
particle - internal forces.
Considering the Spinning particles in the aether we will have in HSP the equation that will be pretty different from the COHP's above
where electric and magnetic fields are supposed to be of already found or averaged via the additional model fields.
Then, the upper scale dynamic equation for electrons (or other sub-atomic particles) is with the constant mass of electron (or while consider its mass change negligible for a moment, otherwise mathematics for this equation will go much more complicated)
and the whole averaged r.h.s. of the equation
All the definitions and mathematics of equations development are given in [2-4,8-10,12-15].
With the r.h.s. averaged electrodynamics
force field
(subscript 1 is for electrons) mathematics using the developments for electrodynamics of the Lorentz force field term published in [19-20].
One can find in these two equations totally the 5 terms (1 in the Lower scale equation of particle dynamics and 4 terms having the separate physics in the Upper scale dynamics equation) that have not only the mathematical significance, but truly representative of the devoted physical phenomena of interaction with the aether.
This part of the model for sub-atomic particles spinning in the aether is missing in COHP either Lower and/or somehow averaged Upper scale models.
Worth to mention here, that this is completely impossible to deliver, analyze, provide some treatments, and simulation in the one scale COHP collective dynamics of particles cloud.
These equations meaning is that we can first in the field to do the study, simulations, and got solved the problems that are fundamental for the sense of the Spinning Physics itself, for General Physics and at the same time we can go along with experiments, experimental data simulation, experimental data explanation, experiment design, etc., etc.
We can solve or approach to the solution of fundamental for humanity problems, for example, like of the Fukushima radiation (decommissioning) problem and volcano eruption energy transduction.
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Any information displayed here is the proprietary information in the area of "Scaled Presentation of "Torsion" Mechanics in Polyphase Media".
These are not the well known problems, more is that they are being cared to hide - still can not be resolved within the Homogeneous One-Scale General physics, Spinning physics, nuclear, particle and atomic physics, electromagnetism, Gravidynamics and astrophysics.